Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 255: Seed-Eating Crowd, Take Your Place!

Lancer's exit did not cause much disturbance, because he was not strong in this Holy Grail War.

Now Tosaka Tokiomi wants to kill Berserker the most, so that Sakura can quit earlier.

But he was afraid of hitting too much and hurting his daughter.

After all, it is well known that Berserker consumes a lot of magic power. If the consumption is too serious, it may put the Master in danger.

"What? Ask me where I can get good wine?"

While wandering outside during the day, I happened to meet Yi Skandar who was acting alone.

It can't be said to be a coincidence, this guy deliberately exudes magic power, attracting Qin Yun.

When they arrived, they found out that it was Yi Skandar who was looking for a place to buy good wine, but because he was not familiar with the place, he was in trouble, and planned to attract other followers to ask for directions.

....Are you wantonly exuding magic power because of this?" After knowing the reason, Qin Yun was speechless.

He thought it was some servant who was going crazy and was going to fight in broad daylight, so he hurried over to watch the show.

In the end, there was no show to watch at all, and the matter was a trivial matter, so it would be no problem to do a favor.

But I strongly suspect that you are out of your mind.

"You wait for me to get off, and I'll be right back."

Yi Skandar didn't say much, just stood by the roadside and waited.

And Qin Yun found a place where no one was around, summoned the Angel of the book, and searched for this information.

After a few minutes, he went back to meet Yi Skandar: "Let's go, I'll take you for a ride.

On the way, he learned that the other party wanted to drink with King Arthur.

As for whether it was really drinking or taking the opportunity to inquire about information, it is not clear.

Although Yi Skandar looks a little careless and acts aboveboard, he is a king after all, and his IQ must never be low.

"Thank you for your help, how are you? Do you want to go together tonight?" Not long after, a large wooden barrel was carried by Yi Skandar on his shoulders, containing the best quality wine that can be bought in this region.

The price is naturally not cheap, well, for ordinary people.

Although the Weber family is only a three-generation magician family, the wealth accumulated is not considered an ordinary family.

After all, it is really not difficult for a magician to accumulate wealth.

"Eh? Me?" After pondering for a few seconds, Qin Yun nodded slowly: "If King Dumao doesn't mind, I don't care, you can also call Jin Shining.

He definitely didn't have good intentions, but thought that Jin Sparkling would definitely not like this wine.

In that guy's King's Treasure, there is the most delicious wine in the world, how can I not make a few jars over here.

"Stupid Hair King? Hahahaha! This title is quite vivid!" Thinking of Artoria's upturned golden hair, Yi Skandar couldn't help laughing.

"Alright then, how about meeting at the entrance of Saber's residence at eight o'clock in the evening?"

It doesn't matter what time of night, Qin Yun is a professional night owl anyway: "I'm fine, and besides, if I go, I won't be the only one."

"Then come together, there are so many people."

Yi Sikandar slapped the futon-sized palm, and didn't care, anyway, Saber's residence is very big, and he will bring his master with him when the time comes.

Otherwise, he wouldn't worry about leaving Weber, the master of the five scumbags, alone in the stronghold.

The other masters are not fuel-efficient lamps.

The surprise attack on Qin Yun just happened the night before, and now his master is afraid to go out alone, for fear of being shot in the head while walking on the road.

"Okay, so I bring my own wine glass?"

"Hey! You reminded me that there is still a wine glass." Drinking must have a wine glass, so Yi Skandar can only go back and buy a wine glass.

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched: "This guy, am I wrong? Is he really careless, isn't he just pretending?"

If he was really so careless, how did he secure his throne? By brute force?

Forget it, who cares, anyway, there is something exciting to watch tonight.

I'd better bring some melon seeds with me, as there happened to be a batch of melon seeds fresh out of the pot.

Since I bought flowers from Youxiang, there is no shortage of melon seeds in the shop.

Those two flowers grow melon seeds very fast, and they can grow back within a week after being removed. The growth rate is too unscientific.

...asking for flowers......

After listening to Qin Yun's suggestion, Yi Skandar actually ran directly to the door of Tohsaka's house.

Tohsaka Tokiomi thought he was calling in broad daylight.

"Invite me to drink at Saber's residence? The guys from Caster will also go?" After thinking about it for a while, the idle Jin Jinshan accepted the proposal: "Just to add a little fun to this boring time, what time?"

It's too boring to grab the Holy Grail or something, and he hasn't attended a banquet in a very, very long time.

It's good to pass the boring time.

As for the people on Caster's side, it is very reasonable for the king's banquet to have courtiers listening.

Tohsaka Tokiomi heard that Caster was going there, so Sakura would definitely go too, should he go?

He has never been so entangled in his life. He wants to see Sakura, but he is afraid of seeing her because of guilt.

Forget it, let's continue to use the familiar.

He doesn't need to go to the scene, just stay in the Tohsaka mansion.


Arturia is very angry now, because there is a group of people in front of her.

I held a banquet at my place, the wine was bought, and the guests were invited, but in the end, I didn't tell the owner of the venue!

Was it when I, King Arthur, couldn't lift the sword!

"Hahaha! Don't mind Saber, let's go! Go in and drink!"

Under the leadership of Yi Skandar, a group of people rushed in one after another, and Artoria couldn't fight so many no matter how angry she was.

I can only be forced to agree, and then let the acting master Irisviel hide.

As for the real Master, he was injured by the fireball last time and is recuperating, so he is not here yet.

There were two tables placed in the open space of the castle, Qin Yun didn't want to get involved in the mess of the three kings.

I'm just here to enjoy the golden wine, so please hurry up and dislike this red wine!


A group of four took Weber to sit around the table, holding a handful of melon seeds in each hand, watching the excitement at the table next to them.

The people who eat melon seeds are already in place!

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