Plane Master Copy

Chapter 624: : Ling Xiao Bao Dian

Nezha's dress and appearance are very recognizable. Looking at the figure in front of himself, Wu Yan can guess his identity.

However, all the spirits of Wu Yan are all mobilized and concentrated on this last move. Therefore, Wu Yan did not pay any attention to the words of Nezha.

Holding up the Qingdi sword, he swung down fiercely, and a huge incisive slash, followed by Wu Yan's action and slashed out.

Because of the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, this slash looks equally huge.

After the slash was completely released, Wu Yan's body shrank rapidly, turning into an ordinary human form, and he fell from the air.

After this attack, Wu Yan had a feeling that his body was completely hollowed out, and the form of the celestial body could not be maintained, and even the state of the eight-door armor was closed automatically.

With a rumbling sound, the Qingdi sword let go, and the tens of meters of giant sword hit the ground fiercely, splashing the sky with dust, and then shrinking to the normal size.

Almost at the same time, a large snowstorm appeared, and Xiao Meng came over, catching Wu Yan that fell from the air.

"Brother, you, are you okay?" Xiao Meng said with a worried expression on her delicate pretty face. This is the first time that Xiao Meng has seen Wuyan look so weak for a long time since she knew each other.

"No, it's okay, it's just a release, and it takes a few days of rest to recover." Wu Yan reluctantly opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be heavy and his voice was a bit weak.

Not to mention the situation of Wuyan at this time. At this moment, Sun Wukong's eyes are on the huge slash of Wuyan.

Wu Yan's last attack apparently has gathered all his powers. Can this move kill the chaos?

The banging sound, this chopping is enough to split a mountain and fall on the body of chaos.

At the same time, a scream rang through the world, echoing between the world.

After a long time, when the aftermath of this chopping dissipated slowly, everyone could clearly see that the large and bloated body of Chaos fell to the ground, and a huge wound almost split it in half. The chaos lying on the ground was motionless, giving the impression that it was dead.

"Did you get rid of this guy?" Looking at the chaos that fell to the ground, watching the huge sword injury that almost divided its body into two, both Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie murmured secretly.

It's unbelievable that everyone in the world can defeat chaos, which is beyond everyone's expectation. So, where did he come from?

"Wu Yan, Jade Emperor has a purpose, tell you to tell the story of heaven, and follow me!", Nezha's eyes fell on Wu Yan and said.

Looking at Wu Yan who was weak and had no fighting power anymore, the sense of war in Nazha's eyes slowly dissipated.

Seeing that Wu Yan can defeat the chaos of the ancient fierce beasts, as one of the top war gods in Heaven, Nezha naturally has some itchiness and wants to have a good discussion with Wu Yan.

But unfortunately, Wu Yan now has no hands-on power at all, and Nezha naturally won't take advantage of the danger of people, and for the time being put away this war in his mind.

During the conversation, Nezha's body moved directly to Wu Yan's body, and it looked like a little boy with pink carvings. However, Nezha's movement was very fast, and his strength was very powerful. , Grabbed Wu Yan's placket.

"Let go!", The next Xiao Meng, naturally would not sit idly by and watch Wu Yan be taken away, watching Nezha start his hand, Xiao Meng's mouth repulsed, and at the same time his delicate hands lifted, countless wind and snow swept , Banged fiercely towards Nezha.

However, for these oncoming snowstorms, Nezha's eyelids lifted slightly.

Almost at the same time, the mixed tentacle entangled in him flew out and turned into a red horse, which instantly swept the snowy sky and shook it into the distance.

"Let's go!" After solving Xiao Meng's attack at will, the hot wheel at the bottom of the stole quickly spun up. Then, the figure flew across the air and dragged out a long tail flame. Quickly disappear into the horizon.

Xiao Meng, who was scattered, chased in the direction of Nezha, but where did her speed catch up with Nezha?

The farther they went, the more they could only watch Wu Yan and Nezha disappear in the sky.

"Brother, brother ...", watching Wu Yan being taken away by Nezha, the tears in Xiao Meng's eyes fell down bit by bit, and his mouth also shouted loudly.

In Xiaomeng's mind, it seemed that the whole world had turned gray, and his own spiritual pillar had completely collapsed at this moment.

In Xiao Meng's mind, Wu Yan's existence is all of his own. Since he knew Wu Wu, Xiao Meng has been separated from Wu Yan for a short time.

But now, watching Wu Yan being taken away, he still didn't know when he could meet again, Xiao Meng felt that his inner world seemed to collapse.

