Plane Master Copy

Chapter 893: : One more wave of points

I punched it and immediately flew the dragon out. Obviously, I now have the power to completely crush the dragon.

帅 Li Shuaixi looked down at his fist, and immediately, his eyes fell on Wu Yan next to him. Of course, he understood who this was all about.

"Blessing from God of War, when can the power of God of War blessing have such an effect, what kind of strength is his spiritual power ...", Zhan Lan also turned his head and looked at Wu Yan with a look in his heart. Silently murmured.

The same God of War blessing, compared with Wu Yan, it is like a difference between a kitten and a downhill tiger.

As for Chu Xuan and Zheng Yan who were next to them, they turned their heads and glanced at Wu Yan. They said nothing about Wu Yan's intervention.

This is the end of the matter. At this point, if Wu Yan doesn't take another shot, maybe the entire Zhongzhou team will be destroyed, so they have no objection.

Only, the task of the Zhongzhou team needs to be completed with the help of outsiders, which makes Zheng 吒 a lot of dignity.

After all, he is not a reincarnation, what if he leaves later? Can the Nakasu team face the task of the Lord God?

These considerations are all issues to be considered in the future. If you ca n’t even pass the current level, what do you need to say later?

Li Shuaixi, who was blessed by Wu Yan ’s God of War, soared a lot, and powerful power burst out, and he was able to hang the dragon.

The next battle seems to have no suspense.

In terms of speed, Li Shuaixi completely exploded the dragon. After the forces completely crushed the opponent, the dragon had no resistance in Li Shuaixi's hands.

Unilateral sling, in the end, Li Shuaixi punched the dragon's head fiercely.

The terrible shock wave instantly penetrated the dragon's head, and then the dragon's body hit the ground heavily.

"Mainline mission completed!", After Li Shuaixi punched the dragon with one punch, the reincarnation watch slightly shaken.

Almost at the same time, the incarnations of the Zhongzhou team felt that their consciousness was blurred, as if they had fallen into a dream-like stage. When they returned to God, naturally, they had returned to the main **** space.

The Zhongzhou team returned to the main **** space and looked back. Sure enough, on the other side, Wu Yan and Xiaomeng were already on the square, and they followed them back to the main **** square.

To tell the truth, the time that Wu Yan was able to follow the reincarnations in and out of the horror movie, Wu Yan's existence was completely unpredictable.

Also, the ability to collect points and redemption power to others.

Some even suspect that Wu Yan is the embodiment of the main god, or even the main **** of piracy ...

"Well, although the situation is unexpected, but fortunately, we have all come back alive successfully. Let's take a look at the harvest." Clapping his palms, Zheng Zheng attracted everyone's attention and asked.

出口 These words made many people look happy.

As the saying goes, high risks have high returns. This time the Jurassic is indeed dangerous and abnormal, but the gains are also very great.

First is the branch mission, 2000 points and a b-level branch story reward, all members have.

In addition to killing the strongest dinosaur, everyone contributed together. According to the strength of the effort, they all got a lot of points.

There are points rewards for the return of the main task, as well as the situation of killing dinosaurs before.

The members of the entire Zhongzhou team have generally earned around 4,000 points.

Zheng Zheng's points are even higher, and the blue-powered Tyrannosaurus Rex also has a high wave of rewards, earning a reward of 7,600 points.

Even if it was Ming Yanwei, she did not make any effort when she scored points, but in the late scuffle, she also got some points. Adding up, she also has about 3800 points. Her points are the least in the team.

Although Zhan Lan did not have much fighting power, when he scored points, Zheng Ye and Li Shuaixi both said that she would be divided according to a certain percentage. So after the return, Zhan Lan got 700 points for Zheng Ye and 900 points for Li Shuai The transfer, coupled with his own earnings, soared to the point of 5600, second only to Zheng Ye's earnings.

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Li Shuaixi.

Everyone knows very well that Li Shuaixi should have the highest income this time.

"My points are slightly more than Zheng Ye, but they are not much." Li Shuaixi roughly estimated his points.

"2000 points for the side mission and a b-level side story. When I scored points, I killed a lot of dinosaurs and got 2700 points. The main line mission had 1000 points. Finally, the strongest dinosaur was killed. Points and a b-level side story, so my total profit was 8200. After transferring 900 to Zhan Lan, I have 7300 points left. "

"His, a lot ...", after hearing what Li Shuaixi said, Zhang Jie and others next to him were envious.

