Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 528: Risky Plan

Zhang Shiqing was half a head taller than the person in Xu Chu's memory, but he was dark and thin, and his face had no trace of the original innocence. The princess's arrogance had not changed, and her face was expressionless, as if she was looking at a stranger.

"You... lost weight." Xu Chu said.

"Yes." Zhang Shiqing replied coldly, "I'm here to tell you..."

"Did you know? Colorful is still alive."

"Huh?" Zhang Shiqing looked surprised, and in an instant he regained some of his old expression.

"She pretended to be you and was captured by the He Rong people. She was rescued by King Ning's soldiers in Xiangyang."

"Where is she?"

"I will leave her in Song Chuzhu, General Song's camp."

"Who is Song Tizhu?"

"He was originally a hero from Xiangyang, known as Song Qianshou, and he was also a disciple of Fan Guan."

"Why should you leave colorful with him?"

"My journey north this time is difficult, so I can't take her with me."

"Is this Song Tizhu trustworthy?"

Every time Xu Chu answered, it always aroused more questions, so he started from the beginning, from the situation in the world to the situation in Jingzhou, and then to Jiangnan, and finally said: "For a while, I can't find a better general than Song Dynasty." A safer place.”

When Xu Chu was talking, Zhang Shiqing remained silent. When the long speech was finished, she only cared about one thing. She raised her hand and patted her heart twice, "I thought Binfen died for me. I was sad for a long time." Zhang Shiqing He smiled and then immediately turned cold again, "Why are you here?"

Xu Chu was still sizing her up, "Aren't you trying to learn from me how to read the general trend? Why do you look like a pawn?"

"Your strategy is too boring, so I decided not to learn it. It would be more interesting to learn how to fight with the Golden Saint."

"You want to learn the art of war?" Xu Chu asked in surprise.

"The art of war is also boring. I'm learning to ride horses, archery, and wield swords, so that I can kill generals and capture flags on the battlefield."

"Huh?" Xu Chu was surprised.

"What, you think I can't do it?" Zhang Shiqing's eyes widened, "In a one-on-one fight, few people in the army can be my opponent. The Golden Saint said that I would be allowed to participate in the next battle..."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "It was just an accident. What did you say you wanted to see me for?"

"The Golden Saint sent me back first to ask you about someone."

"Does she know I'm coming?"

"Do you want to listen to me or not?"

"Who are you asking about?"

"Tan Wuwei."

Xu Chu was surprised again, "This is my sworn brother, very familiar to him - the Golden Saint should also know him."

"Golden Saint said that she met him in Dongdu. We know each other but don't know him well. I feel that this person talks too much and doesn't look like an honest person. However, I am afraid of missing out on talents, so I want to ask you."

"Please invite the Golden Saint to invite him here no matter what. The victory or defeat in the next battle will all depend on this person."

"Is he so powerful?" Zhang Shiqing was a little doubtful, "There are many famous generals in heaven, how come I haven't heard of any great deeds he has done?"

"Tan Wuwei is the sword in the box and the jade in the stone. Outsiders still don't know it."

"He does carry a long sword, but it doesn't look like he can use it. Is he really powerful?"


"Okay, anyway, that's what you said. I'll take it as you said it when I get back."

Zhang Shiqing was about to leave, but Xu Chu said, "Wait a moment."

"Anything else to say?"

Xu Chu hesitated for a while, "Forget it, we'll talk about it later."

Zhang Shiqing lowered his lips, walked to the door and suddenly stopped, "You can't let down the Golden Saint again." After saying that, he left without giving Xu Chu a chance to reply.

The next morning, Zhang Shiqing and a group of female soldiers took Tan Wuwei back to camp, but Jin Shengnu did not accompany them. It is said that she went to Liangzhou without stopping to check the situation, and recruited Yang Meng's army to join her.

Tan Wuwei's appearance has not changed much. He still carries the long sword and walks with his head held high, which is quite eye-catching.

Xu Chu came out of the camp, held his hands in his hands and said with a smile: "Why did the second brother come here?"

