Plane Master Copy

Chapter 406: : The Rise of Rapidly Increasing the Number of Crystal Points

Wu Yan looked at the scars in Xiao Meng's hands and was able to confirm that Xiao Meng was indeed Zhao Lei's sister. You don't need to read the birthmark on your arm.

No, to be more accurate, it should be that Xiao Meng was indeed Zhao Lei's sister before birth.

But now, Xiao Meng who has become a zombie can still be regarded as the person before his death?

However, Xiao Meng is the identity of a zombie, and Wu Yan certainly cannot tell.

To say who in Wuyan ’s heart has the highest status in this world, it seems to be Xiao Meng. Apart from her, there are only Pei Yufeng and Uncle Li. Therefore, Xiao Meng is a zombie. Wu Yan I will not tell anyone, even Pei Yufeng is no exception.

For one thing, Xiao Meng has no relationship with Zhao Lei. For another, Wu Yan also doesn't want Zhao Lei to discover that Xiao Meng is a zombie.

Therefore, knowing that Zhao Lei was Xiao Meng's older brother, Wu Yan didn't have the slightest desire to have a stronger companion in his heart, but found it very difficult.

"Xiao Xue, it's you, it really is you, it's great, you're still alive, this is really great ..." At this time, Zhao Lei also approached a lot, looking at the scar on the palm of Xiao Meng's left hand and herself Zhao Leixin's ecstatic look was exactly the same in memory.

"What to do ..." Seeing Zhao Lei's appearance, it was determined that Xiao Meng was his sister. No matter what it was, it was superfluous. Wu Yan's heart was a little distressed. Would you like to drive him away?

After the idea floated from the bottom of his heart, Wu Yan quietly raised his wrist. Above the lens, a faint red light fell on Zhao Lei's body. Immediately, a high value appeared in Wu Yan's before.


"His ..." Looking at the number of crystals, Wu Yan could not help but take a breath.

Although I know that Zhao Lei is the head of the Brotherhood, he must be very strong, but he did not expect that his crystal point number is so high. He just returned from the plane of the Chinese ghost ghost. The crystal point number of Purdue Cihang, also Just like him? Even a little bit lower than him.

Although it was already known from the mouth of Wu Xiongcheng, Zhao Lei reached the level of the fourth-level awakener in a short period of time, but Wu Yan did not expect that his crystal point number could reach more than 3,000. After all, he was also fourth-level The awakening, the gap between 1000 crystal points and more than 3,000 is still very large.

Well, seeing that Zhao Lei's crystal points reached more than 3,000, the point that Wu Yan had just risen was trying to run Zhao Lei away.

"President Zhao Lei, please take care of yourself!" Although he said that he wanted to run away Zhao Lei's thoughts, but he looked at Xiao Meng, scared Xiao Meng, and kept shrinking in his arms. Wu Yan still stood up, stood in front of Xiao Meng, and said seriously.

Zhao Lei also realized that his emotions were a little excited. Moreover, looking at Xiao Meng's appearance, he was not angry at all, so he did not recognize himself, but really did not remember his appearance.

Is it? Did she lose her memory?

Please, your life is not a TV series. How could such a **** plot appear?

"Mr. Wu Yan, I would like to ask, when did you meet Xiaoxue? What was her situation at that time?" After taking a few deep breaths, Qiang Zi suppressed his emotional emotions, and then Zhao Lei's gaze was immediately Put on Wu Yan's body and asked.

This question caused Wu Yan to groan for a moment, to say deception? There is absolutely no need. Zhao Lei can easily inquire about things that he and Xiao Meng knew.

Therefore, Wu Yan replied: "I met Xiao Meng for the first time. It was about half a year ago. Her personality was a little autistic. At the beginning, it took me a lot of effort to let her accept me. After half a year, Observation, she completely lost all her previous memories, so I have been taking care of her for the past six months. "

"That's it, thank you Mr. Wu Yan, but I'm Xiaoxue's brother, so I want to take care of her myself in the future." After hearing Wu Yan's words, I understand that Wu Yan has been taking care of Xiao Meng for the past six months. Zhao Leidian Nodded, I am very grateful to Wu Yan, and of course, I also proposed to take over Xiao Meng.

"Don't, I won't leave my brother Wu Yan!" Hearing Zhao Lei's words, Wu Yan hasn't spoken yet, Xiao Meng beside him almost screamed and looked at Zhao Lei fiercely.

That look, obviously treated Zhao Lei as a demon who wanted to dismantle himself and Wu Yan.

Looking at Xiao Meng's fierce look, Zhao Lei's heart was sad and guilty, and he hurriedly waved his hand, saying, "Okay, Xiao Xue, don't leave, I won't force you. When will you recover your memory, and want to follow Let's talk about it later. "

I also didn't want to just make my enemy look like an enemy when I first met, Zhao Lei could only follow Xiaomeng.

