Plane Master Copy

Chapter 839: : I just killed Exterminator on my way

A TV series was played on three ABC stations at the same time. TV station A played episode 10, TV station B played episode 20, and TV station C played episode 30 ...

Then, if the three television stations are regarded as three parallel universes, the TV dramas that they broadcast individually are like what happened in parallel universes.

It is impossible to watch the previous plot against the original TV station. It is like 3 TV station. It is impossible to play the 29th episode after 30 episodes are finished.

So, if you want to watch the previous story, you can only jump to TV A or TV B ...

This is the concept of parallel universes. Although to a certain extent, the three television stations are independent of each other, but without the interference of foreign objects, the drama of these TV series is exactly the same ...

In Tony's and Captain America's view, although they have traveled to the place five years ago, they are aware of some changes in history. However, in their view, these changes should be Hulk, Black Widow. During the crossing, some impacts caused some changes in history.

However, when they both saw Wu Yan and saw this person who did not exist in their own history, both Tony and Captain America were stunned.

It seems that Stark and him are very familiar with this space-time. However, this person has never appeared in his time and space. Isn't this common sense?

More importantly, I haven't introduced myself yet, but Wu Yan can see at first glance the identity and where of the two of them?

"Come across time and space? Have you been here since five years later?" Stark looked at the two subdued guys in front of him, looking a little weird.

Future self, is it so weak? Teaming up with Captain America is not your current opponent?

"Hey, since you came from five years later, then what happened in the next five years, can you talk to me?", Realizing that the two in front of them came from Five years later, Stark asked curiously.

"We can't say, do you not know what kind of consequences will be caused by the change of history?" In the face of Stark's inquiry, the Captain America next to him shook his head and rejected his words decisively.

所以 "So, no matter what time, you are very annoying ..." Stark glanced at Captain America's rejection and shook his head.

In this time and space, Stark and Captain America are still in the cold war stage because of internal fighting.

"No, the history of this time and space has changed, and time has already been diverted." Tony, who came from five years later, said to the Captain of the United States and put forward different views.

These words left Captain America speechless.

It is true that history cannot be changed. That is because when time division occurs, things become unpredictable. However, this time and space have obviously changed ...

"What will happen in the next five years, I don't think you want to know ..." Tony's inquiries about five years ago, Tony next to him, focused on himself, said quietly.

Yes, it wo n’t be long before the catastrophe will come, half of the entire population of the universe will dissipate randomly, and one by one companion will disappear in front of you. Such a catastrophe, do n’t know well in advance.

"No, I think I should know, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, know in advance to be prepared, isn't it always worse?", Shook his head, Stark insisted on wanting to know.

After all, prevention is always good, and it is for this reason that Tony always likes to be able to take precautions against disasters in advance. This is also the original ignition of the civil war between Captain America and Tony Stark in the original work. Cable.

Tony looked at himself five years ago. Although history has changed, his personality has not changed much. What is his mind, he naturally knows ...

After a moment of silence, Tony nodded and said, "Well, your time and space, history has changed, then I will tell you things, but, from a time perspective, it is too late."

"The person who destroys the hegemon will come to the earth today and start to collect six infinite gems, and although you have worked hard, there is no way to stop him. In the end, the entire population of the universe will be destroyed by half ..."

"Exterminate the hegemony !? He will come today? The population of the universe, half of it?" I have to say that Stark's face could not help but change when he heard what was about to happen.

Who Stark is, of course, Stark has heard of it. After all, in the plot of Avengers One, Rocky became the vanguard of Stark. He led the Qiruitas to attack the earth, and everyone in the Avengers knew Examine the existence of tyrants.

And destroy half the population of the universe?

后果 This consequence has made Stark even more horrified. This kind of consequence is scary just to think about it ...

"Sorry, at this time, I have to intervene ...", I heard that they talked about extermination, and also talked about a thing that killed half of the whole universe with fingers, Wu Yan had to speak Already.

As Wu Yan's words exited, both Tony Stark and Captain America turned to look at Wu Yan.

"The tyrant you said, I just solved it on my way ..." Looking at the three of them, Wu Yan said casually.

In the mouth of Wu Yan, he felt like a cat and a dog.

"This is impossible!", Captain America and Tony, who came through five years later, said incredibly.

His time and space, the power of extermination almost makes people feel desperate, but he actually solved it?

It's like walking on the road, handily, pressing an ant as easily.

"Wu Yan, did you really solve the tyrant?" Wen Yan, even Stark, looked at him seriously.

Wu Wuyan's strength, Stark is very clear, and also knows Wu Yan's heart, knowing that he will not make fun of this matter.

However, he was killed by the dignified tyrant, even Stark was a little surprised.

"Yes, the original strength of Mieba is not too strong. At that time, the power of Mieba was mainly based on the power of infinite gems ..." With a shrug, Wu Yan looked relaxed and free. .

The number of crystal points of 3800 is not too powerful for Wuyan.

Of course, this is also for Wu Yan, but for people on the Marvel Plane, it is still very powerful to rely on the power to crush the power of Hulk and Thor.

这 "Where is this guy sacred ...", Captain America and Tony looked at each other with a look of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

Extinguishing tyrants, in his mouth, actually got a "not too strong" evaluation?

"This friend is really exaggerating. If the power of destroying tyrants is not strong enough, then how can it be regarded as really powerful?"

斯塔 Stark and Wu Yan in this space-time are very familiar, but Tony from other universes, but not very familiar with Wu Yan, so asked tit-for-tat, apparently, he felt that Wu Yan was bragging.

"Really powerful?".

Hearing Tony's words, Wu Yan's mind naturally reflected the image of the Saitama Devil, and he replied, "I have seen the real strong man. With one punch, he can directly break the entire continental plate. I believe that such a force can not take much time to blast the earth with a fist? "

"You, do you know what you're talking about?", After hearing Wu Yan's words, he could blast the earth with his fists, which made both Tony and Captain America look at him in disbelief.

He shrugged and looked at the disbelief of the two of them. Wu Yan naturally had no more thoughts to say.

As the saying goes, don't ice with Xia Zheyu!

Wu Wuyan stopped talking, and Tony and Captain America stopped talking. Naturally, Stark next to him didn't talk.

All of a sudden, the court became much quieter.

"Hey, your time and space, history has changed, but we also want to collect the six infinite gems back and resurrect those who disappeared. Can you help us ~ ~ silent for a long time After that, Captain America spoke.

Although things have changed a lot, but fortunately, they believe in their identity, so Captain America asked for help, hoping to get Stark's help in this time and space.

Stark did not rush to answer, but set his eyes on Wu Yan, waiting for Wu Yan's opinion.

"Although it is a parallel universe, your identity is also true. To a certain extent, it is also our companion. If something happens to your universe, we are naturally willing to help ..." After a moment of silence, Wu Yan spoke. Said, expressed his attitude.

Collect six big infinite gems and hit a finger to restore half of the population? So, what happened after recovery?

Can you keep those six infinite gems?

When I thought of the power of the six infinite gems, Wu Yan's heart was fiery.

When I came to Marvel last time, I only got the soul gem, and these years, the soul gem has greatly helped me.

What if you successfully collected six infinite gems this time?

Apart from other words, if you successfully possess the infinite gloves, if you click a finger in the real world, will it be able to destroy zombies around the world? What about end times?

As soon as I thought about it, Wu Yan's heart became extremely firm. These six infinite gems are my own aspirations!

Recommend the new book of the old city god:

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