Plane Master Copy

Chapter 175: : Moon worshiper

The worshiper Shi Jie, sitting quietly on his throne, looked calm, and felt a sense of tranquility all over his body. Raising his hands and feet gave people a natural feeling, of course, but it also made him feel Incompatible with the surrounding personality.

His existence seems to be born superior.

The worshiper of the moon worship did not treat everyone else as his own kind, because in his eyes, the world is foolish, but he is beyond the boundaries of mortals and even the existence of vision.

In order to pursue the so-called end of the earth, the worshiper left the Nanzhao Kingdom for a long time before finally returning to the Nanzhao Kingdom.

At that time, the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom had asked him if he had seen the so-called Tianya Haijiao, where the worshiper of the moon worshiped nodded and saw it.

In fact, the truth of the fact is that the worshiper of the moon worshiper continued to move in one direction, and then, after walking for a long time, the worshiper of the moon worshiper returned to the country of Nanzhao.

This also verifies a conjecture in the mind of the worshiper of the moon, it turns out that the world in which he lives is not a legendary circle, but he lives on a sphere.

The worship lord of the moon is very clear that what he himself confirmed is not wrong, but this cannot be said, otherwise, he will not only make others believe in himself, even he will be regarded as alien by others ...

This kind of self-knowledge of the truth about heaven and earth, but can not say that the feeling of utterance is very lonely, because no one will believe in himself.

It is precisely because of this that the cult leader thinks that the world is foolish, and no one can be regarded as the same by himself.

When his power is not strong enough, even if the truth is spoken, no one will believe in himself. Therefore, the worship leader wants to conquer the position of Emperor Nanzhao.

Because there is nothing in the world, it is more convenient for the emperor to do it ...

The worship lord of the moon never thinks that he is a bad person, nor does he think he is a person who likes killing. All his actions are for the progress of the entire human race, so that all people in the world can understand their own thoughts, and more Can understand the mysteries of this world.

However, this road is a bit difficult, especially as the emperor who is in power, they see themselves as ambition men who threaten the throne.

"Oh ...", a sense of loneliness that no one in the world understands me deeply sighed secretly to the worshiper of the moon.

What's more, if you do n’t understand, do n’t understand, if everyone in the world understands me, what am I to be ordinary?

Without thinking so much, the worship leader slowly opened the stationery in his hand.

I sent some believers to the Central Plains to find the descendants of the son-in-law and the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom. I don't know how it is going? Shi Gonghu also led people past, things have become a bit troublesome.

Thinking of Shi Gonghu, the worshiper of the moon worshiper could not help but tremble slightly. The elder Shi of the Nanzhao three dynasties was in position.

But this is not the reason for the worship of the moon worshipper, the real reason is that Tang Yu is the righteous son of Elder Shi, and the same is true of the worship moon god.

When he was young, the moon worshipper Shi Jie was brought up by him, but unfortunately, even his righteous father did n’t understand himself at all, let alone what he was going to do. the way.

Opening the stationery, looking at the content above, the worshiper of the moon worshiper frowned slightly.

The above content said that the assassination of Xianling Island failed, and Zhao Linger had set off for the Nanzhao Kingdom, and Shi Gonghu had also arrived in the city of Suzhou in the Central Plains.

And more importantly, Elder Shi actually found the help of the Central Plains Wulin Alliance, and began to look for the whereabouts of Princess Zhao Linger with the help of the Central Plains forces.

"Sure enough, it is Shi Gonghu, a veteran of the Three Dynasties. This ability is beyond anyone's ability ...".

Seeing Shi Gonghu actually got the help of the Central Plains Wulin Alliance, so it seems that it is only a matter of time to find Princess Zhao Linger, which makes the Lord of the Moon worshippers secretly sigh.

Slightly groaned for a while. The situation in Nanzhao Country had been mastered by himself. It seemed that it was time for him to go to the Central Plains.

It is said that the Central Plains are vast and talented, and they are so talented that they are the generations of Tibetan dragons and crouching tigers. They should go and see for themselves.


Naturally, Wu Yan and others did not know about Nanzhao's national affairs, let alone the big boss worshiping the moon, and he was ready to leave for Central Plains.

In Hidden Dragon Cave, after Li Xiaoyao and others slaughtered the snake demon and fox demon, they searched around, but none of Zhao Linger's whereabouts was found, which made Li Xiaoyao bewildered.

He always thought that Zhao Linger had been taken away by the snake demon, but rescued several girls from the farmhouse, but he did not see Zhao Linger's whereabouts.

Since Zhao Linger is not here, where did she go?

"I killed ..." Liu Jinyuan looked at the blood-stained sword in his hands, and the whole person looked a little bit lost.

This was Liu Jinyuan's first kill, and a living life was ended by himself. This was a big shock for him.

Looking at Liu Jinyuan's appearance, Wu Yan beside him did not open his mouth to comfort him.

For him, this is a necessary process of growth, and he can only survive by himself. After having experienced the killing, it will be fine in the future.

"Well, you are safe now, let's all go home now ...".

In the cave of the snake demon in Hidden Dragon Cave, there are also many girls who are locked here by the snake demon. At this moment, Liu Jinyuan and Li Xiaoyao can't be hopeless. After Lin Yueru spoke, comforted these girls, and then let them disperse. Drive home.

"Hey, why are some of us still here? Go back?" After dealing with these scared girls, Lin Yueru looked back and looked at Li Xiaoyao and Liu Jinyuan. They were helpless about their appearance.

At the same time, he gave Wu Yan a wink, apparently letting Wu Yan handle their affairs.

"Well, let's go back first ...", what comfort can a man have? Wu Yan said directly.

Speaking ~ ~ The crowd left Yinlong Cave and hurried back towards Suzhou City.

Just before leaving, Li Xiaoyao took a deep look at this hidden dragon cave.

Breaking in at the risk of life, but in the end Linger was not here, wasting his energy for nothing.

Uh ...

After leaving Yinlong Cave, Wu Yan didn't plan to walk back step by step. Maybe Jiuxianxian will find himself soon?

Wu Yan, who did not want to miss with Jiu Jianxian, constructed a space teleportation magic. The other side of the portal was Linjiabao.

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