Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 552: History Revision

Now is no longer the time when the world is in chaos. When the emperor comes to visit, no one can stay at home and wait. Even staying in the city is rude. They must go to the edge of the counties under their jurisdiction a few days in advance to build colorful sheds and then burn incense and bathe. Wait for the emperor.

As the king of Yecheng, Tan Wuwei occupied almost the entire Jizhou. He led his ministers to a place close to Mengjin and built dozens of colorful sheds along the way for the emperor to stop and rest.

Tan Wuwei was determined to satisfy the emperor. He built the colorful shed tall and gorgeous, and prepared exquisite wine and food. In his words: "The emperor does not tour every year, and when he finally comes out, even if he spends all the treasury, he must do it well." entertain."

Xu Chu was the person the emperor wanted to see, so he naturally had to follow him. He did not embarrass Tan Wu Wu, and packed his luggage and set off without saying a word. He did not agree with Tan Wu Wu's extravagant behavior, but kept his mouth shut. He didn't say a word or said anything. When Tan Wuwen asked, he just gave a general compliment.

The era of counselors' advice has passed, and Xu Chu understands this truth.

The pioneer officials sent by the imperial court came one after another to guide the affairs here and give advice on everything. After receiving the generous gifts, they immediately became amiable and helped King Yecheng arrange everything properly.

At noon that day, the emperor finally arrived. There was a lot of traffic and flags flying. Most people knelt down to greet him in advance. After waiting for half an hour, they still didn't see the dragon chariot the emperor was riding in.

As a king of princes, Tan Wuwei did not have to kneel down in advance. He took Xu Chu with him and whispered: "Back then, when the Emperor of All Things went out, the pomp and regulations were so grand and there were so many rules?"

Xu Chu thought for a while, "I have never traveled with the Emperor of All Things. I have only participated in a few grand ceremonies. Well, the pomp and ceremony are huge, there are many rules, and the etiquette officer monitors it. Talking in a low voice like us is absolutely not allowed. Yes. Once, we stood from morning until evening without any rest, food or drink, and several elders fainted on the spot.”

"Haha, no wonder everyone wants to be the emperor."

Xu Chu looked over in surprise, and Tan Wuwei said hurriedly: "In the past, I am talking about the past, but it is different now. When Mingjun is alive and the world is unified, no one dares to have such worries."

A group of knights galloped forward. When they were not far away, the leader dismounted, took a few steps forward, knelt down to Tan Wuwei, then stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the King of Ye City is here to pay homage."

The emperor's envoy was respectful and courteous. Tan Wuwei was very satisfied. He nodded and said to Xu Chu, "Fourth brother will come with me to pay homage."

"It would be rude to leave without announcing it. I'd better wait here."

"Fourth brother understands better." Tan Wuwei did not force him. He went with the envoy to pay homage to the emperor's carriage. He came back quickly and led the way on foot, followed by a carriage.

The car was slightly larger than an ordinary vehicle, but otherwise there was nothing special about it.

The etiquette officer announced the salute loudly, and everyone followed it. The mountains shouted long live, and the sound shook the sky.

The carriage stopped for a moment and drove to the colorful shed. The ministers stood up. In just one glass of wine, the emperor boarded the carriage and set off for the next colorful shed.

The emperor's many attendants, at least two thousand of them, either on horseback or on foot, passed by on the main road. The officials watched and admired, and then they mounted their horses and followed him.

There are still 5,000 cavalrymen twenty or thirty miles behind, and people from Yecheng are staying to receive them.

Xu Chu was puzzled that the emperor didn't seem to want to summon him. He suspected that Tan Wuwei had misunderstood the emperor's request.

The team was marching very slowly and could not reach Yecheng that day anyway. They had to take a rest on the way. Tan Wuwei had already made preparations and built a temporary camp at a suitable place, making sure that the emperor and others could live comfortably.

Tan Wuwei held a banquet to honor the emperor, and important subordinates were allowed to attend. Soon after, some low-ranking generals who were acquainted with the emperor were also invited.

Xu Chu was neither of the two groups, so he stayed in the tent, eating and drinking alone.

