Plane Master Copy

Chapter 619: : Hidden

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Wu Yan also knew the amount of pig Bajie's meal, so he prepared a large pot, meat and vegetables, and simmered in a large pot. Soon, the aroma overflowed, and the pig Bajie was drooling.

It didn't take long, and soon, this cauldron was ready for meals for dozens of people, and Zhu Bajie screamed with great joy and was very happy.

This is like eating, and this amount of food. If it is broadcast live before the end of the world, it is estimated that it can rely on live broadcast, and the annual salary is millions ...

Although Wu Yan wanted to have a good chat with Zhu Bajie, but he was not in a hurry to talk while he was eating now, and made a shadow to chase Jiang Liuer and Sun Wukong, and Wu Yan so small Meng stayed in the original Land, watch pig Bajie eat

I have to say that Zhu Bajie's meal looks very bold, but if he is next to him, he has no appetite at all.

After eating this meal for an hour or so, dozens of people's meals were all put in the stomach of one person in Zhubajie.

In the end, Zhu Bajie satisfiedly satiated, and said with a sigh, "The old pig hasn't remembered for a long time. I haven't eaten a full meal. Today, this meal is really delicious, this little brother. Thank you for your hospitality. By the way, I still don't know how to call you? ".

Please have a full meal yourself, and during the meal, you didn't chatter. Pig Bajie apparently looked good at Wu Yan's senses, and looked at Wu Yan's body and asked.

"My name is Wu Yan, this is my sister, Wu Meng." After hearing Zhu Bajie's inquiry, Wu Yan spoke and introduced herself.

"Wu Meng? But really a big beauty, hehe ..." After hearing Wu Yan's introduction, Zhu Bajie's eyes were on Xiao Meng's body, his eyes were much brighter, and a pig brother's image drooled. Out.

The ancients spoke well and thought warmly. At this moment, the pig Bajie is eating and drinking, and when he saw Xiao Meng's peerless face, he obviously had some ideas.

Looking at the appearance of Zhu Bajie, Xiao Meng's good-looking brows frowned, apparently very unhappy.

Even Wu Yan's face sank a lot, saying: "I asked you to have a meal. Instead, you thought about my sister? If you don't know how to repay, at least you can't revenge?"

"Uh, sorry, your sister is too beautiful. Normal men will like it when they see her. I said I don't like it, do you believe it? Those who don't squint, just pretend to be serious." Seeing Wu Yan's The look was really angry, and the look on Zhu Bajie's face converged a lot. He apologized and explained.

"Well, he said something, it made some sense," said Wu Bajie, making Wu Yan nodded secretly.

Of course, the eyes of Zhu Bajie's eyes are bright and drooling, which is still very unpleasant.

"By the way, your name is Wu Yan, and her name is Wu Meng? Are you brothers and sisters? Nothing looks like it." After Zhu Bajie looked at Wu Yan again, he looked at Wu Yan with some doubt.

"Oh? What's the difference?" Wu Yan asked Wei Yan strangely.

"The attitude is not the same. The relationship between brothers and sisters is not like you. The old pig looks like you are more like a couple." After carefully looking at Wu Yan and Wu Meng, , Pig Bajie said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Wu Yan said angrily when he heard the words of Zhu Bajie, and interrupted him directly.

Yes, now Xiao Meng is indeed a big beauty, but Wu Yan's heart has never forgotten what Xiao Meng was like before, so she did n’t really treat her as a woman in her subconscious. .

"Hey hey, are you so angry or angry? Or was it hit by the old pig?" Wu Yan interrupted himself, but Zhu Bajie laughed and said to Wu Yan.

The look of Zhu Bajie made Wu Yan no longer speak, but stared at him seriously.

Wu Yan stared at him silently, and the pig Bajie also felt very unaccustomed, and the strange smile stopped slowly, then he sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, let's talk about the business, you in the end Who is it? In addition, please ask the old pig to have a big meal. Is there anything I can ask for? "

Pig Bajie is not stupid, on the contrary it is very clever.

He also guessed that Wu Yan could break his identity as soon as he met, and he specially invited himself to eat a full meal, and there must be something to find himself.

"Well, I do have something to ask for your help," Wu Yan nodded.

Looking at the crystal point of Zhu Bajie's full 12000, Wu Yan's heart was secretly marveled. This pig Bajie is different from Sun Wukong. Although he fell into the world, he is still alive, and the strength of 12000 crystal points is enough. Explain everything.

However, he in the original book is too unbearable. It seems that he also intentionally hides his strength in the original book?

