Plane Master Copy

Chapter 73: : I Wuyan is back

Wu Yan entered Dalongshan Base again, Wu Yan felt a sigh of regret.

For the real world, he may not have left for a long time, but Wu Yan has experienced the world of Swordsman and One Piece successively. Together, it has not been back for more than a year.

Whether it is the world of Swordsman or One Piece, Wu Yan has encountered a crisis of life and death. However, with the huge crisis, the improvement of strength is always fast.

Who can think that he has successfully reached the rank of third-level awakening? Even the battlefield between the zombie frenzy and the evolutionary beast can cross over by itself.

The Dalongshan base said it was not big, but it was not small. Wu Yan entered the base without alarming anyone, and then took Xiaomeng directly to Pei Yufeng and they went.

In the woods that day, after helping them lead away the violent bear, I never saw them again. Although I was looking for it, Wu Yan was also trapped in the woods. So, until now Wu Rock had time to look for it.

岩 Wu Yan came to the house where everyone stayed, but found that several people in the house were cleaning the room. Looking at the very messy appearance of the house, he obviously experienced a battle.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Wu Yan asked when he saw several people cleaning their clothes here.

"We were hired by the base to clean this house, and the house will be re-sold ..."

I saw Wu Yan's dress and sword, which was obviously the awakened identity, these dreadful men said with fear.

"What about the original residents of this house?" Wu Yan hesitated and asked anxiously.

"I don't know ...", several people shook their heads.

"I know, someone from the guard came over here yesterday to catch someone, and it was a lot of noise." However, one of them apparently saw the scene here yesterday and whispered.

"Guards !?" Wu Yan's brow frowned tightly.

There is a great hatred between himself and Zhao Han. Similarly, Pei Yufeng has a great hatred between them and Zhao Han.

Even from Pei Yufeng's mouth, Wu Yan also knew that Zhao Han had escaped from their base. Since it was a person from the **** team, would it be that Zhao Han discovered their existence?

"Did you have been taken away yesterday?", Wu Yan felt a little eager in the thoughts after a day passed.

After a moment's groan for a moment, Wu Yan walked directly in the direction of the leader's house.

In terms of strength, although he is not Zhao Han's opponent now, he is not a man of his own.

When I came back before, I was always scared, and I didn't dare to recognize it. Now, I should let people know that I am back.

Wu Yan, of course, became more familiar with Wu Yan. Passing a wooden sculpture on the square in front of the palace, Wu Yan paused for a moment.

This is a sculpture of the founder of the Dalongshan base. Of course, for Wu Yan, he is the father of Wu Yan.

"Stop, who is it?" Of course, there is someone guarded at the leader's office, watching Wu Yan and Xiao Meng come over, and reached out to stop.

Only, when the guard at the door could see clearly Wu Yan's face, he had a surprised look on his face: "Ah, you, are you Master Wu Yan?".

Ignoring the door guard, Wu Yan strode straight into the meteor.

In the end of the last century, this Dalongshan base was established on the mountain. Naturally, it is not made of modern reinforced concrete. Including the capital, it has a little retro style, built with stone and wood.

父亲 Since the death of his father and Zhao Han temporarily replaced the leader, Wu Yan has never returned. This time, many people in the leader ’s government recognized Wu Yan. Naturally, a flying chicken jumped.

Moreover, two months ago, Zhao Han personally announced the news of Wu Yan's death.

After a short while, a middle-aged man with a broken arm sprinted to the hall and saw Wu Yan with a look of surprise and joy, and his expression became very excited: "Master, you are really fine, great."

"Well, Uncle Li", looking at this middle-aged man with a broken arm, Wu Yan nodded.

叔 Uncle Li, in the Dalongshan base, can be regarded as the top third-level awakener, but his ability to awaken is more peculiar and he is able to manipulate plants.

This ability can not exert much power in battle, but he is responsible for the growth of many crops in the base.

It can be said that without Uncle Li's ability to accelerate plant growth, the mass production of grain in the entire Dalongshan base will fall by more than one-third, let alone how many survivors will starve to death.

When the Dalongshan base was still established, Uncle Li was chased and killed by an evolutionary beast, and his arms were bitten off. It was his father who rescued him.

"Master, you shouldn't be here ..." Although he was surprised and happy to see Wu Yan, Uncle Li quickly converged and sighed in a low voice.

哈 "Ha ha ha, Xiao Yan is still alive? It's great ..." At this time, another hearty voice sounded.

Then a figure came in from the door.

It looks like a 37-year-old man is thin, but his muscles are very even, and it feels like a cheetah without excess fat.

"Zhao Han ...", looking at the man who headed in, Wu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

After looking at Wu Yan up and down, Zhao Han nodded and said, "More than two months ago, your team went to Changshi to search for supplies, but lost contact. I thought you were killed. Fortunately, the Ji people have their own. Tianxiang, you have returned safely, and you will stay with Uncle Zhao in the future, right? I already said that you don't have to take risks in those teams, but you just don't listen. "

"I'm here for a few friends," Wu Yan did not mean to accompany Zhao Hanxu and Wei Snake, Wu Yan directly cut into the subject and said.

"Oh? Friend?" Zhao Han looked at Wu Yan for a moment.

"I heard that Pei Yufeng was arrested by the guards yesterday. I don't know what crime they committed?" Wu Yan said.

Wu Yan's words flashed Zhao Han's eyes a little, then nodded and said, "Oh, it's them. After my investigation, they are spies from other survivor bases. They want to annex our bases ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ So I caught them, Xiaoyan, my uncle is not opposed to making friends with you, but you must open your eyes to make friends, but you ca n’t make friends casually. "

Wu Yan was not surprised by Zhao Han's answer.

He shook his head, and his attitude became a little tougher, saying, "But who are my friends, I know very well that they will never be spies from other bases."

"Well, with this time, Xiaoyan, you might as well search and discover your ability, this world is the strongest after all", waved his hand, but Zhao Han did not want to argue with Wu Yan, said.

"Lao Li, you can arrange Wu Yan to stay here. Don't run away anymore in the future." During the talk, Zhao Han followed the arrangement of Uncle Li with a broken arm next to him.

"Don't you find out yet? I've discovered what my hidden awakening ability is, and now I'm elevated to the level of the third-level awakener ..." Wu Yan said openly.

He said, Wu Yan sighed in his heart.

Originally, Wu Yan did not want to confront Zhao Han so early. His idea was to wait for himself to cross several times. After his strength became stronger, he would surpass Zhao Han.

By then, it would be much more convenient to take revenge or take over the Dalongshan base.

However, Pei Yufeng was arrested, and Wu Yan wanted to rescue them, they had to face Zhao Han. Since they had to face, it was impossible to hide themselves.

As long as you want to save people, then you can't hide it, then it is better to stand up and show your strength and fight for your own right to speak!

My father's widow's legacy, although not useful when he was weak, would not be the same if he had strength himself ...

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