Plane Master Copy

Chapter 658: : Purple God-level Character Layout

With a bang, blood-stained splashes, Wuyan's Green Emperor sword instantly penetrated the body of the parents of Yiheliu, all of which are ninja fighting methods. However, Wuyan is obviously superior in the use of ninjutsu.

After all, until now, the strength system of the Naruto plane has always been a very important part of Wuyan's strength composition.

"His ..." Almost nothing but three ways, Iga Liu's parents were killed in Wu Yan's hands. This scene made countless people take a breath of cold air, and their faces were full of A shocking look.

You know, in the hero city, Iga Liu is also one of the four major forces, but in a blink of an eye, Iga Liu's parents were killed?

How terrible is Wu Yan's strength?

"Miscellaneous account, I'm going to kill you!", Watching the parents were killed, Iheliu's people were frightened and angry, shouting loudly.

At the same time, another man pulled out his katana and rushed towards Wuyan.

"Is the number of crystal points of 1800 only? Not worthy of being against me ...", but, looking at the ninja who rushed over, Wu Yan's eyelids lifted slightly, his heart murmured secretly.

While talking, one was holding the Qingdi sword, and the other was raised, and gently touched the ninja.

At the same time, a low drink in his mouth: OK!

With a crystal point of 1800, this ninja can also be regarded as the fourth-level awakener, and the speed is extremely fast.

However, as Wu Yan ’s ability to fixate was launched, the ninja immediately looked like a sculpture and froze. Then, Wu Yan raised his sword gently.

"Wu Yan, stop!" Seeing this scene, Wu Xiong's face changed greatly, exclaiming in surprise, at the same time, his own cursing ability was activated.

The three major curses Qi Qi flew towards Wu Yan, and their attacks, defenses, and speeds all dropped by a large margin.

However, Jianguang flashed, and a great head flew directly.

Even if Wu Yan's attack power is weak, it is still easy to cut off a skull with the quality of Qingdi sword.

"With less than half of my crystal points, I don't deserve to be my enemy." After the killing of a fourth-level awakener in an easy second, he murmured secretly in Wu Yan's heart, and glanced at all the people present.

The existence of two top masters of Yiheliu, and two level four awakeners, was actually killed by Wu Yan like chopping vegetables and cutting vegetables. The power shown by Wu Yan made all people Feeling shocked.

Facing Wu Yan's eyes, the hundreds of awakening people all stepped back.

With a grunt, beside Wu Xiong, Captain Long Wei and Captain Feng Wei both secretively swallowed and looked at Wu Yan in shock.

I haven't seen it in just one month. The strength of Wu Yan is stronger than before.

Especially with the recent fixation, with a finger, a person can stand still and can only be slaughtered. This magical ability is frightening.

"Get started, kill him for revenge! He has been cursed by the Lord Wu Xiongcheng!" However, although he was terrified, the remaining dozens of ninjas in Yiheliu were staring at Wu Yan full of hatred. Road.

In the shout, the dozens of ninjas moved together, turned into dozens of shadows, and rushed towards Wuyan quickly.

Attack, speed, and defense all decreased by more than 90%, but now Wu Yan, but compared to the level of the third-level awakeners, these ninjas of Iga Liu naturally do not fear him.

"Well!" Looking at Wu Yan once again hit Wu Xiong's curse, Zhao Lei's face changed slightly, and he wanted to help.

However, after all, he is a hero of the hero city. If he really helps, this hero city will not have its own foothold?

"Well?" But, with anxiety in his heart, hesitated for a moment. Zhao Lei was surprised to find that not only did he not do it himself, even Xiaomeng didn't mean to interfere.

This made Zhao Lei feel weird. Given the relationship between Xiao Meng and Wu Yan, if Wu Yan was in danger, how could she stand idly by? Could it be ...

It seems to confirm the general conjecture in Zhao Lei's heart. Although all of his major attributes have been weakened by more than 90%, Wu Yan has no fear in the face of the hundreds of ninjas, but only his eyes. Slightly congealed.

Immediately, an invisible wave centered on Wu Yan's body, spreading quickly in all directions.

Overlord color domineering!

Wuyan ’s domineering arrogance erupted, as if it swept a layer of storm out of nowhere. As the overlord arrogance swept away, the dozens of aggressive ninjas rushed over, their eyes turned white, and then one after another fell to the ground .

Not only Yihe Liu, but also Long Fengwei, and those awakened people brought by Darwin, as long as they did not reach the level of level four awakened people, most of them were stunned by the overbearing domineering spirit.

