Plane Master Copy

Chapter 165: : Shocking Martial Arts Wizards?

(PS: Thank you for the 10,000 starting coins rewarded by the "Lanling Little Book Boy")

"Master, of course you are a good person."

晋 Liu Jinyuan's face was serious, saying: "When you and I met for the first time, there was not much friendship, but you escorted me from Beijing to Suzhou along the way. Without you, I would not be alone in Suzhou City."

Having said that, Liu Jinyuan gave a slight meal, and then said, "And, Master, you did n’t have any requirements. You promised to teach me martial arts, and even used the method of initiation at the expense of your own mind. I dare not forget, Master, in my heart, you are a great man, and also a perfect male god. "

"Well, you can say a little more about me, but don't say good things like this. In my hometown, good people mean curse." For Liu Jinyuan, Wu Yan could not refute and said.

"Ah? Good people mean curse? Master, me, I don't mean to curse you ...".

Liu Wuyuan's words made Liu Jinyuan somewhat dumbfounded. For the first time, I heard that people were praised for being good people. This was actually a curse. Liu Jinyuan, who was awkward, hurriedly clarified.

No matter what, after Liu Jinyuan got a lot of knowledge and skills from Wuyan here, of course, he must cultivate well.

The Sacred Heart copied the past directly. This knowledge is like Liu Jinyuan has studied it for decades. He knows the internal practice. Soon, Liu Jinyuan has his own plan. He cultivates step by step and grows very fast. .

In a blink of an eye, the week passed.

During this week, Liu Jinyuan's focus of practice was on the sacred heart.

The sacred heart of Yi Yi was difficult to learn. When he first started, his growth rate was naturally extremely fast. In just one week, with Liu Jinyuan's ability to understand knowledge, his internal cultivation had already begun.

This week, Liu Jinyuan stayed in Linjiabao to practice, of course, Wu Yan didn't mean to leave.

Occasionally Wu Yan and Liu Jinyuan discuss the sacred heart decision. From the inherent knowledge, Liu Jinyuan will have a completely different understanding, giving Wu Yan a clear and cheerful feeling.

"Sure enough, the capacity of the E disk is inherently large. In terms of mastery of knowledge and research, this talent is not at all comparable to me ...", from Liu Jinyuan's body, I feel that there are a lot of gains about the sacred heart. Wu Yan secretly sighed.

The knowledge of Jue Shengxin was copied in the past. The starting points of the two should be the same. However, Liu Jinyuan has begun to surpass himself in understanding and comprehension of this practice.

For a week, both Wu Yan and Liu Jinyuan were immersed in cultivation, and both sides had their own gains.

Xun especially Liu Jinyuan, who has cultivated from scratch, is extremely rich in knowledge and feels like a reincarnation of a peerless powerhouse.

On this day, after Lin Tiannan had dealt with some things in Linjiabao, he happened to see a family holding a sword in their hands and headed for Liu Jinyuan's yard.

"What are you going to do?", Looking at the sword in the hands of this family, Lin Tiannan asked curiously.

"Master, this is the sword I bought from Master Liu", and the family member replied when he heard that.

"Buy a sword?" Lin Tiannan's brow raised slightly when he heard what the family said.

Wu Wuyan uses swords and has extremely exquisite sword skills. Liu Jinyuan worships Wu Yan as a teacher, and it is also necessary to learn swords. However, for beginners, generally, you should use wooden swords first.

剑 After all, swords are sharp weapons, if you accidentally hurt yourself, it's not good.

Xu was silent for a moment, and Lin Tiannan suddenly became curious about Liu Jinyuan's cultivation progress.

"Well, okay, let's go ...", after waving the family member to leave, he also followed with curiosity, hiding in the curious watch of Liu Jinyuan's yard.

"Master Liu, you have bought the steel sword you bought", and the family member took a beautiful box and sent it to Liu Jinyuan.

"Well, trouble you," Liu Jinyuan nodded with a humble smile on his face.

Although he has become a warrior, Liu Jinyuan treats others and still gives people a feeling of spring.

"Master Liu is polite, I'm just a subordinate, this is what I should do." I heard Liu Jinyuan actually thanked his subordinate, and the family member said with a little flattering expression.

嗯 "Well, Jinyuan's child is indeed very good." Lin Tiannan, who was hiding in the dark, nodded secretly when he saw this scene.

Opening the sword box, you can see a long sword with elegant shape inside. Well, the appearance is still very good.

晋 Liu Jinyuan took out the long sword and flicked it with his fingers gently. He nodded slightly and looked slightly satisfied. Then the long sword trembled and turned into several sword flowers.

Wu Dugu's nine swords were exhibited by Liu Jinyuan's hands. The exquisite sword strokes in his hands were like a wild horse, full of natural and elegant atmosphere.

Although the skill of Dugu Jiujian was copied from Wu Yan, everyone's mind is different. Even if the same sword tricks are exhibited, they feel completely different.

独 This dugu nine sword came to Liu Jinyuan's hands, and it felt like a magnificent and elegant man. The sword's appeal to people seemed to be art.

"This, is this a beginner?".

Hidden in the dark, Lin Tiannan was just trying to see Liu Jinyuan ’s martial arts progress. However, looking at Liu Jinyuan ’s exquisite sword strokes, Lin Tiannan seemed to be struck by lightning. ~ Liu Jinyuan has never learned martial arts before. As his uncle, Lin Tiannan naturally knows that he has only studied martial arts for only a week.

For ordinary people, in a week, they may barely remember the number of simple swordsmanships, and they may bump into each other when they practice.

However, Lin Tiannan now looks at Liu Jinyuan's swordsmanship. The swordsmanship that comes with his hands is as if he has practiced a set of swordsmanship for more than ten years.

"Well, right, for me now, the internal strength is too weak, so in addition to the focus of cultivation on the sacred heart decision, I also need to specialize in the technique of defensiveness, in order to break Li Jianzhao is now what I need most ... ".

After a few minutes of practice of Du Dugu Jiu Jian, Liu Jinyuan thought about it for a moment, and then adjusted the focus of sword practice to the style of breaking the air.

"This is what Wu Yan taught for a week? How did he teach it?"

Looking at Liu Jinyuan's practice is not a step-by-step practice, and she can even adjust her practice direction based on her own situation. This is completely a manifestation of her martial arts and her own skills.

Lin Lin Tiannan, completely dumbfounded.

Is Liu Jinyuan really a martial arts wizard? Or that Wu Yan's teaching ability has reached the point where he shook the world?

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