Plane Master Copy

Chapter 15: : Dahanshan Zhao Han

"Well, Wu Yan, you said that your team was completely destroyed in the previous mall, is there a survivor base nearby?".

There were several second-level awakenings from Pei Yufeng, and a group of four people walked outside the city. Of course, they were unimpeded and directly killed a blood path.

Yan Wuyan controlled a steel bayonet that had just been given to him by the big wood and fluttered freely in the air. He was also harvesting zombies with a little effort.

He also nodded and said, "About twenty miles west from this city, there is a big dragon mountain, there is a survivor base on the mountain, and the population is about 20,000."

Pouting in reply to Pei Yufeng's words, Wu Yan's heart understood that the three of them were not from the Dalongshan base.

But it's true to think about it. At first, after all, I was the young master of Dalongshan. Some good second-level awakeners Wu Yan recognized it. At least I heard about it, but they did n’t have Pei Yufeng.

危机 In this end world, the crisis is pervasive, and it is not surprising that some people will get lost and even appear in other base areas.

"Only 20,000 people? Well, it can only be regarded as a small base, so let's go to the Dalongshan base." Hearing Wu Yan's words, Pei Yufeng nodded, and the group directly killed the zombie-ridden city.

Although several evolutionary second-order zombies appeared along the way, all of them were solved by Pei Yufeng.

"Hey hey, finally found a base, we wandered like a headless fly for half a month, really want to take a bite of hot food, and, be sure to sleep two pussy, oh ... "The big wood holding the machine gun, Wen Yan's eyes brightened a lot, said very excitedly, chattering in his mouth.

Guo Xiaoyan next to her uncle did not speak, but her hands moved a lot faster.

As I walked along the road, Wu Yan also knew a lot of these teammates, and also knew that Guo Xiaoyan's dumb personality was almost exactly the opposite of Damu.

Twenty miles away, it is said that it is not close, but it is not too far to say. If you go all the way, you can quickly see the outline of the base not far away.

The next wall of Laoshan is surrounded by high walls made of mud, which surrounds half of Dalongshan, and the other half of Dalongshan is a cliff, which is a natural barrier.

"Dalongshan. I am back ..." Standing at the gate of this base, Wuyan's heart filled with a lot of emotion.

When abandoned by the team at the mall that day, Wu Yan did not even have the ability to protect himself. He thought he would die in that mall. I did not expect that he would have a day to come back alive.

Moreover, I also know what the ability of recessive awakening is, and work hard to become stronger, one day I can take this base back.

After Xu entered the base, Pei Yufeng found a place where no one was. Then, he pulled out two bags of rice from a palm-sized pocket hanging around his waist.

From the packaging point of view, these two bags of rice are both loaded with 50 kg, they are actually placed in the palm-sized pocket?

"This is a dimensional bag produced by our hero city base. It is something made by an awakener with space awakening ability. It may be strange here, but it is not so rare in our hero city." Look at Wu Yan's surprised look , Next to Mu explained.

"No wonder ...", Wen Yan, suddenly realized Wu Yan's heart.

When I was in the mall before, watching them come out of the supermarket, all of them were empty-handed. Wu Yan had some doubts in her heart, but now she understood.

Rice, naturally, is a general-purpose material at the Dalongshan base. With the end of the last days, money has completely lost its effect, and transactions between people have returned to the original state of barter.

Everyone found a restaurant, first ate a full meal, and then found another shelter.

木头 The wood-built house provided by the base is not beautiful, but it is much better than resting in the open air. This house only needs to pay certain materials to the base every ten days as rent.

"Wuyan, you are the ground snake here. You took me to the trading market, and we went to buy some daily necessities." After solving the problem of food and accommodation, Omu said to Wuyan and left with Wuyan.

It was said that Wu Yan went shopping with Wu Yan, but when Damu saw a thin woman standing by the grove, he completely gave Wu Yan the task of shopping, and he and the woman drilled Went into the grove.

He smiled and shook his head, Wu Yan went forward alone.

In the last days, the crisis erupted, especially for the awakenings of the battle. One day, Huang Quan may be killed. Therefore, the time to live and play can be said to be the attitude of most of the awakenings.

Along the way, Wu Yan's mind was secretly thinking about his awakening ability. When he did not have the ability to trigger before, his crystal point was naturally only 1 point, and now it has reached 5 points. It seems to be Professor X Special training related.

And during the special training, I can obviously feel that the power of controlling the metal has increased. Does it mean that the higher the number of crystal points, the greater the power of the ability copied by myself?

In addition, just when he came over with Ogi, Wu Yan also pretended to be very enthusiastic, and took a back-to-back relationship with Ogi.

No accident. After triggering and activating your own abilities, you can touch others. Even in the real world, a removable disk appears in your mind.

In other words, it is not only possible to copy other people's genes by themselves, but also in the real world.

In the end, Wu Yan lowered her head slightly and looked at her palm. There was a little more on her palm, like a tattoo, and she could find that it was a little more than before, which seemed to be slowly Outlines a computer pattern.

This also made Wu Yan secretly look forward to it. Could it be, after the outline of the pattern again ~ ~ Can you cross it again?

Buying things is actually just an excuse for Damu. After all, everyone just swept over from the supermarket. There are a lot of things in Pei Yufeng's dimension bags.

However, Wu Yan who came to the trading market naturally did not return empty-handed. After discovering a map, Wu Yan shot it and bought it.

When I returned to my residence, both Pei Yufeng and Guo Xiaoyan were very interested in this map, unfolded the map, and kept checking.

"The location of the Hero City should be here, and the location of Dalongshan is here. It's a bit far away. I didn't expect that we actually crossed over 400 miles." Approach.


Pei Yufeng and Guo Xiaoyan are facing the map studying how to get back to the Hero City and the route. At this time, the door of the house was pushed directly and violently open, and at the same time, Ogi rushed straight in.

"What's wrong?", Looking at the appearance of Damu, everyone turned back, Pei Yufeng asked with some confusion.

"I just saw an acquaintance, Zhao Han," Omu said with a bit of teeth.

"Zhao Han? He was hiding here !?", after hearing what Mumu said, Pei Yufeng's face also changed, Han said.

Looking at the looks of Omu and others, Wu Yan was a little surprised.

Zhao Han is who Wu Yan knows, of course, the third-level awakener, the ability of the steel body, is also the current leader of the Dalongshan base.

Wu Wuyan remembers that Zhao Han came to the Dalongshan base one year ago because his strength was quickly reused by his father.

It looks like Zhao Han and Pei Yufeng recognize them? It seems that the two sides have some holidays?

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