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For seven days, with the preparation of Song Ren and Su Tang, it slowly arrived.

Su Tang’s family members still didn’t have time to come, they just got into a Level 4 plane of Shuiyue Naive World, and opened the Internet to watch the scene in front of them.

The two stood there.

Song Ren looked at Cheng Ling, who was in tears, and motioned to her to rest assured that he would definitely come back to pick her up.

He and Su Tang each have a ring in their hands. This is prepared by Fifth Continent. It contains a lot of High Rank armor, weapons, medicine pill and other necessities. For this, Song Ren is still quite For satisfaction and gratitude.

After all, he has only known Fifth Continent for just a few days. After a rough calculation, the quality of everything in the ring is the best choice. If converted into Spirit Crystal, it is at least worth a few. It’s not worth it.

Su Tang was still talking to his family, and at the end of the Internet, there were some exhorting words. At the end, he even wanted to video with him.

“Song Young Master, my daughter will take care of you, you must take care of her… right now…”

Song Ren was speechless for a while. I am half of the ancestral realm. Your daughter’s ancestral realm Middle-Stage is four small realm taller than me. Who will take care of whom?

But still smiling, watching each other makes them feel relieved.

Until, the cumbersome emperor seal on the two of them slowly condensed again, Fifth Continent immediately ordered the people around to disperse, and then, two rays of light soared into the sky, in the sky of the Star Dream City, condense Two huge emperor seals were created, and bursts of space fluctuations spread from them.

This made other people on the periphery looked at and was surprised.

Because those two Emperor Ziyins appeared on the Internet.

Oh my god, the two emperors actually appeared in the Shuiyue Naive Realm at the same time, are they in danger of life and death again?

Suddenly, countless news immediately spread to other real worlds.

Feeling the transmission fluctuation, Su Tang looked at Song Ren, his face flushed with excitement: “Song Young Master, see you in the Foreign Domain battlefield.”

“Okay, see you on the Foreign Domain battlefield!”

After the two agreed, Song Ren gave Cheng Ling a goodbye, and immediately, the rays of light went down and directly wrapped the two in, disappeared.

The Fifth Continent even released Divine Consciousness for the first time to see it, but there was nothing, which was disappointing.

“Don’t worry, they will be fine. You can stay in the Star Dream Capital. As for your family, I have sent someone to pick it up,” Fifth Continent said to Cheng Ling.

Cheng Ling wiped his tears, nodded, and then bowed: “many thanks fifth patriarch, do you have a Cultivation room here? I want Cultivation.”

Looking at Cheng Ling’s stubborn and firm eyes, Fifth Continent praised: “Yes, come with me—”


Song Ren felt that he was moving, but he didn’t seem to be moving. The colorful beams of light around him retreated like a thunderbolt, and his head was buzzing with impact, almost pulling people into long bars. The feeling was beyond words.

At the end, he clutched his head, screaming and holding on. If his cultivation base is higher, it must not be so uncomfortable.

xiu xiu xiu!

I don’t know where this is going to be teleported to. In the end, the speed is getting faster and faster, Song Ren’s eyes burst: “Is it here, my shit is about to come out——”


As soon as Song Ren’s words fell, he fell directly from the sky, ate a mouthful of soil, ignored other things, and vomited directly on the ground.

With the cultivation base of the half-ancestral realm, he was extremely nauseous, dizzy, his stomach was overwhelmed, and his head was confused, he released the Black Emperor for the first time, and then continued to vomit…

After the little one hour, Song Ren was lying limply on the ground, his whole body was about to collapse, and he looked weakly at all around.

This is a black earth, an earth-yellow sky. People who don’t know think it’s a fire star.

The surrounding air made him very uncomfortable, a bit cold, and more of a soul discomfort.

For some reason, Song Ren felt like he had seen it somewhere.

“Su Tang, Su Tang–” Song Ren yelled loudly after the dressing, but no one responded. Only the black emperor next to him was sticking his tongue out, his eyes were rolling, and his nose was shaking from time to time. Be on guard at all times.

Song Ren tried to sense the Heavenly Dao network, but there was nothing.


Next moment, Song Ren was a little surprised because he sensed something out of the ordinary. As Divine Consciousness continued to explore, in front of him, an alternative interface slowly condensed.

There are all his detailed information above.

Name: Song Ren.

From Universe Nine.

Emperor’s Composition eight parts, two astronomy parts.

Sixteen Deity and two Divine Artifacts.

Early-Stage cultivation base in the Half Ancestral Realm (the last one among the nine emperors).

Song Ren was speechless when he saw this place. As expected, he was the last one. Although he knew it, he still felt feverish on his face.

Sorry, I am ashamed of you.

But who made me the last emperor to rise? Su Tang is probably the second-to-last in Universe No. 8. The first seven should all be Peak of Ancestral Realm.

Song Ren continued to look at it. Behind it was a map. There was a red dot flashing and flashing, and there were eight earth-yellow dots flashing aimlessly.

Song Ren’s face was happy, it happened to be eight points, it must be the other eight emperors.

Because Song Ren hasn’t told him what the Foreign Domain battlefield is for since he finished his vomiting, he seems to have to explore it himself.

“Black Emperor, let’s go, look for Miss Su Tang to go–” After Song Ren finished cleaning up, except that the network could not be opened, everything else was normal, including Na Jie, so he was relieved and greeted the Black Emperor and left.

Hurrying like this for nearly an hour, according to the map, there is an earth-yellow point in front of him, and the point in front seems to sense him and approach quickly.

Song Ren has a look of excitement and anticipation. I don’t know if I met Su Tang first or the emperor of another universe.

But at the next moment, the Black Emperor, who had been running fast, suddenly screamed, looking very irritable and restless, Song Ren also stopped immediately.

The emperor, It shouldn’t be self-kill first, we should form an alliance first.

However, his face quickly changed, because on the panel, the surrounding earth-yellow spots were no longer eight, but… eleven.

This is not the emperor!


As soon as Song Ren reacted, he saw a huge mountain being thrown from the sky, and the Eight Talisman Gate under his feet flashed rapidly, and he fled out immediately.


The huge impact made the whole earth tremble. Song Ren’s long spear came out, and he saw a silhouette of about three meters in the distance rushing towards him. The Wolf Tooth Club in his hand left a trail on the ground. A long string of dust billowed.

This is an earth-yellow two-headed man. One of the foreheads has a sharp unicorn resembling a rhinoceros, the other seems to be cut off, and four fist-sized earrings are shaking.

Song Ren was even more at this brief moment, and immediately remembered why he was so familiar.

At the beginning, after he finished writing the complete “Tao De Jing”, Lord Three Human Sovereigns walked out from a place that resembled a deadly vortex. There was a black earth, an earth-yellow sky, and countless people wanted to rush out. The two-headed man is exactly the same as the one in front of him.

“Ulawa, Kashi, yell at you…” The two-headed man got faster and faster at the end, with rays of light bursting into his eyes and unknown words in his mouth.

What’s more terrifying is that he actually exudes the cultivation base of the Early-Stage of the Ancestral Realm, and then grabs the Wolf Tooth Club from the ground and jumps up.

Song Ren’s face was shocked, and he quickly stepped back: “Deity-Tang San!”

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