Plane Master Copy

Chapter 448: : Daqing

In the void, a space-time vortex appeared. Immediately, a black off-road vehicle appeared on the road, which was huge black.

In the car, there are two Wuyan and Xiaoqing. Wuyan is already familiar with time and space, so he doesn't have any strange look, but in the front passenger seat of the car, Xiaoqing is dumbfounded. She clutched a pack of spicy strips, and forgot to eat the spicy strips in her mouth, leaving half of them outside.

"This, this, have we really left the world?" Although he had experienced the shuttle of space and time, Xiao Qing looked at the surrounding scene with a surprised look on her face, and said in amazement. The scene in front of me has indeed changed a lot, but to say that this place is not ordinary, but it doesn't seem like it.

However, Xiao Qing soon had a completely different idea. The car turned by Juhei was running on the road. Along the way, many zombies were naturally attracted by the car. An unconscious roar came out of his mouth. Come over here.

And seeing zombies everywhere on the road, Xiaoqing just believed in this world, not the world, but more like one of the six hungry ghosts.

There was no rush to send the magic of the architectural space back to Dalongshan. Wu Yan took Xiaoqing to run around the road, letting her really see the sight of this end time, and at the same time she spoke to give her the world After explaining the situation well and letting her have a full understanding of the world, Wu Yan brought Xiaoqing back to the Dalongshan base.

The leader ’s house within the base, Xiao Meng, they are naturally waiting, seeing the arrival of Wu Yan, Xiao Meng happily pounced over, very happy, his face could not help but smile.

And the female ghost Xiaoqing? Then came over a cup of tea.

"Master, this is ...", the snake demon Xiaoqing is also the maid of Wuyan. This tea delivery should be her own job, so watching the female ghost Xiaoqing do all her work, Curiously asked Wu Yan, and at the same time stared vigilantly at the female ghost Xiaoqing.

"Oh, let me introduce it to you." When hearing the words of the snake demon Xiaoqing, Wu Yan looked a little bit crying and pointed at your female ghost Xiaoqing, saying: "This is my maid, the body is a Female ghost, her name is Xiaoqing. "

"This is also my maid, her body is a green snake essence, so her name is also Xiaoqing", and immediately, Wu Yan naturally introduced the identity of the snake demon Xiaoqing again.

These two maids were all Xiaoqing's names, and both Xiaoqing were choked.

Two Xiaoqing, with big eyes and small eyes, didn't know what to say for a while, is it fate? Everyone's name is exactly the same, and they are all young master's maids.

Of course, if the names of the two people are exactly the same, it is naturally inconvenient. After looking at it with big eyes and a small eye for a while, Snake Demon Xiaoqing has a stronger character and does not feel like a newcomer at all. If everyone's name is the same, then change your name, what about Xiaolv? "

"Joke, I came first. Why did I change my name? I think your name is Xiaolv."

Although the female ghost Xiaoqing has a good personality, she does not mean that she is bullying. When she hears the impertinence of the snake demon Xiaoqing, she cannot accept it either, she said diametrically.

"Just because I'm new here, shouldn't you let me?" Said Snake Demon Xiao Qing with a firm look.

"Well, since you are new here, you have to listen to my predecessor." The female ghost Xiaoqing also refused to step back.

The appearance of these two little greens made Wu Yan cried and laughed. Although Wu Yan had already expected this scene, it was still very difficult to see with his own eyes.

"Okay, it's up to the young master, young master, who do you think should be the name of the two of us?" After arguing, there was no end to the argument. In the end, the female ghost Xiaoqing's eyes fell on Wuyan's. He opened his mouth and said with pleading eyes.

I followed the young master first. Shouldn't the young master be wronged by the newcomer?

"Wow, sir, who would you change your name for?" Wu Xiaoyan's eyes fell on Wu Yan and asked.

In recent days, he has been with the young master. He will not let himself be wronged if he is born to death, right?

"...", looking at the two young arguing, and finally tossed this problem to herself, Wu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, how should I deal with such a problem?

No matter who you want to change your name, isn't it? You can't do the things that are more or less the same.

