Plane Master Copy

Chapter 440: : Start first

? Lishan mother, in myths and legends, identity is very high, and relatively speaking, identity is detached.

Although Wu Yan had long suspected Bai Suzhen's extraordinary origins, she did not expect that she would be a disciple of Li Shan's mother.

Want to say the identity of Mother Li Shan? You can see it in one simple thing. Remember that there is a section of the Journey to the West TV series called the Four Holy Trial Zen Hearts, and among them is Lishan Mother, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, and Puxian Bodhisattva. , Transformed into a mother and three young and beautiful daughters, wanting to marry Tang Sanzang and his party of four to test whether their faith in the westward journey is firm.

Among them, the three Bodhisattvas are all daughters, but Li Shan's mother is a mother.

Although it is just a joke, it will make all three bodhisattvas become her daughters. It can be seen from the identity that the mother of Lishan must be taller.

Therefore, as a disciple of Li Shan's mother, although she has not yet become an immortal, it is only logical that she can get the attention of all the immortal buddhas.

However, Bai Suzhen's words are also reasonable. These things in the world are the inevitable process of her fate, even if there is a boss such as Li Shan, as a teacher, but Li Shan will not necessarily intervene .

After all, these things should be trivial in the eyes of the big brothers in the fairyland, just like the trouble between children.

"That is to say, although Bai Suzhen has a strong backing like Lishan's mother, in fact, can this backstop not play a big role now?" After learning about Bai Suzhen's current situation, Wu Yan secretly murmured.

However, after thinking about it, Wu Yan shook his head again. No, it wasn't really useless, just like the child in Bai Suzhen's stomach now, if he could use it well, it would definitely be a hole card.

"At this point, we have no other choice but to fight against each other, which is the strength of both sides!" Wu Yan's eyes fell on Bai Suzhen, and he said, at this point, it was indeed completely absent. The opportunity for layout and strategy.

"Well, the two strong powers meet, the strong one loses, the stronger one wins, I must not lose!", Bai Suzhen's face also added a firm look, nodding heavily.

If there is only one person, Bai Suzhen knows that his hope of victory is almost zero. However, if Wu Yan is fighting alongside himself, in Bai Suzhen ’s view, he still has a certain hope. After all, the power in the previous Wuyan fairy mode Bai Suzhen saw it with her own eyes.

"Then we will fight with the people of Jinshan Temple tomorrow at noon and see who is stronger!", Bai Suzhen's expression, very firm and serious, said sitting cross-legged, preparing to adjust his breath, Adjust yourself to the highest level.

"No, I think we should surprise the other night and kill the other party by surprise!" However, for Bai Suzhen, Wu Yan shook his head and said, giving different opinions.

Tomorrow is the day when Fahai is going to deal with Xiaoqing and Xuxian. Then, it is best to start with the attack and choose the monks at Jinshan Temple at night when they are the most tired.

After all, Fahai also thought about the war tomorrow. Tonight, those disciples in Jinshan Temple should have a good rest.

"Huh? You're right," Bai Suzhen nodded, and agreed with Wu Yan's words.

Next, Wu Yan and Bai Suzhen both sat cross-legged and adjusted their condition.

In terms of time, when humans usually sleep, it is the heaviest time to sleep at two or three in the morning. Therefore, Wu Yan and Bai Suzhen have decided to wait until the ugly to attack, and while there is still some time, of course Let's rest before talking.

Sure enough, as Wu Yan guessed, after determining that Xiaoqing and Xu Xian would be sentenced to death tomorrow, Fahai also determined that Wu Yan and Bai Suzhen would come to save people tomorrow, so a small part of After the vigil, Fahai let the disciples of Jinshan Temple take a good rest.

In the same way, King Jin Mao also ordered that these monsters of Jinshan Temple also have a good rest together.

In this way, the time passed little by little, and the night became extremely quiet.

Finally, when the child time passed, when he entered the ugly time, he waited for a long time. Judging from time, it was already about 2:30 in the morning, and Wu Yan and Bai Suzhen acted.

For the action tonight, Bai Suzhen, who was wearing a white veil every day, also changed to a black veil.

For lurking assassinations, although Wu Yan is not a master class, he can possess the ninja power of the Naruto plane, as well as the cooperation of stealth and transfiguration. Wu Yan's assassination ability is beyond doubt.

As for Bai Suzhen? Snake, nature is a kind of hidden and assassination creature, so after sneaking into Jinshan Temple, Wu Yan and Bai Suzhen started the assassination method.

Wu Yan, like a ghost, quietly approached one monster after another, and then, Wushuang Sword in his hand, harvested the lives of the monsters.

