Plane Master Copy

Chapter 813: : Poros

Wu Yan picked up the phone and connected, and it turned out that the person in charge of the Hero Association called it.

Although the League of Legends exists in City A, the headquarters of the League of Legends is naturally very sturdy, so under this devastating blow, even if the entire City of A is completely destroyed, the League of Legends still survives.

At this time, the person in charge of the Hero Association naturally wanted to ask Wu Yan for help. After all, he was not only powerful, but more importantly, he also seemed to have the means of interstellar navigation.

"I have seen this from the news. The entire city A is completely destroyed. The visitor is not good." After listening to the call of the person in charge of the Hero Association on the phone, Wu Yan said he knew it.

Looking at the sight of City A above the big screen in the distance, Wu Yan's heart flashed a sense of anger.

The existence of Poros, although it is just a simple desire to come to the earth to find an opponent who can fight with him vigorously, does not seem to be too evil in nature, but as soon as he arrived on the earth, he destroyed the entire city of A, causing casualties The number of people is calculated in millions, which treats human beings as a ants-like crushing nature, and Wu Yan is of course angry.

"Mr. Wu Yan, it's the time of human life and death, it's up to you ..." After listening to Wu Yan's words, the person in charge of the Heroes Association didn't mean much, just told Wu Yan seriously fact.

It's not too late, Wu Yan didn't mean to say nonsense. When he lifted his palm, the space was directly torn by Wu Yan, exposing a space channel.

Immediately after, Wu Yan stepped into it, and when she reappeared, she had already come to Saitama's house.

At this time, Saitama also changed into her hero's costume and was ready to go out.

Saitama obviously already knows what happened to City A. When Wuyan arrived, Saitama said, "Are you going to go to City A together? Would you go with me?"

"I just came to you, rest assured, the visitor is not good, but you have enough hands," Wu Yan said, looking at the situation where Saitama became serious.

During the conversation, the space channel was opened again, leading directly to City A. Obviously, City A was instantly destroyed and millions of residents were killed or injured. Even with the weak feelings of Saitama, they felt angry.

Neither of them had the intention to say more nonsense. After moving, they directly crossed the space channel, and when they reappeared, they had reached City A.

"It seems that because of my appearance, the plot has changed a lot ..." When he came to City A, Wu Yan looked at the city that was destroyed in an instant, and his face also looked helpless.

Originally, Wu Yan has always been paying attention to the Heroes ’Association, because according to the original plot, before the arrival of Poros, the Heroes’ Association summoned all the heroes of the S-Class to fight the coming disaster, because the Heroes ’Association got a prophecy A prediction that the earth is dangerous.

Therefore, Wu Yan watched the movement of the Heroes Association, waiting for all the S-Class heroes to be summoned to stop Poros from destroying City A.

But unfortunately, Poros has arrived, but the Heroes Association did not summon S-class heroes, so that City A was destroyed instantly like the original.

I do n’t know if it was because of changes in the Heroes ’Association and no predictions were made, or because Poros was out of the line in advance.

But that's it, it doesn't make sense to think about it anymore.

"Mr. Wu Yan, Mr. Saitama, it's great that you two are here ..."

The last fortress, the headquarters of the Heroes Association, several of them came out, watching A turned into ruins, and then looking at the spaceship in the sky like a small city. Although I was shocked, I saw Wu Yan and After Saitama two, I felt relieved a lot.

This disaster of alien invasion is enough to call it a divine disaster?

However, whether it is Saitama or Wuyan, it is clear that they have the ability to solve divine disasters alone.

"The terrible spacecraft is so big ...", one after another, many S-Class heroes appeared, looking at the ruins of City A and the spaceships in the sky, all in shock.

Some heroes are here at the headquarters of the Hero Association. Similarly, some heroes rushed over here after knowing the news here, so more and more heroes gathered.

Dragon scroll, silver fangs, atomic warrior, child emperor, police dog man, honor vest, shining Fred ...

"Mr. Wu Yan, what do you think we should do next?", The head of the Hero Association, looking at Wu Yan, asked.

Among these people present, Wu Yan's strength is the strongest, and only Wu Yan has the means of interstellar navigation. Naturally, the person in charge of this hero association asked Wu Yan.

"It's very simple! Kill! All of them are killed!" Wu Yan replied calmly and offered his opinion.