"I thought that my 4300 points had been fully harvested, but I didn't expect that your gains would be even greater. You and Zheng Xuan each solved the bosses of the main and branch tasks, and it is no wonder that the benefits are so great." Zhang Jie's eyes were full of envy.

"You guys, this time in the world of horror movies, we are really full."

After everyone happily calculated the acquisition of points, Chu Xuan took two steps forward and said.

As Chu Xuan's words fell, everyone's eyes fell on him. Obviously, he had something important to say.

After looking around the crowd, Chu Xuan said, "However, the situation of this horror movie should be a special case, and it will not happen again in the future."

"Oh? How?" Chu Chuxuan's words made everyone look at him in surprise and asked in wonder.

"This time in the horror movie, the Lord God evaluated us very low, so it gave us a very simple task, coupled with the characteristics of Jurassic Park, gave us the opportunity to score points. This is the Lord God ’s ability to us. A serious underestimation has led to an opportunity for us to make a big mark. "

After a slight pause, Chu Xuan went on to say, "But it is also because of our severe penalties that the Lord God has to temporarily increase the difficulty of the task. It almost wiped out our entire army. This benefit is proportional to the risk. In line with the rules of the Lord God. "

"I have strong strength, the difficulty of horror movies is relatively small, and then there is the possibility of drawing points. If my ability corresponds to the difficulty of horror movies, there is no chance of drawing points."

"And this time, we successfully passed the task of the Lord God, and there was no staff damage, and the gain was so great. I think the Lord God has a very high evaluation of us, and the difficulty of the next horror movie will definitely increase significantly." .

所以 "So, is the world of our next horror movie very dangerous?" Chu Xuan's analysis is very reasonable, and has made the minds of the Zhongzhou team a lot more dignified.

Although the gains this time are huge, it seems that it is far from the time to be happy.

It was Zheng Zheng next to him. After clapping his palms, he said, "Okay, no matter what, we have gained a lot this time, and we can all improve our strength. As usual, let ’s take a day off today. About strengthening And exchange issues, come back tomorrow to discuss. "

"Okay," Zheng Ye's remarks have been approved by everyone. For the time being, he will keep this heavy topic in mind.

The members of Wuzhongzhou team greeted each other and returned to their room to rest.

Wu Ming Yan Wei did not rush back, but walked to Xiao Meng's side, returned the 1000 points owed to Wu Yan, and after paying off the debt, she only had 800 points left.

On the next day, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng are practicing on the main **** square.

By the next day, Wu Yan naturally pulled out his banner again and was ready to do the business of these Zhongzhou team cyclers.

However, this time, Wuyan's business is far worse than last time. After all, Wuyan's exchange here is really limited, and the ability of bloodline genes needs everyone to spend time to develop slowly. Far Not as good as the conversion of the Lord God.

Therefore, only Ming Yanwei came to exchange a few Holy Spirits. Zhan Lan came and exchanged the skills of divine blessings. The main focus of the next exchange of the Zhongzhou team was still on the side of the Lord God.

Here Zheng Zheng has exchanged the bloodlines of the Count of Bloodlines, and also exchanged two magic skills for bloodlines. The next points are exchanged for the improvement of physical fitness and some more practical props ~ ~ Zhan Lan Here, there are not many things to redeem. After redeeming the sacred blessings from Wuyan, her remaining points have also been redeemed for two spiritual skills. After redeeming some useful items, all the remaining Points are redeemed for the improvement of spiritual attributes.

Only when the spirit is high, the effect of God of War blessing and divine blessing can be better.

What else? Zhao Yingkong actually found Wu Yan and exchanged the same nightwalker blood as Chu Xuan.

The ability to move instantly is very important to her. The remaining points are also exchanged for the improvement of physical attributes and a pair of magic legendary daggers.

Zhang Jie, Li Xiaoyi, Li Shuaixi, and Zero and Overlord, their main exchangers are also placed on the side of the main god.

Of course, Wu Yan can understand their situation. After all, there is not much they can see them.

This is why Wu Yan wants to find other reincarnation teams to do business.

However, even so, Wuyan's harvest is not too bad. The 3000 points exchanged by the demon fruit of the natural system and a b-level sideline plot, as well as the nightshifter's teleport ability exchanged by Zhao Yingkong, and the sacred exchange of Zhan Lan. Blessing, plus some Holy Spirit ...

This time, Wuyan has also gained about 7,000 points, plus the previous income, Wuyan's points have now reached more than 18,000.

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