Although only a small amount of strength is not enough, people with extraordinary qualifications barely resist the overbearing power of this overlord.

Poppy ...

One after another fell down.

Hundreds of awakeners, including about ten fourth-level awakeners. With Wuyan's overbearing color domineering outbreak, most of them came down, only a few dozen people could stand.

"This, what is this ability?", Darwin's body shook, almost standing still, a pair of old eyes, looking at Wu Yan in shock, said incredibly.

Looking around, almost all Awakeners below Level 4 are in a coma.

It's unbelievable that such a power is truly terrifying.

"Okay, what a terrible power ..." Mo said it was someone else. Even Zhao Lei had widened his eyes and looked at Wu Yan unbelievably.

Not seen in just one month, the crystal point of Wuyan has increased by nearly 2,000 points, and this power is even better than the original judgment.

What did Wu Yan go through in just one month, and his strength actually increased so terribly?

In shock, Zhao Lei's eyes locked on Wu Yan, and then Wu Yan's character page followed in Zhao Lei's eyes.

After seeing Wu Yan's character page, Zhao Lei's pupils shrank, almost screaming.

The character layout, as far as Zhao Lei is aware, is divided into three levels.

The lowest level is of course the white layout, followed by the green elite layout, followed by the golden BOSS layout ...

In Zhao Lei's mind, the golden BOSS-level layout is the highest character layout he has ever seen since he awakened his power.

But today, after seeing Wu Yan's character layout again, Zhao Lei found that Wu Yan's character layout has changed a lot.

In color, it is no longer a golden BOSS level, but a purple layout.

"This? Is it the legendary purple god-level layout? This guy is not just an increase in the number of crystal points, but even the character layout has reached an unprecedented purple?" Looking at the purple layout of Wu Yan, Zhao Lei muttered in his heart. Secretly.

This must be a higher level than the golden BOSS level layout.

While looking at Wu Yan's character in horror, Zhao Lei's eyes were attracted by the sword in Wu Yan's hand.

The hand of Huang Sha has become a 诛仙 剑. Now, 诛仙 剑 seems to be eliminated again?

Green Emperor Sword (purple god-level quality): Attack power +3080, special effects: can change in size with your mind, no equipment requirements.

When Zhao Lei's eyes fell on Wu Yan's Qingdi sword, looking at the relevant data and information emerging in front of his eyes, Zhao Lei's heart was even more shocked.

Fully equipped with 3000 attack power? Even more terrible is that this weapon does not have the need for equipment?

You know, the hand of the yellow sand was golden quality, but it also needed 2000 crystal points to use.

However, this god-quality Qing Emperor sword does not have the conditions for equipment requirements. Such a weapon, I really do n’t know where Wu Yan got it.

Not to mention Zhao Lei is looking at Wu Yan's character page at this moment, and what kind of thought is the Qing Emperor Sword in his hand. After Wu Yan Overlord's arrogance was launched, most of the awakened people were all martial arts. The overlord color of the rock stuns the past, and such ability is really shocking.

However, it is impossible for Wu Xiong to give up with this trick.

"It seems that this trick is only useful for awakening people with low crystal points. Don't be scared by you, let's do it together. My curse ability has been activated. He is actually not strong." All the level 4 awakeners came down, Wu Xiong hurriedly said.

"Well, yes!" With Wu Xiong's words, the rest of the awakenings also converged, and nodded secretly.

Of course, these awakenings do not need to pay attention to the tyrannical domineering tactics, but they have just been immobilized, but they have shocked their hearts secretly.


So ~ ~ start, these awakened people all have a hand, in case of Wu Yan's ability to fixate just now, dare not go all out.

"Is curse? It's really some trouble, but now I'm not the same as I was ..." Wu Yan could feel an unprecedented sense of weakness in his body, and then looked at Wu Xiong's serious look and shook his head secretly. Immediately, the eight door armors in the body quickly opened.

Open the door, close it, open it, hurt it!

Bamen Panjia opened four doors in one breath, and the crystal point of Wuyan also rose with the water, reaching a level of about 6000.

Judging from the number of crystal points, Wuyan naturally still surpassed Wu Xiong.

With the increase in the number of crystal points, I saw the three curses on Wu Yan's body, attack, defense, and speed weakening curse, all of which were directly shattered by powerful forces.

"It's all the level four awakeners? Yeah, let you see what is the real power." Watching the remaining awakeners rush over, Wu Yan took a deep breath.

Law is heaven and earth!

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