Plane Master Copy

Chapter 960: : The idea of ​​a global delivery network

Before obtaining the crystal measuring device, although Arthurs and Catherine could feel that the strength of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng was very strong, but how specific they were, there was no clear concept.

But now, after getting the crystal measuring device, they saw that Xiaomeng had more than 20,000 crystal points, which was a lot stronger than himself. It was more than doubled, which made them feel shocked.

However, in their opinion, the strength of Xiaomeng and Wuyan must be extremely scarce, even if he is the most powerful being in Huaxia.

But now, opening the door and looking at Sun Hao standing at the door, looking at his more than 36,000 crystal points, Arthurs was dumbfounded.

This number of crystal points has suffocated him. What is going on in this country, is it his own illusion? The existence of tens of thousands of crystal points, one by one?

"Eh? Are you?" Sun Hao at the door looked at Arthurs who opened the door and asked in amazement.

As far as his eyes were concerned, he naturally saw the number of crystal points of Arthurs in his early 10,000s. The existence of the fifth-level awakener was quite good.

Just foreigners? Did you stay in Huaxia before the end of the last days?

"Hello, respected strong man, my name is Arthurs". Hearing Sun Hao's name, Arthur hurriedly spoke and answered respectfully.

In the last days, the strong is the most respected principle. This principle is vividly manifested. In his own country, his own strength is a well-deserved first echelon, so Arthurs has always been treated with respect.

However, here, seeing the existence of a much stronger strength than himself, Arthurs' pride of the stronger, has long been thrown out of the clouds, facing the stronger, can only be treated carefully.

"Well, where is Wu Yan? Is he in there?" Although it seems that Arthurs is a level five awakener, this attitude seems a bit exaggerated, but maybe this is his character? Sun Hao naturally didn't say much, nodded slightly, and asked.

"Mr. Wu Yan is busy in the kitchen inside." Where could he dare to stop, Arthur hurried back and greeted Sun Hao in.

Now that I can name Wu Yan in one sip, I want to come to this strong man with more than 30,000 polycrystalline points, and Mr. Wu Yan is also a friend?

"Cooking !?", Arthurs said, so that Sun Hao was a little surprised, walked in surprised, came to the kitchen, and really saw Wu Yan busy in the kitchen.

"Marshal Sun, welcome ..." Wu Yan in the kitchen had already prepared two or three dishes. When he saw Sun Hao coming, Wu Yan said.

"It seems that I have a mouthful today and can try the dishes you made yourself," Sun Hao said with a smile on his face.

Glanced at Wu Yan during his speech, and saw more than 22,000 crystal points, Sun Hao flashed a shocked expression deep in his eyes, feeling extremely shocked.

I remember the news from the Awakened Workers ’Union a few months ago. Although Wu Yan has passed the certification of Level 5 Awakeners, the number of crystal points has not reached the level of Level 5 Awakeners.

At the time, he used the teleportation technique to go to Changshi and saw Wu Yan with his own eyes. At that time, he also remembered the crystal points clearly.

But how long is this only? Has the number of crystal points in Wuyan doubled?

"It's a terrible growth rate, is it because of his teacher?" Feeling the terrible increase in the number of crystal points on Wu Yan, Sun Hao's heart was shocked secretly.

However, thinking of Wu Yan's "teacher", that terrible existence of a fifth-order evolutionary beast can easily reach 10 million or more energy values. There is such a teacher who seems to increase the number of crystal points by more than 10,000. Nothing surprising?

Soon, the meal was ready. Wu Yan naturally would not let Sun Haogan stand, and several people sat down at the dinner table.

Arthurs and Catherine, watching Wu Yan and their three big brothers, ate silently and did not dare to speak.

"By the way, Marshal Sun, if you do n’t go to the Three Treasures Hall, you can be regarded as a miracle. At this time, you came to me deliberately, wouldn't you just come over and see?" Asked Sun Hao.

"Well, yes, you are far away in Changshi. It is not easy to ask for your help, but since you are here, I happen to have one thing that needs your help", nodded, and Sun Hao didn't mean to go around and talk directly. Cut into the theme.