Taking Wu Yan's current practice as an example, these little demon can completely kill with one stroke. In the blink of an eye, dozens of little demon have died in Wu Yan's hands.

In the same way, Bai Suzhen's cultivation was already very high. She hidden and assassinated, she also simply decided, and the monks of Jinshan Temple were killed under her hands.

Although she has good virtues in heaven, Bai Suzhen Bodhisattva doesn't like killing, but for Xu Xian, she won't be softened when she starts.

Xu Xian died or did others die? For this multiple choice question, Bai Suzhen knew very well how to choose.

However, this Jinshan Temple iron bucket is average. Although Wu Yan and Bai Suzhen's assassination ability is good, and the timing is just right, but when Bai Suzhen started to assassinate a monk of Jinshan Temple, he was finally sensed.

Bai Yijian cut through the throat of this monk, but before he died, he severely smashed the wooden fish in front of him, and made a crackling sound, which was extremely clear in the silent night.

Boom boom!

Wushuang Sword in Wu Yan's hand, after raising his hand to sever a bear demon's neck, suddenly raised his head, watching the loud noise of the battle on the other side of Jinshan Temple.

Wu Yan's mind was frozen, knowing that Bai Suzhen's side had been exposed.

However, for a while, the three hundred little monsters from Fenghuang Mountain had been killed by themselves by 70 or 80, almost a quarter of them. Wu Yan nodded satisfied with his results.

"Ah! Someone has invaded here!" With the loud noise of the war over there, these restful goblins also woke up one after another. In the chaos, some goblins found Wu Yan with mouths in their mouths. Shouted loudly, and immediately, a dozen little demon rushed towards Wuyan.

"Since it was discovered, then I'm welcome!", Watching more than a dozen little demon rushing over, Wu Yan is no longer hidden, the Wushuang Sword in his hand closed, and his palms snapped together. , Chakra in his body mobilized violently, and yelled loudly in his mouth: Muyu-the tree kingdom came!

Click here!

As Wu Yan's wooden puppet ninja art was performed, the earth cracked, and then, numerous branches sprang up like living creatures, swept towards these little demon around.

However, within a moment, a small area of ​​the Jinshan Temple was covered by huge trees, screaming again and again, and dozens of little demon were **** by these thick branches and killed by twists and turns.

"Wuyan! Come here!", After the advent of the tree realm, a loud noise rang out, and immediately after that, King Jin Mao appeared, and his eyes were full of hatred. The weapon in his hand directed towards Wu Yan smashed it down.

Although he knew that Wu Yan's strength was terrible, but suddenly he saw the enemy who killed the child, where could King Jin Fufa control himself?


Looking at the Jin Jin Fa who was rushing over, the crystal measuring instrument in front of Wu Yan's eye was beating for a while, and then a number appeared in front of Wu Yan: 3010!

"Well, Jin Jinfa's strength is good, but relatively speaking, it's still half a chip worse than Bai Suzhen." Looking at the number of crystal points on Jin Jinfa's body, Wu Yan muttered secretly.

Almost at the same time, Wu Yan's palm was shaken, and the moon-white vibrating gold alloy gloves appeared on Wu Yan's left hand. Facing King Jin's attack, Wu Yan greeted him with a punch.

There was a loud noise, and the attack power of Zhenjin's gloves increased. I saw that the weapon in the hands of King Jin Mao was suddenly sunk a large piece. At the same time, King Jin Yan was also under the fist of Wu Yan. The quake retreated a lot.

"Sure enough, there is a certain limit to the growth of this golden glove." Although the aggressive Jin Jin Fa was shocked, Wu Jin's heart muttered, looking at Jin Jin Fa, but he was not injured.

At the beginning ~ ~ this glove has a full threefold increase in attack power, but as Wu Yan approaches the fourth-level awakener, it is obvious that the increase has become weaker and weaker.

Otherwise, with his current 1,700 crystal points and a three-fold increase in attack, King Jade King will be disabled if he does not die.

But think about it, the rocky Marvel plane, the number of crystal points is only 1200, Wu Yan was relieved.

"It really is strong!" Although Wu Yan was not very satisfied with his fist, Jin Jinfa felt the power contained in Wu Yan's fist just now, but he stared at him with a dignified look.

With one punch, he realized that Fahai's words were true, and Wu Yan's power was really terrible.

"You all come together, tear me to pieces!", Wu Yan's strength, he was already mentally prepared, and watching that he had only half of the three hundred little monsters he brought from Phoenix Mountain, King Jin Ye Shouted.

"Kill!", With the words of King Jin Maofa, more than one hundred little demon left, and at the same time, the sound of killing was trembling.

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