The guard suddenly came in, "Mr. Xu, there is a strict editor outside who wants to see you."

"Please come in." Xu Chu stood up, not remembering that he had ever known such an "editor".

The guest entered the tent, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for many years. Is Mr. Xu okay?"

"The people of the mountains and wilds are just prolonging the years. Your Excellency is..."

"Mr. Xu, don't you remember me? Speaking of which, we are still the same disciples."

Xu Chu finally had an impression, "Yan Wei?"

The person who came was none other than Yan Wei, one of Fan Guan's disciples in his later years. He was known for his cleverness and eloquence. He once followed Kou Daogu, but at some point he switched to Song Qizhu and got the position of "editor".

Yan smiled and said: "That's right."

"Please take a seat quickly."

The two sat down and chatted for a while. Xu Chu was not particularly familiar with him, and he didn't know what his purpose was, so the conversation was a bit awkward.

After chatting for a long time, Yan Wei got down to business: "Today's emperor is wise and powerful, and he attaches great importance to culture and education. Not long after he took office, he established a history museum to immortalize Tiancheng's losses and Chu's gains, and to teach future generations how to start a business and keep it. Please cherish it more.”

"It should be so, but is Yan Bianxiu presiding over the revision of history?"

"Haha, there are so many elites in the imperial court, how can it be my turn to preside over it? The Marquis of Changsha, Guo Xiang, presides over it, and I am one of the seventeen editors, doing some odd jobs to fill in the gaps."

"Historians put pen to paper and never change it for thousands of years. What they do with strict compilation and editing is not just a chore."

"Haha, I would be very grateful to Mr. Xu for understanding, so Mr. Xu is willing to help?"

"I'm willing to do a small job, but I don't know what I can do to help?"

"It's hard to say now. I'm here just to say hello in advance." Yan Wei no longer mentioned the history compilation. He just chatted and talked about knowledge. He said that Yu Zhan went to Siguo Valley and envied him. He didn't leave until the second watch.

The emperor's banquet was still going on, and Xu Chu had already gone to bed.

After traveling for several days, they arrived in Yecheng. The welcoming ceremony was even more grand. The soldiers and civilians who watched the ceremony lined up from ten miles outside the city to the city, and the voices of "Long live" continued.

Xu Chu had never been summoned. Tan Wuwei was busy running around. When they met occasionally, they could only say a few words in a hurry.

But the emperor didn't say he didn't want to see anyone, so Xu Chu had to stay in the city. Thinking back to Yan Wei's visit and what he said, he was not willing to participate in it, but he couldn't think of a way to avoid it.

On the first night in the city, another "editor" came to pay a visit, and he was also someone Xu Chu knew.

Lan Ruofu was originally Bao Dun's trusted aide. After Bao Dun was defeated and killed, he turned to the King of Chu and was highly valued. Now he is a confidential official in the Secretariat and a part-time editor, which is much higher than Yan Wei's status.

After meeting Xu Chu, Lan Ruofu only expressed his admiration, without mentioning Bao Dun, let alone who ordered the burning of Siguo Valley.

After chatting for a long time, Lan Ruofu finally brought up the business: "Mr. Xu, have you met Yan Bianxiu?"


Lan Ruofu sighed lightly, "Today I know how difficult it is to compile history, and it takes ten years. Especially since the chaotic times have just passed, only one in a hundred maps and books remain, and there are few survivors, and everyone has their own selfish desires. Many things seem to be clear, but when you really write down and make a conclusion, they are obscure. It's difficult, really difficult."

"Although it is difficult, it will benefit the world."

"In fact, Yan Bianxiu and I visited Mr. Xu for the same thing."

"Oh? Yan Bianxiu refused to reveal the details."

"Hehe , Yan edited and edited carefully. As I said just now, there are not many people who survived the turbulent times, and it is even rarer to know someone or something at the time. Mr. Xu has traveled all over the world, met many people, and experienced many things. This time, Mr. Xu's help is necessary for the history. "

Xu Chu had guessed that it would be like this, and smiled and said: "Thank you for your high regard, but I traveled all over the world many years ago, and I have forgotten 70% of my experiences. The remaining two or three points are mostly errors and confusion. Moreover, when Your Majesty established the throne, I did not follow him, and I knew almost nothing. How dare I make arbitrary comments and comment on the heroes of the world? "

Lan Ruofu persuaded for a long time, but Xu Chu insisted on not allowing it.