"As the imperial capital, we naturally have the responsibility to be responsible to the people of the whole country. It happens that I heard that you have connected the bases of Changshi, Dalongshan Base, Hero City, and Titan City with the Dimension Gate, so I was thinking, Is it possible to connect the imperial capital with the surrounding bases, and even, if possible, the bases across the country? "Sun Hao said, staring at Wu Yan seriously.

"Do you use the portal to unite all the bases in the country?", Wu Yan heard a little meal in the heart of Sun Hao.

If this is the case, then the whole eschatology is almost like the game world, because it seems that the cities in the game can achieve teleportation.

"Yes, this is for the majority of survivors."

Sun Hao nodded earnestly and said, "If this can be achieved successfully, there will be a lot of others, at least if there is a corpse tide at other bases, there will be an escape route, and even other bases can also implement To help. "

"There is a saying before the end of the world, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and to our extent, what we think and think should not be our own personal interests, but the welfare of all humankind. No matter how great self-interest is, it is illusory. "

If you heard Sun Hao's words a long time ago, Wu Yan would definitely roll his eyes. When is this time, and in the last days, give him the whole set? Isn't this kidding?

Run for the so-called world? Are there such people in the last days?

However, after going through so much, Wu Yan is completely different in all aspects, whether it is his vision or strength. Looking at Sun Hao's eyes, Wu Yan can clearly feel that his words are not pulling the banner, but It's a word from the heart.

Perhaps this is what he needs to think about as his status as Marshal of the Imperial City?

As the saying goes, the **** determines the head.

Sun Hao's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, watching him thinking, but did not mean to urge, quietly waiting for his reply.

Since Wu Yan is thinking, and has not directly rejected it, it shows that there is still room for consideration, which is not bad news.

At the dinner table, after Arthurs and Catherine heard Sun Hao's words, their heads were lowered, and they did not dare to intervene.

What kind of gangster dialogue is this? Establish a teleportation, linking the survivor bases, and even thinking about connecting the survivor bases across the country?

Have the Huaxia Awakeners reached such a point?

If it is really possible to build portals to connect everything, then the survivor bases will not be just a base, but will be reduced to zero.

At this time, Arthurs and Catherine both felt that it was a wrong choice for them to come to Huaxia, and it was a ridiculous idea to want to do it for Huaxia.

"Actually, I've already had the idea of ​​building a dimension gate," Wu Yan said after a moment of silence.

Yes, Mo said it was his current strength. Actually, a long time ago, Wu Yan had the idea of ​​establishing a dimension gate between Dalongshan and Hero City, but at that time he was too weak. Compared with Dalongshan base, Hero City is also much worse, so this idea was stranded.

It wasn't until later that he successively brought both Hero City and Titan City under his control, which completely established the corresponding teleportation system.

Establishing the transmission system is certainly not a big problem. Wu Yan has always worried that after the establishment of the transmission system, will it have an impact on his base?

With your own strength, there is no problem in protecting yourself, but since the owners of these survivor bases are all their own words, to a certain extent, you always have to shoulder the survival problems of these people, right?

Perhaps it is precisely because of the same idea that Sun Hao pleaded to establish a delivery system, at least to bring together the survivor bases in the country?

"So what? Do you have any concerns?" Regardless of Wu Yan's thoughts, after hearing Wu Yan's words, Sun Hao's eyes lightened slightly and he asked.

Since Wu Yan had thought about this problem for a long time, it couldn't be better ~ ~ Indicating that he really wanted to do the same in his heart?

"Well, my biggest concern is if I establish a connection with a strange base, will it impact or even hurt the survivors of my base, after all, in the last days, people ’s hearts are dark." Wu Yan nodded slightly and nodded The consideration came out.

Of course, Sun Hao would not have such a consideration. He is known as the strongest awakener in China, and the imperial capital is a survivor base with a population of one million. These do not need him to worry at all.

"But with your current strength, don't worry about that, right? And, I also have absolute confidence in the imperial capital!", Wen Yan said, Sun Hao said with confidence, no matter which survivor base is established in Huaxia. It ’s always just the other person who is worried.

"But what if the place where we want to establish the connection is abroad?" But just looking at Sun Hao's confident look, Wu Yan said quietly.

"Overseas !?" With this words, Sun Hao's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Wu Yan in amazement.

I did n’t even understand the domestic base clearly, has Wu Yan's eyes been placed abroad? Does he have such a long-term vision? .

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