Plane Master Copy

Chapter 694: : Copy new rule skills

The space-time vortex appeared out of thin air. Immediately, Wu Yan and Xiaomeng jumped out of the space-time vortex and shook some groggy heads. Wu Yan's face had a light smile.

Although the use of fairy grass to save Wanci King was indeed a loss for Wu Yan, but walking to the X-Men level, Wu Yan felt that his gain was still very good. At least, the number of crystal points increased. It's pretty impressive.

Moreover, with the ability of Bamen Panjia, it is possible to temporarily answer the point of the fifth-level awakening. For Wu Yan, this is also a very good experience.

Wu Yan's ability to shear made him more satisfied.

Great Dragon Mountain Base, Titan City, Hero City!

These three major survivor bases have already become the bases under Wu Yan's control. Therefore, Wu Yan has no nonsense and directly allows people to collect enough materials to establish a dimension door between the three bases to achieve a trinity connection .

"In the future, if I have more and more dimensional gates, maybe, everywhere in the world, I can use dimensional gates to link them, right?"

Wu Yan's heart murmured secretly, but he had some hope for the future.

Although the last days are indeed very dangerous, the whole world is almost like the end of the world, but for the last days, in just a year or so, he has almost upgraded from an ordinary person to the top strength.

If you give yourself another ten or eight years, or just three or five years, will you be able to end this end time?

Moreover, walking around the heavens and earth, not only to make the strength stronger, but also the talents and knowledge of the heavens and earth.

If you can use it, you can bring it back. Maybe when will you have the opportunity to end this end of the world?

"I don't know why this eschatology erupted. Why might the emperor find some clues?" Thinking of the end of the eschatology, Wu Yan remembered the metropolis of a million people in Darwin's mouth.

This made Wu Yan's heart have some expectations for the situation of the imperial capital.

However, I have never been to Emperor Capital before or after the end of the world. Therefore, even if Wu Yan has the space ability, he has no concept and does not know how to go.

Let's put this aside for a while.

Step on ...

Among the Dalongshan bases, Wu Yan was sitting quietly, and Daqing and Xiaoqing were waiting beside them. Suddenly, a footstep sounded.

Wu Yan followed, and Pei Yufeng, wearing an armour and holding a spear, was coming over. He looked cheerful, like a female general coming out of the ancient battlefield.

"Well? Yufeng, where are you from?" Looking at Pei Yufeng wearing armor and holding a spear, Wu Yan asked her with a look of wonder.

"Well, in the past few months, I have been staying in the base. I have been embarrassed by common affairs. I feel that my strength has grown very slowly. Therefore, if I go out to train outside, if the strength is not enough, it will be difficult for this base. Isn't the congregation? ", Came to sit next to Wu Yan, Pei Yufeng set aside the spear in his hand and replied.


Watching Pei Yufeng sitting next to him, Wu Yan's crystal measuring instrument beating.

Immediately, a crystal point appeared in front of Wu Yan, making Wu Yan's heart rejoice: 1002!

"Break through 1000 crystal points, have you reached the level of the fourth-level awakening?" Wu Yan asked joyfully, looking at the crystal points of Pei Yufeng.

"Yes, I have reached the level of the fourth-level awakeners. This is a level that can be seen in the past." For Wu Yan, Pei Yufeng nodded and said.

"So, what skills did you get at the fourth-level awakeners?" I felt happy for Pei Yufeng's promotion. Similarly, Wu Yan was secretly curious about the ability of Pei Yufeng fourth-level awakeners.

Whether it's blocking or kicking, these two control skills help Wu Yan very much, and they have not been eliminated until now.

Naturally, the fourth-level awakener is at the point, and Pei Yufeng's new awakening ability makes Wu Yan look forward to it.

"My new awakening ability is duel." After listening to Wu Yan's inquiry, Pei Yufeng did not conceal at all, and confessed his ability.

"Duel? What does this mean?" Pei Yufeng asked Wu Yan a little surprised and asked in amazement.

"In short, this is an invincible skill, and it can only have a role in group combat."

Regarding Wu Yan's inquiry, Pei Yufeng explained: "As an analogy, if I am alone in the face of a hundred awakened people, this duel ability can be exerted on one of them. Within one minute, only This designated Awakener can fight me, and other Awakeners, they will not cause any harm to me. "

"His ...", Pei Yufeng said, so Wu Yan could not help but take a breath.

