Plane Master Copy

Chapter 128: : Freedom to enter and exit the Stark Building


Thor's Hammer, smashed directly towards Iron Man, powerful.

However, in the face of Thor's Quake, Iron Man did not even bother to raise his fist and greeted him.

There was no slight fancy in pure power competition. Iron Man's fist and Thor's Hammer slammed together fiercely, and powerful force broke out. Iron Man's body could not help but take a few steps back.

At the same time, Tony's heart was secretly surprised by the strength of the opponent. His steel armor was covered with vibrating gold alloy, and his strength was tripled.

However, Iron Man was shocked back several steps, but Thor was not much different. A strong anti-seismic force made Thor's body uncontrollable and took a few steps backwards, and looked at it in surprise. Steel armor in front of me.

Just a tin man, can you have such a powerful force?

"Oh? Awesome. With the increase of Zhenjin, Tony's steel armor can even be equal to Thor?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Wu Yan nodded secretly.

The Zhenjin alloy is indeed a very powerful metal. If Tony couldn't change his form if he tried everything, maybe he in the original book had already integrated into the steel armor and became stronger?

Bang Bang!

Iron Man secretly marveled at the strength of Thor, without any props, he has such a powerful power, which is simply not the power that a life body should have.

But the same, Thor is also marveled at a mortal of Iron Man. With the help of a pair of steel armors, he can possess the power that is comparable to his own. In addition, the two of them are not convinced. The battle is becoming fiercer and it has entered into a fever Phased out.

Iron Man and Thor, the way you come and go is very lively.

What about Wu Yan and Rocky? Watching the battle next to each other, both of them did not intend to intervene, so they took out a bag of seeds.

Rocky, it's impossible to intervene to help Thor, but where is Wu Yan? Iron Man and Thor, thunder and lightning splattered, bombs and bullets flew across, but Wu Yan had little qualification to intervene.

As for Rocky and Wu Yan, they have no intention of doing anything, because the battle between them has become meaningless at this time.


Several high-strength bombs blasted out again, the flame of the explosion almost swept Thor's whole body, and the body was blasted out by the shock wave of the explosion.

Thor still stood up alive, but he touched his head. Under the flame, his hair was burnt black, which made Thor's face ugly.

Looking at his black hair, Thor became more angry, staring at Iron Man, no longer thinking of keeping his hand.

Raising his hand, Thor's hammer returned to his palm. At the same time, Thor's hammer was raised high, and with his movement, another thunder blew in the sky.


Subsequently, Thor's hammer waved fiercely at Iron Man's side, and the blue lightning struck the sky, slicing on the steel armor.

The brilliant thunder light made Tony feel dazzling in the steel armor, and his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

Then, like the original, Jarvis suddenly made a noise, reminding Tony that the charging of steel armor reached 400%.

"Um, what happened?" Seeing Thor's big move, Tony was still waiting for Jarvis to report to himself the damage of the steel armor. He heard this, and looked very aggressive.

Excessive energy is also not a good thing for steel armor. The steel armor has gathered all these too vigorous energy and blasted it towards Thor.

Naturally, Thor followed suit, and the energy of the two sides fiercely confronted each other, and then, a terrible shock wave was set off.

Armed color domineering!

In the face of these oncoming shock waves, where does Wu Yan dare to underestimate? Immediately covered his body with a domineering color.

He has neither Iron Man's iron armor to resist damage, nor Thor's and Rocky's strong physique.

The powerful shock wave came on, and Wu Yan's heart could not help secretly feeling the terrible energy explosion between Iron Man and Thor.

Both Thor and Iron Man apparently hit real fire. Seeing that it was almost going to endlessly, at this time, Captain America came down from the sky and appeared holding a shield.

The fair and just Captain America, with him as the figure in the middle, Thor's anger calmed down a bit.

"Now, we need to take Rocky to SHIELD for treatment," the truth of the lecture was repeated, and immediately, Captain America said.


Hearing that Thor Thor said with a serious face: "No matter what, Rocky is my brother, and he must let me take it back to Asgard for disposal."

"But he killed a lot of people at SHIELD," Captain America said in the same way, without any concession ~ ~ No matter where Rocky is, he killed people on the earth Of course, it is up to SHIELD to dispose of it. At least, SHIELD must not leave.

"Well, he's not my brother ...".

Hearing that Rocky killed many people on the earth, Thor, who was righteous, had a somewhat embarrassing appearance, and immediately cleared the relationship.

Wu Yan, Iron Man, Captain America: "...".

Well, it stands to reason that Rocky killed people on the earth. It really needs to give an explanation to the Earth people. In addition, now that Rocky's body does not carry the cosmic cube, therefore, even if Thor wants to take people back Nor did Asgard.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Thor, Thor promised to go to SHIELD, and he had to follow him in person.

"Wu Yan, haven't your investigation been cleared up, are they all framed by Rocky? Let's go back together", after Thor promised, the two sides' problems were temporarily mediation, and soon, Captain America Turned around and said to Wu Yan.

Not to mention the fact that Wu Yan was framed, Loki himself acknowledged that Wu Yan alone can help capture Loki, and this is a great achievement.

"No, it's not appropriate for me to go back now. Everything is still waiting for Fury to get the evidence in person. Let me say it innocently ..." For Captain America, Wu Yan hesitated slightly and shook his head to answer.

Compared to going back now, Wu Yan feels that he has some other things to do.

"Rest assured, I know what I'm doing", watching Iron Man Tony next to him also wants to speak, and before he speaks, Wu Yan starts.

As he spoke, Wu Yan whispered, "In addition, I need you to give me an authorization so that I can enter and exit the Stark Building freely."

This book comes from

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