Although Wu Yan is not a good killer, in the end, he also experienced the darkness of the last few years. When it is time to start, he will not be softened at all.

This alien invaded and destroyed a city without even seeing it, killing millions of humans. Need to think about anything else? It is natural to kill all these aliens.

"Killed?" If Wu Yan was so decisive, it would surprise everyone present.

Don't you need to leave some live mouth to probe the situation of aliens? Even if you seize this huge spaceship, you need someone who knows to drive it? Just kill them all?

"Hey, this Mr. Wu Yan's words are very reasonable ..." Although Wu Yan's words were a bit harsh, it made everyone around him startled, but some people nearby agreed.

Yes, if you visit the earth normally, you may still be able to talk peacefully, but judging by the actions of these aliens, there is nothing to say.

Click here!

In fact, Wu Yan didn't need to say anything more. At this time, the people on the spaceship obviously also noticed the existence of Wu Yan and others, so many guns were stretched out at this moment.

All of these muzzles were pointing downwards, pointing at Wu Yan and others, and then one after another the shells were fired in succession, all smashing towards Wu Yan.

"Hmm!" Looking at the shells that were dropped, the second-ranked tornado in the S-class next snorted and raised his hands.

The powerful mental power was launched, so that all these shells stopped in the air and could not fall.

They even turned around and smashed into the spaceships.

"Saitama, you are the only SS-level hero of the League of Heroes, and the main force of this battle is given to you", Wu Yan's eyes fell on Saitama's body, and he said.

These days, as an SS-class hero, Saitama has suffered too much doubt. Taking this opportunity, in the presence of everyone else, Saitama took the initiative to prove himself, which is a matter of course.

Meruza Galudo, one of the three generals under Poros, fell from the spaceship as in the original book. His tall body bears several bare heads, exuding a strong breath on his body. In terms of this monster, it is definitely a dragon-level existence.

Gloribas, also one of the three generals under Poros, fell from mid-air, covered with dark green monsters, his head and arms were full of jagged mouths, locking the tornado in mid-air.

Obviously, the tornado just blocked all the cannonball attacks. At first glance, it was a powerful opponent.

The dragon roll and silver fangs attacked together to resist these two powerful dragon-level monsters.

These two monsters have extremely powerful powers, especially from the universe. They have almost immortal power, and these S-class heroes of the Hero Association have fallen into hard battle.

For example, the atomic warrior's chop chopped up the opponent's flesh, but soon, the pieces of flesh reunited, allowing the opponent to recover as before.

Such a method makes people helpless.

Step on!

Saitama, without saying a word, tightened his gloves and walked forward, his eyes locked on the huge spacecraft under control.

He also agreed with Wu Yan's idea that the thief would capture the king first, and Saitama was going to board the spaceship and hit Huanglong.

"Wait, you guys, I didn't allow you to get on the boat ...", Meruza Galudo, next to me, looked at the appearance of Saitama, and moved directly, blocking it in front of Saitama. He said, then, a huge fist was punched towards Saitama.

"act recklessly!".

Although many heroes are not very clear about the strength of Saitama, these people in the top S ranks still know. Seeing that the monsters actually caused trouble to Saitama, they all shook their heads secretly.

Of course, there are many people who have widened their eyes and looked at Saitama and SS-class heroes with curiosity. How about his strength?


With one punch, no one saw how Saitama punched out, but only saw that Saitama suddenly put on a pose after punching out, while Meru Zarugado, who was just clamoring, burst into an instant and turned into countless The crushed flesh and blood ~ ~

As an alien, he has a pearl-like substance in his body, which is the key to his continuous resurrection.

However, under the fist of Saitama, the core of several pearls also shattered. Naturally, this dragon-level monster can't die anymore.

"Hey, who is this guy? Actually, actually ..." Gloribas, one of the three generals who belonged to His Majesty Poros next to him, watched his companion be killed by Saitama with a stroke. Step back.

The slain companion didn't even have the ability to resurrect?

Is there such a powerful existence on this planet? Is he ...

"Oh? Kill Meru in a trick?" On the spacecraft, Poros was also watching the war on Earth, watching Saitama shot, Poros slowly stood up from his throne.

He knew that this was the opponent he came to find on this planet!

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