Lan Ruofu finally said: "Although Mr. Xu doesn't remember everything, there must be someone or something he remembers, right?"

"I don't know what Lan editor is referring to."

Lan Ruofu was silent for a moment, "For example, Lord Guo."

Guo Shifeng was awarded the title of Changsha Marquis, and he was also the first prime minister of the Chu Dynasty. He was in a high position and had great power. When the emperor toured, he assisted the prince to stay in Kyoto and did not follow.

Xu Chu nodded and said, "Of course I have, but I don't know about Lord Guo's experience in assisting the Emperor Longxing."

"What about before that? It is said that Lord Guo and Your Majesty first met in Xiangyang."

"Outside Xiangyang."

"Mr. Xu, how much do you remember about that time?"

Xu Chu tried to think for a while, "I only remember that we met in a military camp outside Xiangyang, and Lord Guo seemed to be a subordinate of King Ning at that time."

Lan Ruofu nodded, "Yes, at that time Your Majesty was hiding in the mountains, and Lord Guo was a minister under King Ning. Is there anything else?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "No."

"Whose military camp? Who else was there? What did Lord Guo talk about with Mr. Xu?"

Lan Ruofu asked a series of questions, and Xu Chu shook his head, indicating that he didn't remember.

Lan Ruofu sighed again about the difficulty of compiling history, and finally said goodbye.

The next afternoon, Yan Wei came to visit again. After a few words, he said, "Lan Bianxiu has been here? Mr. Xu, be careful. He is a confidant of Xiang Guo. He wants to use Mr. Xu's mouth to exonerate Xiang Guo."

"I don't even know whether Xiang Guo is guilty or not. How can I exonerate him? Lan Bianxiu did ask some questions, but I don't remember them and dare not say anything."

Yan Wei asked indirectly and confirmed that Xu Chu really didn't say anything. He left with satisfaction and left a thin book, "This is the draft of Xiang Guo's biography. Please correct it, Mr. Xu. The history book is not yet completed. This manuscript is confidential. Mr. Xu, keep it in mind and don't spread it. I will take it away tomorrow."

Xu Chu refused to leave the book, but Yan Wei insisted on asking him for advice. Xu Chu had no choice but to accept it reluctantly and put it on the table without turning it over once. When he returned it the next morning, he said, "The past is dark, and I really have nothing to say."

After staying in the city for five days, Xu Chu wanted to return to the valley and was finally summoned by the emperor.

Song Quzhu met Xu Chu in the study of the temporary palace. As soon as they met, he said, "Mr. Xu is a person who lives in seclusion. There is no need to be so polite."

Xu Chu still knelt down and bowed at the suggestion of the etiquette officer, stood up and sat down, facing the emperor sideways.

Song Quzhu has aged a lot, but his heroic spirit has not diminished. He still looks like an emperor on horseback, and has not been greatly affected by the deep palace.

The two recalled the past, Song Quzhu talked a lot, and Xu Chu mostly listened.

"I always thought that Mr. Xu would come back to me. If I had known that Mr. Xu would retire, I would never let you go." Song Quzhu was not used to calling "I", especially when talking privately.

"Like a slow horse, running and running, suddenly exhausted, unable to hold on for even half a mile, not intentionally."

The two chatted for a while, Song Quzhu said: "Mr. Xu, do you still remember the Queen's father?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "I have no impression."

"Ma Lao Kandao, a bandit leader, was nice to me."

"I have a little memory of this name."

"He died early, and didn't even see me become king. Alas, the Queen has been thinking about it, and now that she has free time, she wants to avenge her father."

Xu Chu knew clearly that the two editors and the emperor were talking about the same thing: Who killed the queen's father? Was it Guo Shifeng? Was it Xu Chu? Or was it someone else?

The past events were still vivid in his mind, and Xu Chu knew who the real mastermind was.

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