Zhao Youyou was a captain of the Jizhou Army. He was just thirty years old. His father died early and his mother was still alive. She was not in good health. His wife was virtuous and gave birth to a son and a daughter. The oldest child was less than ten years old. .

He has a happy family and does not want to lose his family, nor does he want his entire family to collapse due to his death.

So he came to ask "King Wu" for advice.

Zhao You had been guarding the checkpoint outside the valley and was familiar with the people in the valley, but had never seen the King of Wu himself, so he asked Chang Yan for help.

Chang Yan was very surprised, "I can inform you that Mr. Xu had better talk and he will definitely meet you. After the meeting, you don't call him 'King Wu', just Mr. Xu."

"Understood. Mr. Xu." Zhao Youyou nodded, with a slightly nervous look on his face.

Chang Yan was still confused, "Can you tell me what you want to ask first?"

"I think..." Zhao Youyou was a little confused himself, "I want to ask about a way to survive."


"I'm about to go on an expedition with the army. Going to Qinzhou is probably going to be a big battle. I hope... I can get Mr. Xu's guidance and let me come back alive. Everyone in the family is counting on me."

"Okay, I'll inform you." Chang Yan still didn't understand. After going out, he happened to meet the old servant and asked him: "Is the young master in the house?"

"No, it's over there in the cemetery. Is something wrong?"

"It's Captain Zhao who is guarding the valley outside, asking to see the young master."

"Zhao is useful? What does he want to do?"

"He is going out with the army and hopes to get some advice from the young master."

"Huh? The young master is not a fortune teller. What advice can you give him?"

"Who knows. Lao Zhao is a nice person, let the young master meet him."

"If he leaves, who will guard the entrance? Feng Juniang took away more than ten people, and Tian Jiang took six or seven people. We don't have many people left here. Hey, they said they were following the young master, but after only a short time, they all started to have different intentions. Escape cleanly..."

"I'm not leaving." Chang Yan said with a smile. He didn't want to listen to the old servant's nagging, so he said goodbye and went straight to the deepest part of the valley.

Xu Chu was weeding the grave mound. He was dressed like a farmer working in the fields, but his appearance was wrong and his movements were clumsy.

Seeing Chang Yan approaching, Xu Chu stood up, wiped the sweat from his face, and said with a smile: "I don't know what it was like in previous years, but the grass is really lush this year. Mr. Fan didn't choose the right place."

"Weeds, that's it. The grass in the south of the Yangtze River grows crazier. Someone wants to see the young master."

"Please come over?" Xu Chu didn't even ask who the guest was.

"It's Zhao Youyou who is guarding the valley outside. He wants to go out with the army. I hope to get some advice from the young master before leaving."

"What's the point?"

"He wants... to come back alive. He has a loving mother, a good wife and a son and a daughter at home... Zhao Youyou is a very talkative person, so..."

Xu Chu nodded, Chang Yan didn't say any more, and turned around to invite Zhao Youyou.

Xu Chu was very interested in this unexpected visit. He put down his sleeves and went back with his hoe, meeting the guest halfway.

Zhao Youyou took two hurried steps, cupped his hands and said, "Young man Zhao Youyou, I would like to pay my respects to Mr. Xu."

"General Zhao, you're welcome."

"What kind of general am I? I'm just a member of the famous team, in charge of a dozen soldiers." Zhao Youyou scratched his head and showed a silly smile.

"I will have the opportunity to become a general in the future." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Zhao Youyou grinned even wider, Chang Yan nodded silently and stood a little further away.

Zhao Youyou coughed twice and said, "I won't be polite. I'll tell you what I have to say. Tomorrow I will join the army in the westward expedition. The journey is far away and life and death are unpredictable, so I would like to ask Mr. Xu for some advice."

"If you're asking about general advice, I might be able to give you a few words. If you're asking about how to survive on the battlefield, I'm a layman, so I'd rather ask General Zhao for advice."

"What I want to ask about is the general strategy, but not that kind of general strategy, but... how should I put it? What do you think Mr. Xu's chances of winning this battle are? Will there be any changes in the middle? Knowing this, I know how much effort I should make. . As for when the two armies actually fight, it’s just luck, and some people on the side that wins will die.”

"Are you going to Qinzhou with the army?"

"Yes, we will set off tomorrow. We will go to Mengjin first, join up with the Bingzhou, Huaizhou and Dongdu armies, and then go to Tongguan together. From there, we will split into two groups. One way will go to Hanzhou, and the Jingzhou army will attack from the north and south. The other way will enter Qinzhou. I don’t know how to fight specifically.”

"The Eastern Capital will also send troops?"

"The King of Liang is a man who knows the current affairs. He surrenders to the heroes around him one by one. It depends on his intentions. As long as he can retain the title of King of Liang, he is willing to hand over the Eastern Capital. Haha, we all said in private that King Liang and King Wu... with Mr. Xu is incomparable." Zhao Youyou coughed twice, thinking that he had said a little too much.

Xu Chu didn't pay attention, and thought for a while, "General Zhao goes on an expedition, which things should he prepare himself, and which things should be distributed by the government?"

"Uh... bring your own bedding, a change of clothes, etc. Oh, I can bring a follower. I will prepare daily necessities and leave them to the follower for safekeeping. If I need anything, I can ask him for it. Armor and weapons are issued by the government, but If you want something better, you have to spend your own money. The government provides one, and we can prepare up to two more. I would rather ride my own horse, because it is more familiar, and it will not be too troublesome if something happens. The young master may not know how valuable the government's horses are, and it would be fine if they died on the battlefield, but if they accidentally die of illness on the way, they will be in big trouble. "

Zhao Youyou talked a lot, Xu Chu kept nodding without interrupting.