"It's hard to explain. Do you have wine? Let's talk while drinking."

Xu Chu specially invited Yin Fu, introduced him in the middle, and drank together in the tent.

Tan Wuwei didn't notice that Xu Chu was not a good drinker, so he drank freely while recounting his experiences.

Tan Wuwei was not reused under the King of Jin's account for a long time, and was sent to the border gate to guard the city. When the King of Jin surrendered to the Shanyu, and the border gates of Bingzhou had to be opened to the He Rong people, Tan Wuwei became more and more idle.

The Jingshi Army and the Yizhou Army attacked the tribes outside the Great Wall, and some people outside the Great Wall fled outside the Bingzhou Pass. They couldn't tell the difference between Qinzhou people and Bingzhou people, and they all regarded them as Central Plains people. Seeing that the pass was open, they swarmed in. They massacred and looted, claiming they were taking revenge.

The border generals did not dare to stop them and could only huddle in the city to protect themselves.

Tan Wuwei fabricated a decree from the King of Jin, mobilized thousands of soldiers, took advantage of the slackness of the tribes, and raided the camp where they kept the trophies. He did not take them away, but burned them all. Then he claimed that he was going to attack He Rongren's lair, and fled to Outside the fortress, he lured soldiers from various tribes to pursue him.

Only twenty or thirty people were willing to follow him out of the fortress, and the group hid and ran towards Qinbei.

The Qinzhou checkpoint was all under the control of He Rongren. Tan Wuwei and others could only continue to detour westward. They suffered a lot and lost more than half of their people along the way. If they hadn't met the Golden Saint who went to find the way, they would probably have died. Starve to death in the desert.

Tan Wuwei took another sip of wine and said with emotion: "I am acting out of impulse. Alas, I never thought that I, Tan Wuwei, would be acting out of impulse. If I could do it over again, I would never do such a stupid thing again. It's good now. King Jin has returned to Bingzhou. But I am in exile and cannot see him."

Yin Fu glanced at Xu Chu and asked silently: Is this man really the general you recommended?

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The matter has come to this, there is no point in regretting. The second brother arrived just in time. We are about to face a battle. Please give the second brother some advice..."

Tan Wuwei never refused such a thing and nodded: "I heard from the Golden Saint, why didn't you attack Liangzhou earlier and had to wait until now?"

Yin Fu said: "I had planned to attack the tribes outside the Great Wall earlier because I didn't want to cause any more trouble. Later, because of the fierce generals, I didn't want to force Liangzhou too much, so as not to endanger the life of the old King of Liang."

Tan Wuwei shook his head, "It was a mistake, a very bad decision. We had just defeated the tribes outside the Great Wall, and when Yang Meng's army was there, it was the best time to attack Liangzhou. I was soft-hearted and regretted it."

Yin Fu said with a smile: "We also have times when we are motivated."

"Well, it's a matter of emotion."

Xu Chu said: "The past is in the past. The important thing is now. Does the second brother think we can still fight?"

"How many troops do you have? The Golden Saint has never revealed the actual number to me."

"It's barely 30,000, and there's only 20,000 that can be used."

Yin Fu didn't expect Xu Chu to tell the truth, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Twenty thousand...where are the horses?"

"About two thousand."

"Too little." Tan Wuwei drank all the wine in the bowl and suddenly smiled: "But it's better than nothing. You can fight, but you need to use tactics."

Xu Chu said: "Liangzhou Yang Mengzhi joined forces with the Qiang people, and their strength has greatly increased..."

Tan Wuwei shook his head, "Fourth brother and Golden Saint have the same idea, do they want to conquer Liangzhou first?"

"Second brother, do you think this plan is inappropriate?"

"The attack on Liangzhou is just to find a way out and a foothold. It has no impact on the real powerful enemy He Rong people. This defeat means there is no way out. The winner will benefit temporarily, which is extremely unwise. Qiliang The state is desolate and there are few people. The Yang family has been running it for several generations, and it is difficult to win the hearts of the people. Even if the World Army wins, it will be difficult to gain a foothold, and it will just linger. "

Yin Fu looked at Xu Chu again.

