Plane Master Copy

Chapter 706: : With soil: Still familiar taste

China is a gourmet country. Wuyan's culinary skills may only be considered medium in China. However, if it is placed in the Naruto plane in the Japanese context, culinary skills can definitely be called top.

After all, so many Chinese dishes, even some ordinary home-style dishes, are rare and delicious for Naruto noodles, most of which are dinner groups, ramen and barbecue.

As a gourmet country, everything can be solved on the dining table.

For example, it is a blind date between young and young people, for a dinner.

For example, does an ordinary person ask a noble officer to do something? It is also about a dinner.

There are classmates 'gatherings, colleagues' gatherings, and so on.

Back to the plane of Naruto, for Wu Yan, there are still a lot of friends in this plane. Therefore, cooking and cooking for the friends in person can be regarded as Wu Yan's very high standard of hospitality.

Get a shadow to buy some ingredients, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng still stay at home.

However, for Wu Yan, in addition to his friends, Wu Yan still has some opponents in the plane of Naruto, such as Uchiha with soil ...

Thinking of Uchiha ’s soil, Wu Yan ’s mouth slightly lifted. He could have suffered under the hands of soil. Of course, he also left a trap in the mighty space of the soil. I don't know what is happening now?

The kaleidoscope writing round eyes with soil is indeed a BUG-like ability for the Naruto plane.

However, he once captured Wu Yan to Shenwei Space, so if Wu Yan is willing, he can use the space to send magic to move in and out of the soil.

With Wuyan's current strength, there is no need to be afraid of taking soil, so even if he meets him in Shenwei Space, there is nothing to fear.

After thinking about the situation with soil, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng explained to him that they would go out for a walk and they would rush back to cook.

Although Xiaomeng has never been to the Naruto plane, Xiaomeno can also see that the force value of the Naruto plane is not a threat to Wuyan. Therefore, he nodded silently to make it clear.

With a thought, Wu Yan raised his hand and waved a few times in the void. Soon, a space teleportation magic structure was completed.

The magic transmitted through this space can see the space on the other side, which looks a bit dim, and it is the magical space with soil.

After Wu Yan directly crossed over, he swept away, and the space of the divine power with soil was still quite large. It contained many cubes of different sizes that didn't know what effect.

Wu Yan's luck is not so bad, or luck is not so good. The soil is not in the space of Shenwei.

After waiting for a while, I don't know when the soil will come over. Therefore, Wu Yan thought for a while, and felt a bit of a bad taste.

In short, after losing some small traps in the home with soil, seeing that the soil is not there, Wu Yan has left the Shenwei space.

On the other side, in an unknown dark cave, Uchiha stood quietly with soil and the Nagato, discussing about the organization.

Although Wu Yan was thinking of pulling Nagato to Muye Village back then, it was a pity that he failed. With Wu Yan leaving for twelve years, the soil was successfully blackened by Nagato. Xiao organization is like this In the original, it grows in the dark.

"It's almost time now, should we start the plan to capture the tail beast?"

Nagato looks like an old man with a wind candle, and is as skinny. Even as a member of the Whirlpool family, the born Chakra is very huge, but the reincarnation eye is still too much for him. Many, he said.

"Well, after so many years of preparation, it is indeed time for us to get started." For Nagato, Uchiha nodded with soil, agreeing.

"So, let's start with one tail? Let's start with the easy-to-find tail beast, let's talk about it gradually, right?"

Seeing that Uchiha took the soil, he also agreed with his strategy. Nagato said after opening, and gradually captured the tail beasts, which could ensure that more tail beasts were captured.

"No!" However, regarding this policy of Nagato, Uchiha shook his head with soil and a firm look on his face, denying: "We start with Nine Tail!".

"Nine tails !?".

Hearing the words of soil, Nagato's face was astonished, and he looked at him strangely, saying, "Nine-tailed person Zhuli is the son of the fourth-generation Naruto wave Fengshuimen, and Bo Fengshuimen is even more famous In recent years, the man who chased the **** of the ninja has him in Koba. Now we want to capture the words of Jiuwei. Is it too difficult? "

"Because of this, we have to start with Nine Tail first!" Of course, Nagato's consideration, of course, also knows, but he insists on what he means.

"Muye Village is already the first of the five big tolerant villages, and even the strong ones come out in large numbers, so that the other four big tolerant villages can't afford to raise their heads. Human strength is a very important strategic means of these tolerant villages. If all of the tail beasts have been captured, not only will our capture become more and more difficult later, it will even expose us prematurely and force other Ninja villages to the camp of Konoha. "Uchiha took the soil and analyzed it with her mouth. Said.

