Plane Master Copy

Chapter 514: : Down the mountain

The ancestral temple, Wan Jianyi's gaze fell on Su Ru's body, staying for a moment.

Although Su Ru was glad to see Wan Jianyi's existence, she noticed Wan Jianyi's eyes, but leaned back to the difficult side of Tian Tian.

At that time Wan Jian devoted himself to Su Ru, but in the end Su Ru's heart was placed on the short and fat Tian Buyi, which can be said to be astounding in Qingyunmen.

Seeing the field next to Su Ru is not easy, Wan Jianyi took his eyes back. Although he liked Su Ru, but Wan Jianyi also has his own style, he will not do things that entangle others, not to mention, things have already For so many years, their daughters have jumped alive.

"Brother Wan, you are all right. This is great. Brother Brother can hide me very bitterly." Tian Yiyi's face was filled with joy, and he did not seem to notice Wan Jianyi's eyes. I am sincerely happy that Wan Jianyi is still alive.

"Well, all these years, I have been quietly sitting in the ancestral shrine. I feel very peaceful. What day is it? Why are you all here?"

Wan Jian looked calm, and never saw the flying atmosphere in his youth. It felt like an ordinary old man, with a very calm temperament. He finally asked Daoxuan with a questioning look in his speech. .

After all, he was sentenced to death, and Dao Xuan saved himself as a secret. He has been staying in the ancestral temple for many years. No one knows his existence. Why do so many people come today to reveal their traces? ?

To Wan Jianyi's words, Dao Xuan did not answer, but set his eyes on the real person of Cang Song.

At this point, the real person in Cangsong looked guilty and lowered his head, and then told the whole story, of course, about collusion between himself and the demon king of the demon, and in the beginning, snatching bloodthirsty beads in Caomiao Village Cangsong also confessed to the incident.

"Brother Cangsong, you, hey ..." Hearing that Cang Song even hated Dao Xuan because of his own affairs, and even he did not hesitate to collude with Demon Road, Wan Jianyi's heart was sad and moved.

"As Long Shoufeng's first seat, and as the ruler of Qingyunmen's Law, I know that the law violates the law, and the crime is increased by one grade. I also ask the master to convict!" At this time, the real person in Cangsong was considered to be relieved and took the initiative. Plead guilty and bow to Dao Xuan.

"Master Cangsong, you do have a serious crime. You betrayed the sect. This crime should have been sentenced to death, but fortunately, you have colluded with the demon, but you have not yet taken action against Qingyunmen. Today I will sentence you to the punishment of thunder and fire!" After the truth of Song Zhenren's sin, Dao Xuan groaned for a moment, then made a decision.

"The younger brother is willing to accept such punishment!", Bowed his head, and there was no objection from the Taoist Cangsong for the decision of Tao Xuan.

Later, after the real man Cangsong spoke with Wan Jian again, the real man Dao Xuan soon announced the matter to Qingyunmen.

And it was learned that the first Cangsong real person of Long Shoufeng was going to suffer the punishment of thunder and fire, and the whole Qingyun Gate shook up and down.

Naturally, everyone wanted to know what crime Cang Song had committed, and he was subject to such severe criminal law.

However, Dao Xuan kept silent on the questioning from top to bottom of Qingyunmen, and even the first several others.

Even the real Cang Song didn't say anything, he was silent, and there was nothing wrong with Dao Xuan's criminal law.

With the announcement, seven days later, under the attention of everyone above and below Qingyunmen, the real Cangsong was hung high, and then countless thunder and flames fell on the real Cangsong one after another.

Suffering from these criminal laws, Cang Song's real person did not say a word, and gritted his teeth to bear.

"Head, head, I don't know what the Master has done wrong, but Master has been in charge of Qingyunmen's criminal law over the years. He is selfless, and can be said to be very creditable to the teacher.

Many disciples of Long Shoufeng looked at the real person of Cang Song, and they were all sorrowful, and the disciples headed by Qi Hao shouted loudly to the endless worship of Tao Xuan.

"As the saying goes, scraping bones and treating poisons, although the process is painful, but in the end, it is getting better and better. All these disturbing factors hidden in the dark have been picked out and resolved. In the future, Qingyunmen should not Will he suffer so many calamities again? "Wu Yan also silently watched the torture of the thunderfire, groaning secretly in his heart.

"Well? Where's Xiaofan?"

People from Dazhufeng also came to watch, different from Tian Linger's mind was placed on Qi Hao's body, Du Bishu looked around and never saw Zhang Xiaofan's figure, he said in amazement.

"Ah, yes, where did Xiaofan go?" With Du Bishu's words, the people at Dazhufeng reacted, and it seemed that they hadn't seen Zhang Xiaofan for a long time.