Xu Chu asked very seriously: "How do you think this battle should be fought?"

"The He Rong people were defeated by Jingzhou, and the tribes outside the fortress were defeated by the Jishi Army. Their morale declined greatly, and they plundered a lot in the Central Plains. The new chanyu elected was still young, and everyone wanted to return. It was no longer the time when they first entered the fortress. Comparable, nothing to fear, can be defeated in one fell swoop.”

Xu Chu was silent, and Yin Fu asked in surprise: "Although He Rong's army is not as prosperous as in the past, it has hundreds of thousands of people supported by various tribes and soldiers from the Central Plains. How can it be defeated?"

Tan Wuwei said: "Surround them and annihilate them."

Yin Fu was even more surprised, "Our army only has 30,000 troops at most, and the enemy has hundreds of thousands of troops. How can we encircle them?"

"Prepare more flags, including the flags of the Advent Army, Liangzhou, and Jiuzhou."

Yin Fu was stunned, "A bluff?"


"What if someone from He Rong sees through it?"

"It's just a disastrous defeat. It's no different from sitting in the valley. It's just defeated earlier than attacking Liangzhou."

Yin Fu shook his head, "Our army and the He Rong people have been confronting each other for a long time, and we know each other's details. General Tan's move is definitely not feasible. It is safer to attack Liang and not use the banners of the Jishi Army and the Jizhou Army. , if the fierce general comes forward, the people can be stabilized.”

Xu Chu also felt that Tan Wuwei's strategy was too risky. "It's a good idea to set up multiple state flags. It can also be used to attack Liang."

"Liangzhou has not lost to the Central Plains states recently, so what's the use of raising a flag?"

Xu Chu thought for a while and asked: "Second brother thinks that He Rong people will be chaotic. Did he see it with his own eyes, or is it based on selfish speculation?"

"My selfish speculation, but I am absolutely not wrong. All the ambitions of the He Rong people depend on one person with a strong arm. Once he dies, everyone just wants to take their belongings and return to the outside of the Great Wall. They no longer have the intention to fight to the death."

Seeing that Xu Chu seemed to be wavering, Yin Fu interjected: "False flags cannot deceive the He Rong people. The mountains here are high and the valleys are deep. It is difficult for Mr. Xu to bring thousands of people. How can there be reinforcements from Kyushu? The He Rong people categorically don't believe it. They Maybe you don’t want to fight to the death, but with more strikes and fewer blows, it’s still okay.”

Tan Wuwei said with a smile: "Warriors, this is an extraordinary thing. If we take the ordinary path, the fewer will be able to defeat the many, and the weak will be unable to defeat the strong. We don't need to fight, just compare our strengths, surrender directly, and accept the slaughter at your neck."

Yin Fu was displeased, "You don't have to take an ordinary path, but you don't have to take a dangerous path that leads to death. There is still some difference between a 10% chance of winning and a 50% chance of winning."

Tan Wuwei sighed: "A 50% chance of winning can only relieve immediate worries, but a 10% chance of winning can eliminate distant worries. Which one is better?"

Yin Fu responded with a sneer, Xu Chu raised his glass and made a toast to smooth things over and drop the topic.

Without further speculation, Yin Fu left first and Xu Chu was sent to the gate of the camp. Yin Fu said: "Tan Wei is exaggerating and has no experience in leading troops, so he should not be reused. It is better to let him lead thousands of troops first, and then promote him after he is effective." "

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "General Tan and I are both guests, so we naturally have to obey the master's arrangements."

Yin Fu mounted his horse with the help of the guards, "Young Master Xu must be the general himself. We will discuss it again when the Golden Saint comes back."

Xu Chu returned to the tent and saw that Tan Wuwei had fallen asleep. He smiled and turned around, feeling hesitant in his heart. Suddenly he saw Zhang Shiqing talking and laughing with a group of female soldiers in the distance, and he felt hesitant again.

Tang Weitian was holding a long spear and stood opposite the female soldiers, his face ashen, as if he was competing in martial arts.

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