Although judging from the two skills of blocking and kicking, Wu Yan knew that when Pei Yufeng was at the fourth level, he should also awaken the rules-based skills, but he did not expect that this skill was so strong? Sure enough, this is an invincible skill.

"That is to say, if you are surrounded by a group of fourth-level zombies, as long as this duel is launched against an ordinary zombies, then within a minute, you are invincible, right? Or even fifth-level or even sixth-level zombies? Does n’t it hurt you? ”Wu Yan looked at Pei Yufeng seriously and asked.

"In theory, that's right, but I haven't met the fifth-order zombies, let alone the sixth-order zombies." Pei Yufeng nodded in reply to Wu Yan's words.

Well, invincible, it is really invincible. This ability of Pei Yufeng made Wu Yan very hearty.

Moreover, looking at her armor and dress, Wu Yan felt that Pei Yufeng's ability to awaken was indeed very suitable for the battlefield.

With this move, as long as the strength is strong enough, Wan Jun can take the first rank of the general.

"Of course, this move also has a weakness. It is called duel. Naturally, it is not only that others' attacks on themselves will not cause harm, but their own attacks on others will have no effect." Seeing Wu Yan's astonishment, Pei Yufeng said.

"Well, this is natural. Only in this way can it meet the name of the duel skill." Pei Yufeng made Wu Yan nodded slightly.

"Moreover, this skill is a growth skill. At 1000 crystal points, the duration of the duel is one minute, and with the increase of the crystal points, every 100 crystal points can increase the duration of 1 second."

Now that it has been said, Pei Yufeng has no intention of hiding it, and tells Wu Yan everything about this skill.

"So it is, that is to say, every 1000 crystal points can increase the maintenance time by 10 seconds. If it is me, with my current 5280 crystal points, it should be able to last 102 seconds. If so, the eight-door armor is open. What about? ".

With Pei Yufeng's words, Wu Yan feels that this skill can play a greater role in his own hands.

"Yufeng, you have to manage Dalongshan well. It really needs strong strength to convince the public. Let me give you a gift." With a plan in mind, Wu Yan said to Pei Yufeng.

While talking, he stretched out his finger and nodded towards Pei Yufeng's brows.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Looking at Wu Yan's movement, Pei Yufeng secretly wondered.

However, she naturally trusts Wu Yan very much, so she doesn't dodge, let Wu Yan's finger point at her eyebrow.

Ding, found removable storage!

With the touch on the limb, the computer page prompts, as expected, then Wu Yan quickly found the skill of duel from Pei Yufeng's D disk.

Speaking of which, the capacity of this skill is really not small. With 7G files, it is almost worth the combined capacity of the "blocking" and "kick-fly" skills.

I saw that I had cleared stealth, shaving, and spiral shuriken with shears, and there was only a 25G capacity D disk. Wu Yan did not hesitate to move this 7G file towards his The D drive copied the past.

For the 7G file, it doesn't take much time for Wuyan to copy it over.

It has been copied in just a few minutes. Immediately, Wu Yan groaned for a moment, and copied the fast silver gene into Pei Yufeng's C drive.

Indeed, if Pei Yufeng is to serve the crowd at the Dalongshan base, strength is necessary, and in Wu Yan's view, among these abilities, only the fast silver gene of Quicksilver is best for her.

The copying of the super fast gene ~ ~ did not take long, the copying of the two files before and after took a total of about ten minutes.

After the super fast gene was copied, Wu Yan slowly retracted his finger.

"This? What kind of ability is this?", As if it was born in nature. After the copying was completed, Pei Yufeng's face looked surprised, and then directly launched this ability.


In the eyes of others, after launching the power of Divine Gene, Pei Yufeng's speed is as fast as lightning, which is faster than the speed of Phantom Zombie.

After some trial and error, Pei Yufeng stopped, with a look of surprise on his face, which was a movement of sound speed.

"Well, maybe because of the number of crystal points, so she is much slower than me?" Looking at the speed exhibited by Pei Yufeng, Wu Yan murmured secretly in her heart.

However, even so, Wu Yan is also very clear that such a speed is already very fast, and, as the development deepens, the higher the number of crystal points, her speed should become faster and faster.

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