"I have said so much, but I don't know if it is of any use?"

"General Zhao's name is 'Useful', so what he says is naturally useful." Xu Chu said with a smile, "How many horses has General Zhao prepared?"


"Where are the others?"

"Almost all one horse."

"Why do so few people prepare two horses?"

"Horses are very expensive, especially in the past year, when prices have doubled."

"Is this the only reason?"

"Not entirely, and... everyone feels that this battle will not be too difficult. The coalition forces of various states may be supported by the He Rong Department. When the Emperor of All Things and the General were alive, they never mobilized such a large-scale army. It should be easy to put down the rebels. If we were to attack Dongdu, and the opponent was Mr. Xu, I would definitely prepare another horse, and even ask my followers to bring an extra horse. No matter how much it cost, at least I could escape with my life. Hurry up."

Xu Chu also smiled, and then said: "My advice to you is to bring one more horse."

"Huh? Mr. Xu thinks that the rebels are difficult to pacify and this battle will be difficult?"

"I don't know the situation in Qinzhou. I just think it is safer to bring more horses. It will be good for you. As for what the benefit is, I can't tell you."

Xu Chu spoke vaguely, but Zhao Youyou listened very seriously. He cupped his hands and said, "I understand. I'll buy another horse as soon as I get back."

"Can I ask General Zhao a question?"

"Of course, I'm afraid I don't know enough and can't answer it."

"I just want to know why General Zhao came to see me?"

"So...you are Mr. Xu." Zhao Youyou said blankly.

"What is so special about 'Mr. Xu' that you should come and ask for advice on how to survive?"

"Mr. Xu is victorious in every battle, and..." Zhao Youyou lowered his voice slightly, "Mr. Xu is a direct disciple of Maitreya. He is a master of gods and Buddhas and a master of ghosts."

Xu Chu couldn't help but laugh, "I understand how to communicate with gods and Buddhas, but what does it mean to communicate with ghost masters?"

Zhao Youyou's expression changed slightly, "I shouldn't talk nonsense."

"It doesn't matter. There are no outsiders here. No matter what you say, I don't blame you, and neither do the 'gods and Buddhas'."

Zhao Youyou's expression returned to normal, but his voice became lower and lower, and he pointed to the depths of the valley, "Mr. Fan Guanfan."

"Is he a ghost master?"

"Yes, no, no, Mr. Fan must have ascended to heaven and become an immortal. He should be an immortal master. Mr. Xu is an immortal master." Zhao Youyou laughed twice inexplicably, "Siguo Valley is a spiritual place. Mr. Fan is here Apart from him, Mr. Xu is the only one in the world who is worthy of this valley. Thank you Mr. Xu for your advice. I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll buy a horse when I get back.”

Zhao Youyou said goodbye and left faster than when he arrived, looking in high spirits, as if he had obtained a lucky draw.

Chang Yan said goodbye for a while and came back soon, "Does Mr. Fan come every night? Zhao Youyou said that Mr. Fan teaches the secrets at night, and the young master is already a half-immortal."

Xu Chu smiled bitterly, "Have you seen me chopping firewood and weeding, looking like a half-immortal?"

"Honestly, it doesn't really seem like it. If Mr. Fan's ghost comes to visit at night, we should be able to hear strange noises. It's really strange. People who live in the valley every day are unaware of it, but people outside speak clearly. It was like seeing a ghost come before my own eyes.”

"That's what rumors often do."

Chang Yan shook his head, "What does the young master mean by asking him to prepare more horses?"

"He said the price of horses has skyrocketed. I thought it might become more expensive in the future, so I suggested he buy one early."

Chang Yanzhi laughed, "Zhao You used it to ask for advice from the immortal, but the young master gave him some helpful advice... When he comes back, at least he won't complain."

The two of them went back together, and Chang Yan asked again: "Master... do you really not care about this battle? The situation of the Golden Saint in Qinzhou is not good."

"What's wrong?"

"It's obvious that the old and new armies of the Advent Army are at odds. One is that Qinzhou is short of food. The other is that most of the Advent Army are old, weak, women and children. The third is that there are no young masters in charge. The fourth is that there are these four No matter how you think about it, you are no match for the Allied Forces of the States."

"Haha, you see four 'not good' points, and I see four 'good points'. The descending armies are at odds with each other, and foreign enemies are present, so they can make peace even if they are not at peace. This is one of them. Qinzhou is short of food, and the officers and soldiers must The second reason is that if you carry too much baggage, you will have to carry your family with you. When you return to your hometown, you have to fight bravely. The third reason is that the Golden Saint was originally very brave and knew how to advance but could not retreat. After entering Qin, she was able to endure. If you are defeated and leave, you have the style of a general and do not need others to sit in your place. This is the fourth step."

Changzhi said with a smile: "I can't argue with you, sir, but if the Golden Saint wins this battle, Jizhou will be in danger. First it was defeated in the Eastern Capital, and now it can't quell the chaos. Why should it be the leader of the states?"

Xu Chu put away his smile, "That's why we have to wait. This battle can at least establish the situation for the next two to three years. Can Tiancheng make a comeback? Who among the world's heroes is qualified to compete for the top spot? There will be some signs of it."

"I just want to know which situation is most beneficial to you and us here? I'm used to life here and I don't want to go out to fight anymore."

"Don't worry." Xu Chu said with a smile. He had already reached the door and put down the hoe. "I have to tidy up. There may be guests coming in the next two days."

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