Plane Master Copy

Chapter 85: : The old trick reappears without name

Wu Mingming, although his wife's death was so severely hit that almost everything has been put down these days. He obviously has a martial art that extinct the world, but he retires in peace.

However, as a person who is sincere in Kendo, he still cares about Kendo.

Perhaps, only the security and swordsmanship of the whole rivers and lakes in the world can attract unknown attention.

Today, Wuming stayed in his room silently, realizing the realm of the Tianjian. Suddenly, he felt the presence of two swords in the height of the room, and one of them was particularly interesting to Wuming, that is Wushuang sword!

感应 Through induction, Wuming knew even more that someone was flying in Yujian.

Royal sword flight, this is a skill that a sword practitioner can reach to a very high level. Throughout the history of the rivers and lakes, it is only a handful.

Someone on the Minjiang Lake can fly the sword? With curiosity in his heart, Wuming used his sky sword to influence the other party and landed.

It's just that when I saw each other, the unknown mind was even more surprised.

For one thing, Wu Yan looks too young, and he has even reached such a martial arts practice at a young age?

Two, originally, it was thought that this royal sword was supposed to be a kendo master, but from his body, the nameless but not aware of the advanced kendo realm of the opponent, and even the internal skill of the opponent is not very high. .

In Wu Ming's eyes, Wu Yan was full of curiosity and inquiry.

As a martial art myth, he can be said to be well-informed, but for Wu Yan's existence, it seems to completely break the common sense in the anonymous mind.

"Wu Yan, a junior in rivers and lakes, has seen an unknown senior", when Wu Yan looked curiously at Wu Yan, Wu Yan held a fist with his hands and saluted.

"Oh? Do you actually recognize me?" Wu Yan asked, asked unknown.

"The whole rivers and lakes can only affect the swords of others. Only Tianjian Realm is known. As far as I know, there are only such realms in front of rivers and lakes ..." Wu Yan answered truthfully.

"Well, you know a lot of things. It seems that the intelligence of your world will be stronger than I expected." Wu Yan nodded anonymously.

As the gang that is now gaining momentum on the rivers and lakes, the world is naturally noticeable on the rivers and lakes, and Wu Yan is the prestigious figure as the master of the world gods hall.

Although Wu Mingming is in a state of seclusion, he has gathered a large number of martial art masters in his Chinese Pavilion, and he is well aware of the wind and grass on the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, when he heard Wu Yan's self-reported name, he also knew Wu Yan's identity.

There is a chat between Wu Wuyan and Wuming, which seems to be just a simple chat, but Wu Yan's heart is alive.

Who is the person in front of me? Wuyan myth is unnamed. For his skills and knowledge about kendo, Wu Yan is naturally coveted.

复制 What I copied from Luo at the beginning was only some basic kendo knowledge. If I could copy kendo knowledge from an unknown person, it would be of great benefit to my future sword training.

Similarly, Wu Yan is interested in Anonymous, and Anonymous is also interested in Wuyan.

The internal force is not so deep, and the realm of Kendo is not high, but the young people in front can actually fly with the sword, which has attracted great interest from the unknown.

In the end, the visitor was a guest. After Wu Ming asked Wu Yan to sit down beside him, there was no shelf of Wu Lin myth. He personally gave Wu Yan a cup of tea. The two talked about Kendo and Wu Lin. A lot.

Of course, Kendo is all about namelessness and Wu Yan is just listening. After all, as the nameless name suggests, your own Kendo is just a glimpse of the door.

However, speaking of the problems of rivers, lakes, and martial arts, Wu Yan said many constructive ideas.

After all, after three years in the last days, there is the foundation of a modern society with the previous information explosion. In many rivers and lakes, and the response, Wu Yan's thoughts can even give the nameless a fresh look.

Unconsciously, the two chatted for more than an hour. Finally, Anonymous said with some emotion: "You will be in the world. If you can't think of it for ten years, you can dominate the martial arts."

其实 "Actually, even without me, the world would dominate the martial arts ten years later. This is the mud bodhisattva's remarks to the male domineering." As the nameless words fell, Wu Yan shook his head.

Anyway, Wuyan feels comfortable for Wuyan. The assertion of Mud Bodhisattva is because of his amulet, but the assertion of unknown name is because of himself, and he can get unknown praise. Wuyan is certainly happy.

Hmm, I like people to say good things about myself, it's best to keep bragging about not stopping.

"The first master in the world, Mud Bodhisattva, since it is his comment, it is not wrong to think about it." For Mud Bodhisattva, naturally, also knows, heard the words, nodded and said.

I looked at Wuming, Wu Yan's heart groaned secretly.

In fact, the nameless in the original book is also believed in Xiangshu. Remember that there was a paragraph in the original book. When the nameless came out of the mountain, I had found a fortune teller to calculate for myself ~ ~ This fortune telling is not just a precise calculation In view of what is going to happen to Anonymous, and even to accurately measure what happened after Anonymous, in Wu Yan ’s opinion, this fortune teller is not inferior to Mud Bodhisattva.

"It seems that the old skills have been re-implemented ...", thinking of this, Wu Yan could not help sighing.

Of course, it seems calm and calm on the surface, saying: "In fact, if I say martial arts, I may be ranked in the dozens or even hundreds of people on the rivers and lakes. Teacher, I disagree. "

"Oh? Couldn't you also be proficient in Astrology !?", Wen Yan, looked at Wu Yan in surprise and asked.

"Yes, I am the same, I am unique in looking at the palms," Wu Yan is very confident, nodded seriously.

Immediately, his eyes were on the anonymous, and said, "How? Unknown senior, would you like to try?".

Wu Mingming looked at Wu Yan earnestly. He suddenly said that he was proficient in Xiangshu and wanted to look at it for himself, which made Wuming feel that something was wrong.

However, after some conversation, Wuyan knows that Wu Yan is not a man of evil and evil, and coupled with the daring of high-tech people, he is not afraid that Wu Yan will count himself.

Slightly groaned for a while. The unknown may be curious or want to see if Wu Yan is really proficient, so he slowly handed out his palm and said, "Since you want to see, then look carefully. ".

Looking at the palm handed out by Anonymous, Wu Yan strongly suppressed the excitement in his heart. He also extended his palm and grasped the Anonymous hand.

Ding Ding, found removable storage devices.

Familiar tips appeared on the computer page in Wu Yan's mind.

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