Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 127 Qualified Family Rules

After leaving the Eternal Pavilion, he went to the Scarlet Devil's Mansion to increase his knowledge reserves.

Whether it is a melee magician or a regular magician, they all aim to become a mobile library.

So a lot of knowledge is needed to fill it.

The more knowledge you have, the more you understand the mysteries of the truth of the world.

As for his arrival, Paqiuli, who has been studying magic in the big library all year round, is also very welcome.

She is very curious about novel knowledge, especially a kind of magic that is completely different from the magic she knows.

"Meiling, Meiling!"

Arriving at the entrance of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Qin Yun skillfully called out the guard who was standing and sleeping in front of the gate.

"Huh?" Hong Meiling opened her eyes slightly, and after seeing the person in front of her clearly, she said with a smile: "The manager is here, I'll open the door for you."

"Be careful, now Sakuya knows duplication."

"It's okay, I've already been stabbed five times today, and Sakuya should be serving Miss File Size now." Hong Meiling pointed to the five band-aids on her forehead and said calmly.

Isn't it just being arrested, why panic.

So far, my wages have been deducted hundreds of years later, and I can't remember the flying darts I have survived.

"You are really brave. In fact, if you sleep less, you won't be raped."

"I'm super brave! As a member of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, my salary can be deducted! Flying darts can be suffered! Only sleep can't be changed!"


Hong Meiling patted her chest confidently, and said: "Don't worry, Sakuya will never know, she won't be able to leave this time.

With pity on his face, Qin Yun raised his finger and pointed behind her.

"The next time you try to be brave again, it's better to pay attention to the next four weeks."

Hong Meiling's confident expression froze, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she turned around stiffly.



A silver flying dart hit the head, blood spurted from the wound, and the man fell down.

"Gui'an, Mr. Store Manager."

Sakuya opened the door, walked up to Qin Yun, and greeted Qin Yun gracefully.

"Are you here to see Master Patchouli?"

Recently, Sakuya has gotten used to it because of frequent visits.

The plants in the garden had just been pruned, and I happened to see a familiar figure standing at the door, so I came over to receive them.

As a result, when he heard those bold words, his face turned black with anger.

You're super brave, aren't you? You don't need dinner!!!

"Well, the route is familiar, I can go there by myself, Sakuya, you can go to work.

Sakuya: "If you have any orders, you can ask Trask to tell me."


Qin Yun made an OK gesture to show that he understood.

When Sakuya left, he knelt down and poked the 'corpse' on the ground: "Hey, don't get up yet, are you going to lie down and sleep?"

Hong Meiling, who was lying on the ground, opened her eyes and pulled out the flying darts on her forehead: "It's also good to lie on the ground, it's cool."

"And then you will be stabbed again later? By the way, your wound is still bleeding."

"It's okay, just post it."

She took out a band-aid from her bosom, tore it off, and pasted it on her bleeding forehead, and the wound stopped bleeding immediately.

Even Qin Yun, At the moment, who has seen many bizarre events, has to say something.

"It's so fucking unscientific." Newton's coffin boards can't hold it down."

"Newton? I know this guy, I heard about it hundreds of years ago." As she said that, Hong Meiling got up from the ground and patted the dust on her clothes: "Shop manager, go in first, I'm going to continue guarding the door.

Although it was cool on the ground, it would be too embarrassing for the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

If Sakuya knew, she would have to fill her whole body with flying darts.

The underground library is not dark, there are not only magic lights, but also skylights at the top of the four walls.

On weekdays, Trask is responsible for cleaning, so the whole library is clean and tidy, and there are special ventilation holes, and it will not be dull and smelly because it is underground.

Because the owner here can't stand the dull environment.

"Trask, you are very diligent."

Hearing someone talking, Trask stopped what he was doing and turned around.

"My lord, are you looking for Mrs. Paqiuli, or the second lady?"

"I'm looking for Mu Q, is she in the bedroom or over the desk?"

Mu Q is Paqiuli, and Trask also knows the strange oral habit of his adults, and will bring it out whenever he is nervous.

But she didn't dare to shout like that, but occasionally thinking of Paqiuli's cute cry of "Mu Q" when she panicked, she felt inexplicably touching.

"Master Patchouli is over there at the desk."

Saying goodbye to the busy Trask, Qin Yun went to the desk alone.

Due to the frequent visits of the black and white thieves, the magic books are often misplaced.

Trask not only does the cleaning, but also puts the misplaced spellbooks back in their place.

She is responsible for cleaning the entire underground library and cleaning.

But she doesn't have the ability to pause, so she can only clean the areas one by one, and she is usually very busy.

In front of the large desk, a girl in purple pajamas was writing with her head bowed, and Hiri suddenly stretched out her hand in front of her.

"Your medicine, just brought from Yongchang Pavilion, is very fresh."

Seeing the dark green liquid in the bottle, Paqiuli's face changed slightly, and she forced a smile and said, "No need, I feel much better recently, why don't I eat it next time?"

"Yes, next time I will drink the concentrated version directly, the taste will be several times different."

Now, Paqiuli had no choice but to take the potion with a bitter face, close her eyes and pour it directly into her mouth.

I refused to swallow it without even tasting it, but some of it remained on the root of my tongue.


Retching a few times, she quickly took the black tea next to her and drank it down.

"No matter how many times I taste it, the taste is so bad."

Qin Yun: "No way, who made you born with poor physique, this time you can help me look at things, can you make this thing into a weapon?"

He put the branches on the table, which he had picked up from the shop on the way back when he came.

"Huh? What a strong breath of life!".

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