Plane Master Copy

Chapter 915: : I'm enough for 1 person

Monster Siege! ?

I heard Zhao Lei's words, Wu Yan was a little surprised that anyone familiar with online games knew what the so-called monster siege meant, which meant huge profits.

After all, in the game, it is more troublesome to kill monsters and upgrade things in the wild. Monster siege is not the same. Endless monsters appear to rush up to kill, which is naturally a huge amount of experience and rich rewards.

So monster siege is a great event for online games. Generally known players will participate as much as possible.

However, if this monster siege situation is placed in the real world, it will be completely different.

After death in the game, it can be resurrected. If you die in the real world, you die?

Moreover, when a monster siege is encountered in the game, you can upgrade the monsters and explode the equipment. Is it possible in reality?

Therefore, the monster siege in the game represents a grand event, which represents many benefits, but the monster siege in the real world is a battle of life and death, just like the tide of corpses facing the original Dalongshan base.

Therefore, Zhao Lei was also aware of the dangers faced by monsters in siege. No one had told him about this, so as not to cause panic. This choice is right.

"How many days are there for a specific monster to attack the city? What's the situation like this?" Wu Yan's face also became more dignified, staring at Zhao Lei seriously.

Whether it is a game or a reality, if you encounter a monster siege, death or injury is inevitable. If the monster really invades the city, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

"There are three days left! According to the system's prompt, the monster siege is mainly divided into three waves. The first wave is an ordinary monster, mainly a monster below the third level. There are only a large number. After the first wave was blocked, In the second wave, some fourth-level monsters will appear. At this level, it will be difficult to resist, and in the last wave, there will be five-level monsters. "About the monster siege, Zhao Lei simply told Wu Yan a bit.

"A third-level monster will appear in the third wave? What about the number? Don't you know?" After hearing the fifth-level monster, Wu Yan's face was also a little dignified, and he immediately asked Zhao Lei.

"I don't know the exact amount," Zhao Lei's face was also dignified, he shook his head and said.

It's true that the game system only knows that there are five level 5 monsters, but it doesn't say how many monsters appear. This is really a dignified thing.

"Well, isn't the base of Changshi protected by power and will not be attacked by monsters from the air? What about when monsters attack the city?" After thinking about it, Wu Yan asked Zhao Lei again.

"This is okay. It ’s a blessing in misfortune. Even when a monster siege, this power will still exist. If the monster siege wants to enter Changshi, it can only be attacked from the four gates of Changshi Come in ", listening to Wu Yan's words, Zhao Lei answered.

"Well, this is really good news, that is to say, you just need to keep the four gates and don't be rushed in by monsters." His face was a little pale, and Wu Yan's mind was relaxed a little.

"Next? How should we arrange? Monster siege, those attacking monsters, at least tens of thousands? Is it possible that even more than 100,000?", Zhao Lei has no idea, his eyes are on Wu Yan, Asked.

As the person in charge of Changshi, all of this is naturally asking Wu Yan to come up with an idea.

"The soldiers came to guard, the water came to cover the soil." After a moment of thought, Wu Yan had a general idea in his heart and replied.

"Ah?" Wu Yan's answer made Zhao Lei stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

I didn't expect the final answer, this is how it looks.

"Yes!" Wu Yan's eyes, with a faint look, this is the ability to activate the third layer of gene lock. During the talk, he reached out and supported his nose bridge, but there was no glasses on his bridge. Existence is all.

"You don't need to worry. This time the monster siege is difficult, but there is little possibility to break through Chang city." With the power of the third layer of gene lock, try to simulate Chu Xuan's thinking mode as much as possible. Wu Iwa said.

"Why are you so sure?" Wu Yan told Zhao Lei to look at him in surprise.

At the beginning, the city construction order was used by myself. After Changshi became this appearance, in the game system, it was assumed that he was the owner of the city. It was impossible for him to determine things. On the contrary, Wuyan was actually better than himself. Still know more?

"What is the purpose of the monster siege? Is the game system hoping to destroy our city?" He did not rush to answer, Wu Yan just looked at Zhao Lei seriously and asked.

"Of course not. The purpose of the monster siege is to use this method to allow the players in the city to upgrade the monsters, gain experience and props, but this is the real world, should it still be very dangerous?" For Wu Yan's inquiry, Zhao Lei shook his head and answered.

"That said, although the monster siege is dangerous, after all, the power is still controlled to a certain extent, not to exterminate Changshi, right? In this case, what else to worry about?", Waved his hand, Wu Iwa said indifferently.