However, while talking, Zhao Lei's eyes fell on Xiao Meng's body and looked for a moment, his brows frowned slightly, and said, "Xiao Xue, you have only 328 crystal points now? You will follow me in the next few months Cultivation? I promise you will be able to ascend to the level 4 awakener within two or three months. "

"Two or three months, ascended to the level of level four awakeners?" Wu Yan next to him, heard Zhao Lei's bold words, secretly surprised.

Judging by the number of crystal points of Xiaomeng now, the time to rise to level four awakeners in two or three months is equivalent to increasing the number of crystal points by two or three hundred every month?

What ability can he do? Is it? Can the myth of Zhao Lei's rapid growth still be copied to others?

"Don't!" However, for Zhao Lei's words, Xiao Meng shook her head and refused without thinking. At the same time, she clutched Wu Yan tightly, her expression, apparently given her own answer.

The so-called improvement of strength is not important, what is important is that she wants to stay with Wu Yan.

"Hey ..." Seeing Xiao Meng was almost inseparable to follow Wu Yan, Zhao Lei felt a little jealous and helpless, and sighed.

In this way, after seeing Xiao Meng, Zhao Lei did not rush to return to the base of the hero city. At night, of course, Wu Yan could not let Zhao Lei sleep on the street, right? Therefore, he was arranged to stay.

This night, Wu Yan did not borrow the magician's meditation instead of sleeping, but lay quietly on his bed, his mind was full of thoughts.

Zhao Lei was actually Xiao Meng's elder brother. Wu Yan really didn't expect this, Wu Yan himself felt some dog blood.

What's even more difficult is that Zhao Lei seems to value Xiao Meng's sister very much, and even found the Dalongshan base from Hero City in person.

To say that Wu Yan does not want Xiao Meng to recognize Zhao Lei, one is Xiao Meng's own meaning, she is unwilling to leave herself, and the other is that Wu Yan is also afraid that Zhao Lei and Xiao Meng will spend more time together The identity of Xiao Meng was found.

Three, and the most important point, for Wu Yan, Xiao Meng is already Wu Yan's most important partner. If Xiao Meng is taken away by Zhao Lei? Wu Yan himself did not want to see such a situation.

Poppy ...

When Wu Yan's own thoughts were full of emotions, and he felt distressed about Zhao Lei's arrival, a footstep sounded.

Sitting up and looking over, I saw Xiao Meng wearing a thin set of underwear, walking towards her side barefoot.

"Xiao Meng, what's the matter with you? The weather is so cold, why don't you wear your shoes?" Looking at Xiao Meng's appearance, Wu Yan asked strangely, it is now November, and the weather has cooled a lot, light Where is it appropriate to run around with my feet?

As for Wu Yan's words, Xiao Meng didn't answer, but walked to Wu Yan's bed by himself, then lifted Wu Yan's quilt and drilled directly into it.

Then, Xiao Meng hugged Wu Yan's body tightly, and whispered like a slang, "I, I want to sleep with you today."

Looking at Xiao Meng's appearance, Wu Yan was slightly silent.

What does she mean? Wu Yan probably can guess. She rubbed her head a little bit, and lay down again, embraced Xiao Meng into her arms, and patted her on the back comfortably. "Okay Don't be afraid, I won't leave you alone, no one can separate us. "

"Hmm ..." Xiao Meng was obviously very satisfied with Wu Yan's words. His head in his arms nodded a little, and his look became more stable. Soon, he fell asleep.

Every autistic person who can really approach her heart is irreplaceable!

Looking at Xiao Meng, Wu Yan could not help thinking of such a sentence.

After getting along these days, for Wu Yan himself, Xiao Meng is the most important one among his many partners, but he is the only partner of Xiao Meng.

As for Pei Yufeng and others, even though they have been together for so long, they have never seen her smile on Pei Yufeng.

There was nothing to say overnight, and early the next morning, Xiaoqing consciously came to serve Wu Yan's daily life ~ ~ Xiao Qing didn't think so about Xiao Meng and Wu Yan sleeping together. Many, they are brother-sister-like friendship that everyone can see.

What's more, if the young master really wanted a woman, wouldn't he be more suitable?

Early in the morning, breakfast is also prepared, but Zhao Lei came to sit down and eat together.

The visitor is a guest, of course, Wu Yan will not do anything to rush people.

"Okay, hurry up and eat. After I finish, I will take you two to increase the number of crystal points." After the wind and the clouds, Zhao Lei quickly ate breakfast and then suddenly spoke to Wu Yan and Xiao Meng. Said.

"Huh? He will bring himself and Xiaomeng to increase the number of crystal points? In just two or three months, he will increase the number of crystal points by more than 700?" I was also curious.

What's going on with his ability? Can someone else quickly increase the number of crystal points?

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