"Well, please tell me something. Seeing that you invited the old pig to eat a full meal, as long as it can help, it is incumbent on the old pig." He patted his plump chest, a pair of pigs. Dayi said stunfully.

"That's good. Help me, but it's actually helping the world."

Seeing that the pig Bajie speaks so well, Wu Yan nodded with a smile, and immediately said, "In recent days, the chaos of one of the top ten beasts in ancient times is a disaster for humankind. Go down to demons and demons, and return to a peaceful world. "

Having said that, Wu Yan gave a slight meal, and then said, "But so far, I have never seen the chaos, and I don't know how strong he is. I happened to meet Marshal Tianpeng today. So, I want to ask you to join me to fight chaos together? ".

"Ah? Chaos?" After hearing Wu Yan's words, Zhu Bajie's face changed and at the same time, his eyes quickly turned twice.

"Yes, what's wrong? Marshal Tengpeng knows this evil beast well?" When Wu Bajie heard what he said, his face looked a bit wrong, Wu Yan asked.

Think about it, chaos is an ancient ferocious beast, and Pig Bajie once was the Captain Marshal who was in charge of the 100,000 sailors in Tianhe. He is very clear about chaos, which is reasonable.

"Yes, I do know some things about chaos. The strength of this beast is extraordinary. Even if it is a lot stronger than the old pig, you and I will join forces. Maybe they are not the opponent of the beast. I advise you. Don't give it away, "Zhu Bajie nodded and said to Sun Wukong, and at the same time seriously persuaded Wu Yan to say.

"What? Is this chaotic strength so strong? Pig Bajie feels that he is far from his opponent?" When he heard the words of Pig Bajie, Wu Yan was secretly surprised.

Judging from the original work, Sun Wukong, who has unlocked the seal, is completely capable of crushing chaos. It is easy to kill chaos. Is this chaos so powerful?

Judging from the number of crystal points, the number of crystal points of Sun Wukong is around 20,000, and the number of pig Bajie is also 12,000.

It stands to reason, even if it is not chaos, it should be close to each other, right?

"Wait, my crystal point number is in the early 3000s, isn't it? Pig Bajie noticed my crystal point number. Absolutely my strength, can't it help me at all?" In addition to my surprise, soon, Wu Yan's heart moved Suddenly, such a thought popped into my mind.

It ’s just that Wu Yan has n’t waited for Wu Yan to prove his strength. Zhu Bajie followed suit and said to Wu Yan seriously, “Looking at you having me eat a full meal, I advise you to go back, as for chaos You do n’t have to worry about the so-called multiple injustices, and in my opinion, chaos will not last long. ”

Wu Bajie's remarks made Wu Yan's heart slightly tight.

Although he said these words in a speculative tone, Wu Yan could feel his firm tone.

In order to make sure that Chao Bajie is not alive? Could it be? Does he have any idea about the game between immortals and Buddhas?

Once this suspicion emerged, it immediately seemed to take root and lingered in Wu Yan's mind.

Originally, Wu Yan didn't think too much about the role of Zhu Bajie. After all, no matter in any version of Journey to the West, generally the most prominent role is Sun Wukong. Compared to Sun Wukong and Tang Seng, Pig Bajie really has no Too big.

However, Wu Bajie's remarks gave Wu Yan another thought.

Why can Pig Bajie assert that the chaos is not long? Could it be? He was also an insider about things going west?

For the chaos, the people in Tianshitang have prayed to God, and want the gods and Buddhas to descend to demons and demons, but the immortal Buddha has not reacted. It can be seen that the existence of chaos is an important part of the immortal Buddha's westward planning. .

Now, Zhu Bajie knew this thing early?

At the same time ~ ~ Wu Yan combined with the original works of the return of the Great Holy One, the pig Bajie clearly has 12000 crystal points, and the 36-day change can also be performed. appearance.

This made Wu Yan's heart sigh secretly: "It seems that I have underestimated the role of Zhu Bajie. Sure enough, the captain Marshal who is in charge of the 100,000 sailors is not a simple one!".

To put it now, Marshal Tengpeng in the heavens is equivalent to the commander in chief of the Navy.

This identity is much higher than that of Tota King Li Jing. How could it be a wine bag?

Wu Yan remembers that in the Journey to the West, the Jade Emperor would send 100,000 soldiers to capture Sun Wukong. He temporarily mobilized 100,000 soldiers to him. If there is no war, it is obvious that Li Jing does not have the military power of 100,000 soldiers.

This is obviously a lot worse than the Marshal of the Pig Bajie's Tianpeng mastering 100,000 sailors at any time.

"It seems that the pig's eight precepts are the one in the Journey to the West, the one who hides the most. It's hidden!"

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