"Not to mention that there were originally fighting forces in Changshi. The three major dimension gates lead to the Hero City, Titan City, and Dalongshan Base. When it is critical, people from these three bases can come to help, plus I'm here, and it's not difficult to keep Changshi, "said Wu Yan's face, full of confidence.

"Well, since you have such self-confidence, that's a good thing, it shouldn't be too late, let's start setting it up." Seeing Wu Yan's full confidence, Zhao Lei nodded slightly and didn't say much.

It's three days before the monster siege, so Zhao Lei is also anxious to prepare for this matter.

"Well, let's go to Yufeng and discuss with them now.", Nodding slightly, all aspects of Changshi's management, after all, are being grasped by Pei Yufeng. Naturally, this matter must be discussed with her. Operation is fine.

Pei Yufeng and Nangong Hua both came to Wu Yan. After learning the news of the monster siege, both of them looked a little ugly.

However, Wu Yan was confident and slowly, and arranged tasks directly to them, and let them arrange them well.

"First of all, we have four big gates in Changshi, so the battlefield is mainly placed in these four big gates. When the monsters attack the city, all the powers of Changshi are mobilized to guard the east gate. Shouldn't it be okay? The situation of the door is left to Yufeng, "Wu Yan said, finally looking at Pei Yufeng's body, he asked.

"All the power in Changshi is used to guard the East Gate? What about the other three gates?" Wu Yan said, they both surprised Nangonghua and Zhao Lei.

However, Wu Yan's order has not yet been issued, so they did not rush to ask their questions.

"I will use all the power of Changshi to guard the East Gate, I will have no problem!" Pei Yufeng nodded and answered seriously.

After getting the answer determined by Pei Yufeng, Wu Yan nodded with satisfaction and said immediately: "In addition, the power of the Hero City, Titan City, and Dalongshan Base are all integrated, plus Daqing Xiaoqing, Tree Demon, and Black Juhei, they are all led by Zhao Lei. Go to the South Gate to guard, no problem? "

"Yes!" Zhao Lei nodded.

The power of the three major bases should be integrated to guard the South Gate. There should be no problem. Although the three major bases are compared separately, the forces are inferior to the current Changshi. However, the integration is not bad.

"Well, well, let's arrange things like this." After arranging the guarding issues for the South Gate and the East Gate, Wu Yan nodded, saying that the tasks that should be said were all told, and let Zhao Lei and Pei Yufeng hurry up Get busy.

"Wait, Wuyan, the East Gate and the South Gate are guarded by us, but what about the West Gate and the North Gate?" As Wu Yan's words fell, he didn't seem to be ready to continue. Pei Yufeng was surprised and couldn't help it I asked.

Zhao Lei and Nangong Hua, who were next to him, also looked at Wu Yan with curiosity.

"I have an amazing soldier, all of them are monsters. Among them are the fifth-level monsters. They are led by Xiaomeng and used to defend Ximen enough." Wu Yan said to their inquiries.

Yes, led by Xiao Meng, there should be no problem in letting the hundreds of monsters of Evolution House guard a gate.

After all, there are far fewer monsters than siege monsters, but most of them are level 4 and even many level 5 monsters.

Wu Wuyan's remarks made Zhao Lei and Pei Yufeng look at each other ~ ~ Unexpectedly, Wu Yan actually hidden such a secret secret? Many monsters? Is it enough to guard a gate?

"Well, even if there is a monster in Ximen to defend it, what about the north gate? What about the last north gate?" Nodded his head, did the monsters in Wuyan not be held accountable for this task? Zhao Lei followed Asked Wu Yan.

The last North Gate, will there not be another team?

Only, for Zhao Lei's inquiry, Wu Yan put out his finger with a smile, nodded his nose, and said, "Did you look down on me? Beimen, I am all alone."

"...", Wu Yan's self-confident and arrogant words made Zhao Lei cry and laugh, but had to admit that Wu Yan's self-confidence was convincing.

"Okay, then be careful yourself."

These people still trust Wuyan's strength. When Wuyan's crystal point number was only a few thousand, they were already terribly strong, let alone the number of crystal points now reached about 10,000.

赵 In Zhao Lei's eyes, he can see that Wu Yan is not just a 10,000 crystal point, but also a purple god-level layout.

"Well, we have only three days to prepare. Let's move quickly. Not only the combatants, but also the follow-up treatment and supply."

Clapped his hands and made a simple battle plan, and the follow-up things were naturally handed over to Pei Yufeng and Zhao Lei to arrange them properly.

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