Plane Master Copy

Chapter 609: : Law heaven and earth

"Very good, you are courageous, and your achievements will not be low in the future!" Hearing Wu Yan's words, Sun Wukong appreciated his appearance and nodded heavily.

Those who are afraid of wolves and tigers before are unlikely to succeed. Only those who bravely move forward and ignore danger can succeed.

Of course, not all such people can succeed. After all, lawless people are most likely to make mistakes and be suppressed.

But it is undeniable that all successful people have the courage to move forward.

"I borrowed your good words", Sun Wukong's words made Wu Yan feel very good, and he can get Sun Wukong's praise. The praise is not small.

Of course, now, I only have 3000 points of crystal points. I want to grow up, at least to the level of Sun Wukong, the road is long.

"Chaos, this evil beast, is actually collecting virgin boys and girls? It seems that he wants to use children's hearts to make long-lived medicine ...", soon, Sun Wukong's attention was put on Chaos again. , Shook his head and sighed.

"Oh? Dasheng? What is this child's heart refining medicine about? What can you tell me?" The appearance of Sun Wukong made Wu Yan interested in this and asked.

There is a saying that the monster collects children's heart refining medicine in the original works of Yuanyuan. However, in the original book of Journey to the West, the monster is a deceitful king who asks him to collect it, but hides himself behind the scenes.

"Treasures in the world, such as the vast galaxy, but among the endless treasures, only one kind of treasure is the most precious." It has a good relationship with Wu Yan. For Wu Yan's inquiries, Sun Wukong is also willing to popularize for him Fan.

"What is it?" Wu Yan asked after hearing Wuwu's words.

"That's the treasure that can increase life!" With Wu Yan's inquiry, Sun Wukong said.

"After all, if you die, there will be nothing. Even gods and bodhisattvas have a life limit. Therefore, treasures that can increase life are the most precious. Otherwise, the old grandson would not be for the law of longevity. And left Huaguoshan, "Sun Wukong explained.

"Well, what you said is reasonable." After hearing Sun Wukong's words, Wu Yan nodded and agreed.

"Why does Laojun have a transcendental status among the Three Realms and Six Paths, even the heavenly gods and Buddhas have respect for him? But it is Laojun who has mastered the means of refining elixir."

"Why can the mother-in-law and mother-in-law be able to sit on an equal footing with the Jade Emperor? Naturally, it is also because of her 3,600 Peach Trees, which are guided by longevity, and even the gods and gods of the heavens must obey.

Sun Wukong opened his mouth and explained that, with a few words, he divided the nature of the heavenly forces and clarified it to Wu Yan.

"That's the case, you have eaten the mother's peach again, and you have eaten the old monarch's elixir. No wonder the 100,000 soldiers went crazy to catch you that year."

I heard these words, Wu Yan had a deeper understanding of Sun Wukong's troubles in the sky, and the capture of Sun Wukong at no cost by heaven.

"Whether it is the old monarch's elixir or the queen mother's peach, only gods and Buddhas are eligible to enjoy it. Naturally, the demon of heavens must find a way to obtain eternal life. Therefore, there is also a elixir in the demon, but it is extremely refined. Evil, if there is no other way out, few demons are willing to take this seriously ... ", when the words turned, Sun Wukong's words fell to the aspect of children's heart refining.

"That's it, I understand." Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Wu Yan suddenly realized in his heart.

的 Almost all the treasures that can increase lifespan have been monopolized by Xianjia. If the demons in the world want to live, they can only walk away from the front, so they have the evil technique of refining the heart of children.

"The bloodline of Thor's Thor can live for thousands of years, which is very long. If I can meet a species that is born to live for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, if I copy that bloodline, will it? Can we also rely on this to become a leader of the Three Realms? ".

Wu deeply understood the importance of life span, or the means to increase life span, and Wu Yan's heart could not help flashing such an idea.

Of course, this idea has just passed away. Now, myself, the number of crystal points is only 3,000. Maybe it is good in other planes, but when it comes to the plane in mythology, this strength is just cannon fodder. Nothing more.

The most urgent thing is to raise my strength as soon as possible. Without strength, I don't even have the ability to protect myself, let alone talk about other things.

After eating a meal, Wu Yan and Sun Wukong each took a rest in their own rooms.

Wu Wuyan did not rush to practice today, but a little finger, opened the magic of mirroring space, and immediately, Wu Yan walked in.

Wu Xiaomeng always followed Wu Yan's side step by step, unwilling to be separated from him for a moment, so after Wu Yan walked in, Xiao Meng followed Wu Yan into it.

"Golden Eyes of Fire Eyes!" After coming to the mirrored space, Wuyan's eyes were slightly coagulated, and the ability of Golden Eyes of Fire Eyes was lifted.

