Plane Master Copy

Chapter 636: : Watch Marvel Movies for Faming

The words of Faming made Wu Yan's heart tighten a little. What did this mean? Wu Yan's heart soon understood.

Faming is Rulai, but Rulai is not Faming, that is, Faming is part of Rulai? Does this mean incarnation?

However, if you think about it carefully, Wu Yan also feels reasonable. The westward journey is related to the eastward spread of Buddhism, which is a big deal. Otherwise, if you come, you wo n’t send your second disciple, Jin Chanzi, to the earth.

And Jin Chanzi is a disciple of Rulai. In addition to Rulai, who can accept Jiang Liuer as an apprentice?

Therefore, it is quite reasonable for Rulai to get a lie outside of the lower world and act as a master of Jiang Liu'er. On the one hand, he is responsible for teaching him, and on the other hand, he supervises the westward affairs himself.

Realizing Faming's identity, Wu Yan's mind was secretly dignified, and the memory fragments just shown to him just now are some memories related to the real world.

Now, Faming asked about the value of the world ’s military force. Of course, Wu Yan understands that the level of military force has an inevitable relationship with his own security.

As the saying goes, high risks have high returns. Similarly, high returns have high risks.

Coming to this plane of the Westward Journey, Wuyan has benefited a lot from back and forth, such as the Qingdi sword, such as a bowl of white porridge for himself and Xiaomeng, his own fixation technique, golden eyes, and celestial phenomena. There is also Xiao Meng's Moon Eater, and so on.

However, the dangers Wu Yan faces are equally great.

In the presence of the Emperor Jade Emperor, he revealed the fact that he is not a person of this plane. Now, even Rulai knows this, and he turned himself into an incarnation to find himself.

Wu Yan is very clear that he is like walking a tightrope now. If he can fool these big men, it is okay. If he is spotted, he will surely die.

The strength of these big men, even if all their hole cards are exhausted, have no meaning at all. The number of crystal points above 100,000 is suffocating.

"It turned out that the Buddha came here in person, I was rude." My mind turned, and Wu Yan's nerves tightened, but I tried to control my expression, without the slightest fear, the appearance of being humble and humble. Say, hello.

"No need to be polite, I am Rulai, but Rulai is not me." For Wu Yan's words, Faming waved his hands and looked unconsciously, meanwhile staring at Wu Yan seriously, apparently waiting for Wu Yan's answer .

Some of the memory clips in his f-disk have been shown to Ru. Obviously, if Rulai wants to know what the world is like, he will naturally have to mobilize some relevant memory clips from the f-disk to show him. .

And when you see the real world scene, you can only choose the real world situation.

"We must find a piece of memory that can be daunted by Rulai, and it must also be a modern world, the real world is not good, and the value of force is too low. It seems that we can only start from other planes ...", Wu Yan Xin's thoughts turned, and soon, an idea slowly emerged from Wu Yan's heart, becoming more and more clear.

"Well, since that's the case, I'll show you what our world looks like," Wu Yan said with a plan in mind.

During the talk, Wu Yan stretched out his finger again, and clicked it on Faming's chest. Then, in his f disk, he pulled out some Marvel movies and showed it to Faming.

First, Wu Yan showed Faming the first Iron Man.

From this movie, Faming saw that human power is actually very powerful, especially the Jericho missile that just started can almost destroy a stretch of mountains, but it made Rulai's heart secretly condense.

"Does the world in which even mortals have such power? Such a power, even a bodhisattva, may not be able to stop it, and there are so-called nuclear bombs? That seems to be a higher-end weapon?" After watching the first part of Iron Man, Faming groaned secretly in his heart.

As for the so-called steel armor, Faming did not take it seriously.

Then, following the completion of Iron Man ’s first movie, Wu Yan followed from his f-disk to retrieve some memories of his contact with Iron Man from Marvel World. .

Use this to prove that you are indeed a person in this world.

Following the completion of Iron Man's first episode, Wu Yan followed up with the Thor movie, showing him what the Asgard Protoss looks like, and the related concepts of the nine universes.

"Originally, their world is so huge. The Nine Universes are much larger than ours. But the strength shown by the so-called Protoss is not very strong. The hammer is somewhat interesting, so use a hammer directly. Forged stars. "

This is how Fa Ming felt after watching Thor, and felt that the plane where Wu Yan is located is not strong.