"Stop you guys, hurry up and get Xiaofan back!" Su Ru seemed to have thought of something, and said to the Daren Song some seriously.

While speaking, he said to Wu Dayi again: "Go and see if Lin Jingyu of Long Shoufeng is here."

"Okay, sir," Wu Dayi didn't understand why Su Ru asked him to look for Lin Jingyu of Longshoufeng, but he didn't ask much, nodded, and hurriedly looked for Longshoufeng past.

The people at Long Shoufeng focused their attention on Cangsong's real person, so no one noticed Lin Jingyu's situation. Regarding Wu Dayi's inquiries, they all shook their heads, saying that they had not seen them. Lin Jingyu's whereabouts.

Wu Dayi also seemed to feel something was wrong, and hurriedly came back to trot, gasping and said to Su Ru, "Madam, Long Shoufeng's Lin Jingyu, also disappeared."

"Sure enough, these two children are gone", and after hearing what Wu Dayi said, Su Ru's suspicion seemed to be confirmed, murmured.

"Oh? Because of this, did both of them leave Qingyun?" Wu Yan was watching the criminal law. He naturally stood with the people at Dazhufeng. Hearing Su Ru's words, Wu Yan was in his heart. Murmured.

After groaning for a while, Wu Yan didn't want to stay watching anymore. When he moved, he left Qingyunmen and chased down the mountain.

Wu Yan felt that his actions were not wrong, and he clarified all the truth, and even exposed the unstable factor of Cangsong, which is for the good of Qingyunmen.

But I didn't expect that because of this incident, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu actually left Qingyunmen.


Under Qingyunmen, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu walked together, both of them left Qingyunmen.

Although Qingyunmen was regarded as the home of the two of them, the so-called Mingmen of Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple was the cause of the tragic incident in the Caomiao Village, which made it difficult for the two of them to accept.

I do n’t know how to get revenge, but neither of them can stay at Qingyunmen with peace of mind, so they both left.

However, the two teenagers came down the mountain, but they just happened to meet a few disciples of the magic road, and they were quietly lurking up the mountain.

They all learned from the eyeliner that something happened to Qingyunmen, so they all wanted to go up the mountain to inquire about specific information.

"Well? There are two young children here at Qingyunmen, so just ask them why!"

The man headed was a man with a toothy teeth and a long tongue, which occasionally stretched out like a wild dog. He looked at Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan with bright eyes and then shot together.

Although Lin Jingyu's qualifications are extraordinary, after all, the cultivation is still shallow, and Zhang Xiaofan ’s cultivation on the second floor of the Qing Dynasty is even lower. In addition, since the magic Taoist man has shot, it is a quick battle and the two are fast. Was defeated.

Then, several Modao disciples arrested them, preparing to severely torture what happened to Qingyunmen.

"Ahem, it seems that you are not good at catching people at Qingyunmen?" Wu Yan was predominant, and Sangou ’s writing-wheel eye provided excellent vision, and just saw the battle here, and quickly fell down. , He said.

"Do it! Take him down!" Watching Wu Yan fall, these magic Tao disciples began to drink.

Seeing Wu Yan's appearance is also very young, they naturally do not take him seriously.

While talking, four or five Modao disciples shot together, raised their weapons, and rushed towards Wuyan.

However, looking at these people who rushed over, Wu Yan shook his head secretly, and immediately lifted his palm, the power of Wanci King launched, and the weapons in the hands of these people stopped in mid-air for a moment.

At the same time, Wu Yan shook his fingers, and several sharp sword qis screamed at the middle of the magic road, one by one, and the sword qi penetrated his legs and fell to the ground.

"You, who is your kid?", Headed by a man who looks like a wild dog, dressed up as a Taoist, asked Wu Yan seriously.

He is obviously the strongest of these people, with a crystal point of 1500.

It's just ~ ~ For the people in these magical ways, Wu Yan didn't pay attention, but set his eyes on Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu next to him.

"Predecessor Wuyan!", Rescued by Wu Yan, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu's faces were all grateful.

Not only the life-saving grace, but also thanks to Wu Yan for letting them know the truth.

"Senior, our brothers are grateful to you, but if you want us two to go back, it is impossible," Lin Jingyu said with a firm look.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, and he looked calm, and nodded.

"I didn't come here to persuade you to go back. You are not children anymore. You know how to make your own choices." Wu Yan shook his head and said to Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan.

Having said that, he gave a slight pause, and then said, "The reason why I came after you was to see you off. In addition, after all, your departure was also related to me. You have also seen that with your cultivation, you have not yet come down the mountain. It may be fatal, so to send you away, I have to give you both a gift. "

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