Above the earth, Sun Wukong held Jiang Liu'er in a coma, glanced at the chaotic corpse, and then said nothing, turned and left.

For Wu Yan to intervene to kill this chaos, Sun Wukong's heart was a little grateful to him, but Sun Wukong's heart felt angry again. At a crucial time, the people in Tianting actually appeared and took Wu Yan away.

If his mana is still there, Sun Wukong said that he would not be able to block Nezhe.

However, all his mana was sealed by the Buddha, and Sun Wukong could only watch Wu Yan be taken away, and his mood was naturally very heavy.

"Oh ..." On the other side, Pig Bajie trot to the side of Chaos. After carefully looking at the chaotic corpse, Wu said in awe and exclamation: "I didn't expect that there would be someone in this world who could do it. To this extent, almost killing the ancient chaotic beasts alone, and indeed, people can't look good. "

"Who are you?" Looking at the chubby pig with a pig's head, Sun Wukong's gaze fell on him, and he said, "Look that you came with Wu Yan, are you his friend? ? ".

"A friend?" Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Zhu Bajie nodded and said.

"Huh!" However, after Zhu Bajie acknowledged that he was a friend of Wu Yan, Sun Wukong didn't look at Wu Yan's face and gave him a good complexion. Instead, he snorted coldly, looked at Zhu Bajie disdainfully, and turned away. go with.

Wu Yan's friend? But he saw Wu Yan being taken away by his own eyes. Once there was no response?

Is such a person worthy of a friend?

"Hey, monkey, what kind of look do you have? Do you look down on the old pig?" Sun Wukong's disdainful look made Zhu Bajie's mood very uncomfortable, and he could not help shouting loudly, while walking towards Sun Wukong .

However, for Wu Bajie's shouting, Sun Wu turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn't heard it, and walked towards Xiao Meng's side.

At this time, Xiao Meng, who was kneeling on the ground, lost Wu Yan, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul. His eyes were divine. He looked at the distant sky and murmured some words that others did not understand.

"Wu Meng, don't you cry, do you have any place to go?", He couldn't save Wu Yan himself, and Sun Wukong couldn't sit still watching Xiao Meng's distraction like this, stayed alone, came over, and asked. .

However, Xiao Meng ignored Sun Wukong's words as if he hadn't heard them.

In Xiao Meng's heart, only Wu Yan was alone, and no one seemed to be worthy of Xiao Meng's attention except Wu Yan.

Sun Wukong said a few words with patience beside him, but Xiao Meng ignored him, but just sat on the ground kneeling, tears like rain.

"Well, Wu Meng, you don't have to be too sad. When the old grandson recovers his strength, will I accompany you to rescue Wu Yan?" Finally, Sun Wukong had no choice but to bite his teeth and said to Wu Meng .

This sentence fell down, Xiao Meng finally reacted, looking back, a pair of eyes stared at Sun Wukong tightly.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at Lao Sun like this?", Being stared at by Xiao Meng, Sun Wukong felt uncomfortable and said strangely.

"Do you know where my brother is now? Where do you go to save him?" Xiao Meng stared at Sun Wukong seriously and asked.

"Naturally knows". When asked about Xiao Meng, Sun Wukong said something weird. He looked at Xiao Meng in a strange way and said, "Don't you know where Wu Yan was caught?" Who is that person? Don't you recognize it? ".

"I don't know," Xiao Meng shook her head and replied to Sun Wukong's words.

After becoming a zombie, Xiao Meng has lost all her memories of being a human, and naturally, there is no concept of a so-called fairy or monster.

"Here, there are people in the world who don't know where?" This is really strange! "Xiao Meng replied, so that both Sun Wukong and Marshal Tianpeng froze.

Nezha's fame should also be very loud in the world, right?

"Since you know where my brother is ~ ~ let's save him now!", Xiao Meng doesn't know where he is, let alone what the heavens are. Now that she knows Wu Yan's whereabouts, Xiao Meng is naturally I can't wait for a quarter of an hour, I want to rescue Wu Yan now.

"No, Lao Sun's mana is now sealed, there is no way to heaven, there is no door to the ground, and he can't reach the fairyland, let alone rescue Wu Yan." For Xiao Meng's eagerness, Sun Wukong shook his head and said .



On the other side, Wu Yan was extremely weak. Under the leadership of Nezha, the fire wheel was so fast that people couldn't see the surrounding scene at all.

Soon, Nezhe took Wu Yan through the heavily guarded Nantian Gate and came to a grand and towering hall.

On the plaque on the hall, there are three large characters of dragon and phoenix dance:

Ling Xiaodian.


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