"This ...", Uchiha's words with soil made Nagato nod slightly.

This is indeed the case. If the five major ninja nations are brought together, it is naturally a situation that Xiao organization is very unwilling to see.

The Xiao organization in the original book is unprecedentedly powerful, and there are not many strong men in Muye Village. Therefore, the Xiao organization in the original book captures the tail beasts step by step. Until the end, in order to capture the eight tails and the nine tails, they start a war of ninjas, open The whole Ninja world is not advised ...

But now? Kim Yemura's movie-level powerhouses are close to ten. What kind of lineup is this?

Coupled with the fourth-generation Naruto Fengshui Gate, which has been well-known in the Ninja world for more than ten years, his growth over the past ten years has made him pursue the legendary ninja god, a thousand hands.

What if the four big Ninja and Muye villages are united? To tell you the truth, Nagato and Dito's heart are a little irritating.

"So, are we going to start with Muye Cun first?" I felt that Uchiha's words with soil were reasonable, and Nagato groaned for a moment before he said.

"Yes, with our current strength, if we can pick from it and let the other four ninja villages fight with Konoha, we will grab the nine tails first, and then other tail beasts will be much easier to handle." Nodded, Uchiha took the soil and expressed her thoughts.

"Well, indeed, the stronger the Makura Village, the greater the threat to other Ninja villages. When it becomes so strong that the other four Ninja villages can unite to deal with it, this will make other Ninja villages more fearful and more sedentary. It is difficult to settle, as long as we operate well and provoke the four Ninja villages to join forces to attack Konoha, there are still possibilities. "

Nagato nodded, and his mind was already secretly thinking.

In the Ming Dynasty in Chinese history, Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunzhang cut the vassal. It was because the weak princes began to cut off, so that the powerful princes were vigilant. Therefore, it led to Zhu Xi's rebellion and the Jianwen emperor lost the throne. .

If it is the time to cut the fan, by thunder means, start with the powerful fan king first, then the weaker fan kings are frightened, it will be easier to handle ...

The Xiao organization in Naruto's original work chose to collect tail beasts, which is the same method as Jianwen Emperor's cutting of the fan, from weak to strong, so that in the end, in order to collect the eight tails and nine tails, they had to face the coalition forces of the five ninja nations, The Fourth World War of Ninja Wars was launched, and naturally, it also led to the failure of the following Xiao organization.

Of course, this is also the result of Uchiha's overconfidence with soil ...

If Xiao's action to collect the tail beasts starts with the hardest eight and nine tails?

Perhaps the fourth Ninja War in the original book is not needed, and Xiao has already succeeded?

Due to Wu Yan's intervention, the situation on the Naruto plane has changed a lot, especially the power of Muye Village, which is much stronger than the original, especially the fourth-generation Naruto did not die, and it was mostly in prime time After living for twelve years, this made Uchiha take the soil completely afraid of the power of the small Tochigi Leaf Village. Naturally, it was not as mad as in the original.

Therefore, he persuaded and chose to start with Jiuwei first, and even wanted to provoke the other four Ninja villages to start with Muye first, so he could feel the fish in muddy water.

Regarding how to provoke the battle between the four big Ninja villages and Muye village, the two people, Datu and Nagato, naturally discussed it well. After having some ideas, the two separated.

"Well, Muye Village has now held the China-Ninja Exam. There may be some opportunities. I'll go first ...", with a spiral mask, Uchiha said with a soiled mouth.

During the talk, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of the right eye appeared a space-time vortex, which immediately took Uchiha's figure with soil ~ ~ and directly sucked into the space of Shenwei.

In the Shenwei space, a space vortex appeared. Immediately, the soil with the vortex appeared in the Shenwei space.

In his private space, he took off his mask with soil, and secretly thought about his plan.

The unprecedented strength of Muye Village has caused a lot of setbacks for the development of Xiao Organization, but this is also a good opportunity for Xiao Organization.


However, when the mind with the soil secretly thought about the future plans, suddenly, a dark rune-style lighted up on the ground.

"This is !?" Looking at the rune style under him, Uchiha's face with soil could not help but change greatly, and at the same time, a long memory in his mind also emerged.

Then, the seal quickly climbed up to the body with soil, many detonating symbols, and launched a series of explosions.

"It's exactly the same as 12 years ago. It's still a familiar taste, or a familiar recipe ...".

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