However, Wu Yan didn't think about it for a long time. Soon, he lifted his palm, and a small wooden bar not far away fell into Wu Yan's hand.

Immediately, Wu Yan put the wooden bar behind him and snapped it off. Then he held two wooden bars that looked the same in appearance and said, "One who is short and one long, pick the short one and change the name. The fairest. "

Although the two Xiaoqings could not help fighting each other in front of Wuyan, they still obeyed Wuyan's words. Since Wuyan spoke, they would naturally have no objection.

Besides, this method is indeed fair, everything depends on the providence.

"I'll come first!" The snake demon Xiaoqing said, and shot first. After hesitating for a moment, he picked one.

After Wu Yan took out both of them and compared them, the snake demon Xiaoqing was a little longer, and her face immediately showed a proud smile.

The female ghost Xiaoqing was a bit helpless, she poked her mouth, but immediately seemed to think of something, Mei Mei smiled, and said, "Change the name and change the name, but I don't want to be called Xiao Lu. From today, I It's called Daqing. "


Although the name Daqing didn't sound good, it was clear that it meant to hold one's head down, which made Xiaoqing's face look unhappy.

However, the female ghost insisted that she wanted to call the name Daqing, and Xiaoqing couldn't help it.

Wu Yan shook her head for the special way of communication between the two maids, and didn't bother so much, but hugged Xiaomeng and whispered.


At the same time, not far from the Dalongshan base, a four-member survivor squad carefully looked at a tertiary evolutionary beast cow in the distance.

These four survivors, the man headed by them, has broken through the level of the third-level awakener, and several others have reached the late stage of the second-level awakener.

Quietly watching the action of this savage cow, after whispering a few words, watching the evolutionary beast walk to the small river not far away to drink water, these awakenings are facing this evolutionary beast Surrounded the past.


However, before the awakenings took action, suddenly, the calm river was broken open, and then a huge head was biting directly at the wild cow.

Although it is a third-level evolutionary beast, it is powerful and has a fast response. However, this huge head bite the wild cow, and then a short scream sounded. This third-level evolutionary beast immediately became Made a large piece of minced meat, swallowed directly by this huge head, and a blood red rippled on the river.

The huge head looks like a python, but it looks rougher than a python, and the most noticeable thing is that there is a blood-red unicorn on the top of the head.

The cold eyes glanced unnoticed at the places where the awakenings were hiding. It seemed that they were not interested in these little ants, and their huge heads slowly disappeared into the river.

A few awakeners who were going to hunt and kill the savage cows seemed to have been fixed in the body, and for a long time they said nothing, just that scene made them feel extremely shocked.

"Okay, terrible monster. Once the tertiary evolutionary beast has no resistance, then, at least a tertiary evolutionary beast." After a long time, one of the men whispered in his mouth, and his face also Full of panic.

"Not only did you see that the head is a snake, but it has a single horn, that is a dragon, I see, a fifth-level evolution beast is also possible! Unfortunately, we do n’t have a crystallizer, otherwise we can be sure. "Another awakener next to him followed, and offered a different opinion.

"Fifth level? This is too exaggerated. I have never heard of a fifth level evolutionary beast and the awakened. This is impossible, but ...".

The other awakener did not agree, but when he said that, the words turned around and then said, "If it is really a dragon, even if it does not reach the fifth level, it is not far behind, and just now the dragon's head is so It ’s big. I ’m afraid that my body shape is more than 100 meters. ”

"It's done ~ ~ A terrible monster appeared around our Dalongshan base. If this monster attacks the base, it will be an absolute disaster." The final awakener, though scared A jump, but his thoughts were longer-term.


Hearing this sentence, the other three companions all took a sigh of coldness, thinking of the monster that used the third-level evolutionary beast as a meal, they felt cold.

"No, won't it? The monster just seemed to find us, but dismissed it, it should just pass by, right?" The head of the third-level awakened man, with a barely smile, Whispered.

"Let's hurry back, anyway, this is also a terrible potential threat, let's hurry to inform the senior management of the base", after a moment of silence, the headed awakener said quickly.

"Wait, me, my feet are soft and I can't move ..."

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