Plane Master Copy

Chapter 994: : Universal Capsule

Spatio-temporal vortex appears, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng are accompanied by the emergence of spatio-temporal vortex.

Looking around, Wu Yan found himself appearing on a large seaside, but this seaside did not seem remote, on the contrary, it was more prosperous.

Because looking around, about ten miles away, you can see a bustling metropolis with high-rises, full of modernity.

"So, am I coming to a world with a modern background this time?" Looking at the bustling metropolis in the distance, Wu Yan's heart secretly murmured. For the current background of the world, he also had a general Concept.

Of course, in a world with a modern background, what is the value of force? This is to be determined first.

And more importantly, you still have to determine which world the world belongs to, so you can understand whether there is anything worth planning for yourself.

Of course, to determine where the plane currently is, you need to investigate the basic information of this world first to infer from clues. For example, if this is a high-force world, then this world Who is the most powerful person?

Or, for example, what is the division of power in this world?

For example, has something happened in recent years?

It is not difficult for Wu Yan to investigate this. Find a few people, pull apart the other person's gene disk, cut some memories, and I believe I will soon understand.

Soon, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng walked towards the big city. They wanted to find out which plane they are currently in. Of course, they had to find someone to look at each other ’s memories. But, soon, Wu Yan found this modern plane, which is somewhat different from the original modern world.

call out!

A car quickly flew past Wu Yan and Xiao Meng. It was extremely fast. A very stylish man on the car sent out a series of exciting shouts, apparently a drag racing party.

Yes, it flew past. The car just passed by had no wheels but was suspended in midair.

Obviously, the car just now is an antigravity car.

"It's interesting ..." Looking at the anti-gravity car that just flew in the past, Wu Yan's mouth slightly lifted. It seems that the value of force is not the value of force, at least, at least, the level of science and technology on this plane seems low.

Maybe there are a lot of things that can be acquired in technology. It is also good to add the technology points of Evolution House.

As soon as he thought about it, Wu Yan's palm was raised directly, and he grabbed the car flying in front of him. The ability of Wanciwang was launched. Instead of moving forward, the car moved backward.

"Oh? Here, what's going on !?", the man on the car found that the surrounding scenery had actually changed from backward to forward, and the whole person was stunned.

Looking down at the car, yes, the car is indeed in the forward gear, but what is going on?

The car backed up for no reason. When he looked aggressive, the man naturally looked back and saw that Wu Yan was opening his hands to his side. Where did he not understand that it was the ghost of Wu Yan?

Shocked and furious, he shouted, "Hey, who the **** are you? What are you doing?"

Wu Yan didn't pay attention to this man's words. Under the control of Wanci King's ability, this anti-gravity car fell directly in front of Wu Yan.

Immediately, Wu Yan stretched out his palm and grabbed the man's head. In any case, cut the other person's memory first.

However, before Wu Yan's hand fell on the man's head, the man's response was very quick. He took out a small bottle-like thing directly from his pocket and pressed the button.

With a bang, a pistol appeared in his hand, and the gun pointed at Wu Yan: "Who the **** are you? What do you want to do?"

"Eh? It was just that, could it be ..." Watching the young man's movement just now, Wu Yan's heart moved.

If you haven't read it wrong just now, that one seems to be a universal capsule?

And if the universal props such as the Universal Capsule appear, then it is self-evident that where they are now.

"Don't be nervous, I don't have any malicious intentions", Wu Yan didn't mean to rush anymore, just looked at the man holding the firearm and asked, "Did you just take the universal capsule?"

"Hum, do you want to change the subject now? Late, you can go to the police station and lie down now ...", he took out his pistol, Wu Yan seemed to be instigated. For his question, this man Naturally, he thinks he just wants to change the subject.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, and the power of Wuyan Wanciwang was launched. The man's pistol was immediately shattered.

Then, with a slight wave of Wu Yan's finger, a sword qi left a huge sword mark on the ground immediately.

Immediately, Wu Yan's gaze fell on the man, and he continued to ask, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, I just ask you, did you just get the all-capsule?"

With a sword in his hand, he cut the ground into a huge mouth. The man fell to the ground in horror, looked at Wu Yan in horror, nodded in a hurry, and said, "Okay, I, I just took out everything. Capsules. "

"Sure enough ..." Although there had been speculation in his heart, Wu Yan felt a little surprised after getting the confirmation from the man.

I did not expect that this time I came across, it would be the plane of Dragon Ball.

But ~ ~ Think of the Dragon Ball plane, which is a world where high force and high technology coexist, so it is a matter of course to see anti-gravity cars in this world.

However, thinking of this is the world of Dragon Ball, Wu Yan's heart is a little dignified.

If it is said that the previous Di Renjie world had no threat at all, then this dragon ball world is almost like hell-level difficulty.

Throughout the real world of all film and television dramas, novels, and even the second dimension of anime, the force value of Dragon Ball can definitely be regarded as the top level.

With a crystal point of nearly 30,000, coupled with his diversified abilities and hole cards, Wu Yan originally thought that his current strength and swimming in the heavens and the world should be very safe, but he realized that he was now After the world of Dragon Ball, Wu Yan knew that he still had to be good at it.

Of course, the Dragon Ball world is not too perverted in the early stage, but it will only become terrible after the Saiyans appear in the plot of Dragon Ball Z.

So, so far, it's best to understand that the timeline you are in is the main one.

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