Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1049: : Dairaiinji

The emergence of the space-time vortex makes Wu Yan just feel that everything in front of him is spinning in circles, and when Wu Yan returns to God, he glances around and finds himself in an unknown building.

From the perspective of architecture, it should be an ancient architectural style, but there was no one around. For a while, Wu Yan was not sure what plane he was in.

"Oh!" He looked left and right, only he was alone, Wu Yan could not help but sigh secretly.

Over the years, Wu Yan has been completely accustomed to Xiao Meng's inseparable follower, this time, it is only himself, which makes Wu Yan feel very unaccustomed.

"Xiao Meng, rest assured, I will find a way to save you!"

Although it is not sure which plane is currently in, Wu Yan believes that this plane must have the ability to shuttle time or the existence of props, which made Wu Yan's mind determined and determined to win.

However, thinking that Xiao Meng is not beside him, Wu Yan's heart suddenly sounded when he just crossed, and he seemed to be crossing the moment, seeing a familiar figure?

Is it Xiao Meng? Or is he just dazzled?

"Hey, who are you? What did you come here secretly to do !?" When Wu Yan's heart was thinking secretly, suddenly, a crisp female voice rang.

"Who? Who's talking !?"

He heard the sound and looked around, but he didn't see a figure, which made Wu Yan secretly surprised, and asked at the same time.

"It's me, I'm talking!" As Wu Yan's words fell, the clear female voice just rang again.

Listening to the sound, it seems that it is close at hand, but Wu Yan looked around, but really did not see the whereabouts of any figure.

This makes Wu Yan secretly wonder, what is going on? Does this plane have any invisible monsters?

"I'm here, here, look this way!"

Obviously also realized that Wu Yan didn't notice his existence, the female voice just rang, could not help but call to Wu Yan, meanwhile, Wu Yan just felt the lights swaying.

"Are you talking?" Wu Yan noticed a swaying lamp next to him, and asked wonderingly at a lamp next to him.

Seeing this light swaying completely unreasonably, it seems that the sound is also coming from this light.

"Yeah, I'm talking! Are you a fairy or a monster? What do you want to do here secretly?" The lights swayed, and the just crisp female voice continued to sound, asking.

"Immortal? Monster? So, am I now in a plane with a mythical background?" After hearing the words of this lamp, Wu Yan's heart moved, and he had some guesses about his current environment.

After thinking about it, Wu Yan opened his mouth and wanted to talk a few words to see if he could put more useful information out of this lamp, so as to determine which plane he is in.

It was just that Wu Yan hadn't waited for the opening, and a female voice rang next to her. Compared with the previous voice, the female voice seemed more mature this time.

"Okay, Zixia! This man who trespassed the Daleiyin Temple is definitely a crime, so don't talk to him so much, someone will come to deal with him later!" The light flickered, and another female voice rang out Said.

"Zixia !? This is Daleiyin Temple? There are two women's voices in a lamp !?"

Hearing another female voice, Wu Yan's mind seemed to be struck by a thunder, and he also had a guess about the current plane.

"You are the wicks entwined in the Buddha's sun and moon lanterns, Zixia and Qingxia?" Something was guessing in his heart, Wu Yan asked, swaying the lamp.

"Who are you? Do you actually recognize our two sisters? What is your purpose of coming to Da Lei Yin Temple !?" Qing Xia's voice sounded, very alert to Wu Yan.

"Yes, I'm Zixia, do you recognize me?" Relatively speaking, Zixia's voice is relatively simple, and seems to be curious about Wu Yan.

"So, am I coming to the plane to talk about the Westward Journey? That's it ..." After hearing the answers from Zixia and Qingxia, Wu Yan's heart was assured, and he determined where he was now. Already.

Journey to the west, the moonlight treasure box can travel back and forth in time and space. Isn't it what you need most now?

It ’s just that now, I came across myself, but in Da Leiyin Temple. At this time, are Zixia and Qingxia both still serving as wicks in the sun and moon magic lamp?

So, the timeline I came here is a little earlier?

"Hey, Zixia, have you ever thought about playing Xia Fan !?"

I groaned secretly in my heart for a moment. In the current timeline, what I need is to go to Pansidong with Zixia and wait for the Supreme Treasure to send the moonlight treasure box five hundred years later. Therefore, Wuyan opened her mouth to Zixia. Asked.

If within half a year, Zixia has an extraordinary mind, she can still wait to get the moonlight treasure box.

But if you come too early, you wo n’t be able to wait for the Supreme Treasure until you return for more than half a year, would n’t it be a waste of time to go through it yourself?

"Xiafan? Is there anything interesting in the world?" Zixia asked, hearing Wu Yan's words.

"There are more fun things in the world, at least it is more fun than you are a wick here!" Wu Yan said, hearing Zixia's words.

I don't know why, at this time, there was a sense of self-recognition that turned into a weird **** and lied to a little girl to see a goldfish.

"Zixia, ignore him, he's uneasy and kind!" Qingxia said anxiously when Wu Yan seduced Zixia into the world.

At the same time ~ ~ A cyan streamer emerged from the magic lamp, turned into a woman in a cyan shirt, raised her hand to cast a spell, and launched an attack on Wuyan.

"Silent!" But just watching Qingxia's movement, Wu Yan screamed and pointed at Qingxia!

Almost at the same time, with Wu Yan's quiet ability launching, Qing Xia felt the mana in her body instantly like a pool of standing water, which was difficult to mobilize.

Naturally, the spells being prepared cannot be released.

"Come here! A monster has broken into Da Leiyin Temple!" Since Qingxia couldn't do it herself, Qing Xia also began to yell.

After all, this is Daleiyin Temple. With Qing Xia's shout, soon, dense footsteps sounded. Immediately, several King Kong men in gold armor appeared and ran towards this side.

"Go, I will take you to play wherever you are!" Unintentionally working with these magic protectors, Wu Yan grabbed the sun and moon lantern, and said to the only half of the wick remaining in the lamp.

Leaping forward, he left Da Leiyin Temple and flew towards the distance.

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