Among the dark pupils, it seems that two golden flames can be seen. Wu Yan can see everything between the heavens and the earth. It seems that there is no cover at all, showing himself the most essential side.

Taoism has a saying, the three realms, the first realm, seeing mountains is mountains, and water is water; the second realm, seeing mountains is not mountains, and water is not water; the third realm, seeing mountains or mountains, looking at water Still water ...

火 The eyesight of this fiery eye seems to have reached the highest state of Taoism.

Any illusion in the world is difficult to cover Wu Yan's eyes, can see through the essence at a glance, the so-called blind eye method and illusion, etc., in front of the golden eyes of the fire eye, it has no effect at all.

"Well, it's pretty good. With this fire-eye golden eye, you are not afraid of being blinded by any illusion ability." After transporting the fire-eye golden eye and feeling it, Wu Yan's heart is also very satisfied.

It is indeed a blood vessel with a capacity of 30g, which is very effective.

"Oh? By the way, this fire eye golden eye can resist any illusion ability, then, can you not see through this trick of God?" At this moment, Wu Yan's heart suddenly moved and muttered secretly.

Wu Yan has always been enthusiastic about this move, but Wu Yan dare not copy it to others, even though Uchiha has the bloodline to stop the water, because Wu Yan cannot guarantee that he can stop this move.

In case someone opened the Kaleidoscope of Uchiha's water-stop, before he copied it himself, he would be subdued by another god. Wouldn't it have killed himself?

So, for so long, although Wu Yan wanted Uchiha to stop the kaleidoscope, he never implemented it.

But this time, after Wu Yan had the blood of the eyes of fire and eyes, he thought he was enough to see through other gods. He thought in his heart whether he could find a suitable character as a target and copy the blood of Uchiha's water.

"Brother, your eyes look terrific. It seems that all the secrets can be seen through you ..." After Wu Yan experimented with the ability of the golden eyes, Xiao Meng next spoke and said her best real thinking.

"Well, the power of these eyes is really good." Xiao Meng made Wu Yan nodded with a smile.

Although it can not increase strength like writing round eyes, but it is enough to see through some falsehood, this ability is also very good.

"Yes, Xiao Meng, haven't we studied for a long time, haven't we? Take this opportunity, let's have a good discussion?", The power of fire eyes and golden eyes has been tested, and Wu Yan has great powers on the magical powers of the law. Looking forward, he asked Xiaomeng.

"Wow, I hope my strength will not let you disappoint you, brother." Hearing Wu Yan to discuss with himself, Xiao Meng's face also smiled and nodded.


As the voice fell, Xiao Meng's speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Wu Yan's face, and at the same time, he raised his palm, and his slim hand seemed to be bladed, and inserted directly into Wu Yan's shoulder.

"So fast!", Feeling Xiao Meng's speed, Wu Yan's heart was startled.

When I first met Xiao Meng, I mistakenly regarded her as a speed-type awakener. After these days of continuous improvement of strength, Xiao Meng's speed is even more ghostly.

I shaved!

Face to Xiao Meng's speed ~ ~ Wu Yan also exhibited the speed of shaving. At the same time, the writing eye of San Gouyu emerged to provide himself with great dynamic vision.

It was just a few tricks of melee combat, Xiao Meng smashed a powder punch on Wu Yan's arm. Then, Wu Yan's body was like a cannonball, which fell from the air and fell on A large pit appeared on the ground.

"Brother, are you okay?" Watching Wu Yan be hit by a punch on the ground, Xiao Meng was startled and asked in a hurry.

"It's okay, rest assured." He got up a bit, Wu Yan looked at Xiao Meng's worried look, hurriedly waved, and at the same time, signaled Xiao Meng to continue.

"Xiao Meng's crystal points are indeed about 6,000. This power is really powerful." Although he said it was okay, he was afraid that Xiao Meng was worried, but in fact, Wu Yan's body was covered by that punch. Soreness.

Wu took a deep breath, and Wu Yan's gaze was much more serious, staring at Xiao Meng and saying, "Be careful, I'm going to be real."

"Okay!", Xiao Meng nodded seriously, and half of her body turned into a snowstorm.

The power of 6000 crystal points permeated, and the entire mirrored space seemed to turn into ice and snow hell.

How can the heavens and the earth be defeated!

This skill, which had just been copied from Sun Wukong, was put on display, Wu Yan's heart groaned.


With the display of the power of Fa Tianxiangdi, Wu Yan's figure was like a balloon, and it quickly swelled, but within a moment, it turned into a height of 100 meters.

At the same time, a wild and heavy breath permeated Wu Yan's body.

Xun Wuyan punched out and banged fiercely towards Xiaomeng, who was coming over ...

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