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They thought it was over, and it should have ended.

The four deities in the first book of the emperor broke our cognition and became an insurmountable gap in everyone’s heart.

To this day, this mysterious author named [Have The Ability To Hit Me ‘Ah?] has reached the same height as the emperor, and also walked out of the four humanoid Deity with the book “Xian Ni”.

They are admired and admired.

Then, his another book, “Successful Demon”, once again came out of Deity Tiger, Hua Yanyue, Xinggan and Tian Xie Zi, the four Deity.

This is a Legendary, twice as high as the Prince.

However, when they thought it was over and thousands of planes would cheer the author, the imperial master did not leave, nor did the four Deity, which turned the truth into reality.

Until they saw a person walked out of the mountains and snow.

“I am in the dark night, looking at the light, I don’t long for the light to come, I just want to…become the darkness that the night can’t get rid of!”

“Even if it is moth flies into the flame! But outsiders do not know the cause and effect of the moth and the fire story, that is persistence, it is a struggle of life, it is not fire extinguished, or moth burning!”

“The so-called fairness is just a pity of powerhouse for the weak, and a pity for the weak to mourn and complain.”

“For 3000 years before the devil, look back at Fanchen not to be an immortal! Just for her, the palm is born and died!”

The man’s black hair was draped over his shoulders, and his dark eyes were filled with coldness, sharp edges, and strange feelings that made people want to be close, but did not dare to be close.

Until, he came to the four Deity in front of him, looked at his Master, looked at First Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother, and gradually smiled on his face.

“I forgot the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, I forgot innumerable living beings, I forgot myself, but I still can’t forget you…”

Deity, in this brief moment is completely formed.

One book and five Deity, Song Ren broke the record of the emperor of this world and broke his own record.

A step that everyone dare not think about.

The emperor turned around and added the words “Su Ming” on the wall.

Billions of stars began to drop the Lingyu for the fifth time, but everyone forgot to absorb it, and just looked at it dumbly. There are still five new Deities that have reacted to it.

【Spiritual Novels Network Congratulations to the author ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me ‘Ah?’ Condensed Deity Su Ming! 】

【Spiritual Novels Network rewards the author with a broken gun, a blood erosion handle, and a heaven punishment, Liaoyuan. 】

Heavenly Dao’s voice echoed until the Emperor Master slowly dissipated, and the five giant Deities suddenly moved in unison, tearing the space Secret Realm into it.

Today’s author of Emperor’s Composition [has the ability to hit me], it will be completely fired.

Everyone can foresee that he will resound through the twelve real worlds and thousands of planes in a short time.

Also, the video recorded today is the same.

One book, one book, four Divine Artifacts, and sixteen human figures Deity. He has far exceeded the ten statues owned by Emperor Zuo Suo, and has reached the man who does not show the mountain and has the most Deity.

Cheng Ling looked at the Master like this. The sky images of the sky he had sat on were superimposed with 5-Layer, and the imposing manner around him continued to increase, making her tremble.

Looking at everything as it was, everyone was in an uproar.

This is the fierce person, otherwise, it will be amazed the world with a single brilliant feat.

Give everyone’s senses at once, don’t want those who stimulate.

On the sky, the female emperor looked at his dissipation of Deity in a book and looked a little lonely.

The old man flew up and worried, “Young Master, are you okay? Don’t have too much pressure. Perhaps, this is good for you. Since you have written a book of four Deities, there has been an invisible pressure. Fear of others overtaking you.

You are their role model and leader, so many people are staring at each word and deed. Now, this honorary title is handed over to others. You can also rest assured that wholeheartedly do your own thing. “

After listening to old man’s words, the Empress Emperor looked suddenly enlightened, and suddenly smiled: “Thank you Uncle Li, I understand, that is honor, it is shackles, perhaps because of this worry, let me I haven’t walked out of a Deity until now, it’s time to let go.”

When I saw the Young Master like this, the old man smiled.

It should have been so.

“I am really looking forward to what kind of person he is.”

“Young Master, are you sure he will come to you?”

“Yes, this comes from a kind of induction between the emperor and the prince, but I don’t know, which universe he came from? How did it come?”

“en?” The old man suddenly turned around, looked towards the sky, where it should have dissipated, and how it changed to return to normal.

Some people can’t stand other blows at the moment.

Brother, brother, I know you are very difficult to deal with, you can leave it, you always seem to be very mentally handicapped like you are facing a higher civilization.

But everyone overlooked, the changes that Skyrim showed at the moment were synchronized to the twelve real worlds of this universe, in all planes.

I don’t know how many people were originally busy with their own affairs, and they all lifted the head with feeling.

On the sky, a pair of huge eyes overlooked the crowd. When they saw the eyes, people from all walks of life immediately saluted.

“See the Emperor!”

How did the Emperor Master come out?

There is no Emperor’s Composition author’s manifestation in the sky, and there is no report. How can it come out for no reason?

The last time I encountered this situation…

The crowd was stunned, and soon it was full of incredible.

The last time, when the emperor wrote astronomy, the emperor teacher appeared so abruptly.

Is it possible that astronomy is born again?

No way?

Shuiyue Tianzhen Realm, watching the emperor who had dissipated once again appeared, just looked at it dumbly.

You can perform as much as you like, we can just watch it.

Sure enough, those eyes turned into emperor division, and beside him, there was a military division with broken armor.

“The Tao is Tao!”


“You can be named!”

“Unusual name!”

“Nameless, the beginning of Heaven and Earth.”

“Famous, the mother of all things.”

The old but hong long long voice of the avenue echoes the sky, like one person said, like countless people’s recitation.

Then the military division said the same, as if it had returned to what it was just written in the Tao Te Ching.

Many people didn’t have time to clear the comprehension. What did this sentence mean, including the female emperor who had already prepared, trembled all over again, looking towards a whirlpool appeared behind the emperor and military division.

It was a vortex of yin and death, filled with cracks of death and intertwining.

It can be seen through the vortex that there is the yellow sky, the black earth, and there are countless two-headed people looking up to the sky. They want to rush out, but there seems to be an invisible ink film blocking them.

Until, someone walked out of it.

A middle age person with a crown on his head and a dilapidated yellow robe, his face cannot be seen clearly, but those red eyes with rotten godless eyes made countless people shiver. .

A tremendous amount of faintly discernable pressure, so that the bodies of millions and millions of creatures shook together and then bent.

Who is he?

Why have never seen it.

Even if the emperor wrote the astronomy, they only met the emperor, and they knew there was another military division.

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