If this is the case, without high-end power, it would not mind invading the world.

Wu Yan certainly knew that the strength shown by Asgard's protoss could not deter Faming.

It's not anxious, then, Wu Yan showed the film of Guardians of the Galaxy to Fa Ming to watch.

In this movie, the existence of a power gem is clearly shown. The power of a gem is enough to destroy a planet.

"It seems that I have some people who despised this world. The strange magic weapon can actually destroy a planet. People in this world actually live on the stars, and each star is so huge ..."

From the film of Guardians of the Galaxy, after seeing the role of the power gem, Faming murmured in his heart and was shocked by the power gem.

Following Iron Man, Thor, and Guardians of the Galaxy, Wu Yan followed up with the Avengers.

From the Avengers Alliance, Faming realized that Wu Yan's world was bigger than he thought, and various races seemed to emerge endlessly.

Moreover, there is also some curiosity about the master behind the Qiruita people. Vaguely, it seems that the big boss behind the scenes seems to be the strongest existence on the Wuyan plane.

Finally, Wu Yan followed and played the Avengers 3? Infinite War movie to Fa Ming.

From this movie, Faming saw the magic of space teleportation, exactly like Wu Yan's magic.

Of course, what is most shocking to Faming is the power of the six infinite gems.

Back and forth, after watching several Marvel movies, Faming knew more or less about Wu Yan's worldview. Naturally, he also had a concept of the universe.

In the end, after the annihilation of six infinite gems and a shocking ring finger, the life of the entire universe, half of the randomness.

This scene made Faming all startled.

"The world where Wu Yan is located doesn't seem to have the power of those characters, but many magic weapons are really terrible. A ring finger can randomly destroy half of the universe's life? If this guy named Exterminator came to this The world also slammed? Hiss ... ".

In Faming's heart, he secretly murmured, thinking that if the tyrant came over with infinite gloves and hit a ring finger in this world, he could not help but take a breath.

Terrible, terrible!

After watching the story of Avengers 3? Infinite War, Marvel's world gave Faming a sense of horror.

Regarding the Marvel world, Faming's heart is also full of dread.

Wu Yan's fingers slowly closed back, letting Faming watch several Marvel movies in a row, just to give him a clearer idea of ​​the Marvel world, and to pave the way for the shocking ring finger of.

Sure enough, Faming's face represented what it meant. Wu Yan knew very well that as long as they had fears about the Marvel world, their own safety would be guaranteed.

"Is that Destroyer the strongest in your world?" With Wu Yan's fingers retracted, Faming's mind was still immersed in the shocking ring finger. After a while, Faming converged on his own Feelings, asked Wu Yan.

"The strongest? Not a lot, there are still a lot of strong at his level ..." Wu Yan shook his head and said to Faming.

This is also true. Although the tyrant is powerful, there are still a lot of big names in the Marvel world, and the Marvel movie world shows only the tip of the iceberg of the entire universe.

For example, the existence of the **** group that day is itself mysterious and powerful.

"Sure enough, there are countless stars in his world. Thousands of races live on these stars. Naturally, there are a lot of strong people. In addition to a powerful magic weapon like the so-called infinite gem, his world, comprehensive Strength is not weaker than our world. "After hearing Wu Yan's answer, Faming's heart secretly compared the force value of the Marvel Plane ~ ~ secretly groaning in his heart.

In particular, the ring fingers of the six infinite gems were collected, and the force value of the Marvel plane was pulled up to a terrible level.

At least Faming didn't think that this step could be done, and even the Jade Emperor absolutely could not.

"Does Master Faming have anything else to know?", Guan Ming was frightened, Wu Yan laughed secretly, but on the surface he still asked indifferently.

"Oh, I don't have any questions to ask." When hearing Wu Yan's words, Fa Ming shook his head and said, his mind was a little confused.

"Well? Wait, Donor Wu Yan, is this pendant on your chest ..."

However, at this moment, Faming suddenly stared a little, and asked in surprise.

"Oh, this? Yes, this is exactly the soul gem of one of the six infinite gems. After we killed Exterminator, this gem was given to me by our God King reward.


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