It will take a long time to clean up the wreckage of the titan stone statue, and Qin Yun will not be idle either.

Because the time is already in the afternoon, and it will be dusk in two hours.

He wants to set off immediately to somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and find the Luluye ruins before dark.

Even if you don't go in, just leave a specific coordinate.

When he was about to leave, Dagu happened to run over, the other party nodded to him, and ran past.

Qin Yun looked at Tiantong who had climbed onto Feiyan 2 and was checking the situation of the team.

I still remember that in my childhood, the happiest time was squatting in front of the TV on time every day, watching Ultraman Tiga.

Twenty years have passed in a flash.

"Time flies so fast." With a sigh, he turned and left, heading to the Pacific Ocean to find the sunken ruins of Luluye.

But he didn't know that after he left, there was a quarrel in TPC because of the titan stone statue.

"I don't agree! This is something that belongs to all mankind, how can it be privately owned!"

TPC global headquarters, the high-level executives in the conference room are already noisy.

Hawks believe that the two titan stone statues should be managed by TPC and cannot be handed over to people of unknown origin.

"This is not advisable, you should see the image that is transmitted." One of the high-level representatives of Dove Faction pointed to the projection screen, and the paused picture was Mechanical Godzilla.

"When our fighter planes blocked Melba, they were easily destroyed, but we didn't have the slightest strength to fight back against this monster machine.

"How do we deal with the anger of the other party?"

Hawks: "Don't you have a face and a name? Search the world directly and determine the identities of these two people first. Dangerous mechanical weapons like this should be controlled."

Dove: "The next thing I want to talk about is this matter. We spent nearly two hours searching, but we didn't find any information related to this person in any public information Curry."

"Even if there is a person who looks alike, it is finally determined that it is not the two of them."

"There is no information? Did it appear out of thin air? Heh~" the hawks taunted with disdain, but the speaker didn't care but the listener did.

These words made many people in the conference room have a bold guess, maybe as he said, why can't these two people just appear out of thin air?

The fact that there are aliens is not a legend, but a fact. If these two people are pretending to be aliens, will it make sense?

The appearance is just imitating the changes of the people on earth, so I can't find it in the data Curry, and it is exactly the same.

The director pondered for a long time, and he didn't speak until the doves and hawks had almost quarreled.

"Today's meeting will be here first, and the stone statue will be sent by the Far East Headquarters, another county troupe.

"Okay, that's it, the meeting is over."

The hawks and doves looked at each other uncomfortably before walking out of the conference room.

After they all left, the director's secretary leaned into Director Sawai's ear and whispered, "Director, according to the information from the Far East headquarters, the target person seems to have an understanding of super ancient civilizations.

"When the monster appeared, I didn't even see it, so I told the identity of the monster."

"Furthermore, the outer shell of the time machine has been dated and found to have existed 30 million years ago.

This information is the most confidential, if known by those two factions, it is estimated that the quarrel will be even more fierce.

That's why the secretary told the director alone first. As for whether to release information, it is entirely up to the director to decide.

"Thirty million years, it's really an ancient era, alas." The director lamented, and then said to the secretary: "Concerning these two people, continue to investigate and see if there is any missing information."

"For the Far East Headquarters, ask them to keep the other stone statue safe and hand it over to the other party when the time comes."

When the enemy and friends are unknown, it is very stupid to force the opponent to the opposite side without authorization.

Moreover, I don't know if that kind of mechanical weapon is mass-produced.

If mass-produced, it would be terrible,

"Understood, I'll go right away." The secretary stood up straight and walked quickly to the door.

The director stared at the screen, then zoomed in on the pictures of Mechanical Godzilla and Qin Yun, frowning.

At this time, the person he had a headache for was galloping across the sea.

"In the depths of the Pacific Ocean, it's really troublesome. If I knew about it, I wouldn't have returned the plane."

If there is Feiyan 1, he can get there very quickly, but taking a speedboat is too slow, and the battery life is not enough.

‘Host, you can borrow the goddess Yuyi, that item is not consumed, it is enough for you to fly to your destination.

The system gives suggestions in a timely manner, which is currently the only way other than flying an airplane.

"I don't! I'm a big man, why are you wearing such a beautiful thing, it looks like a sissy." "This proposal is very good, but Qin Yun just wants to refuse.

He would rather fly there by magic than wear that thing.

When the speedboat reached the point where the shore could no longer be seen, Qin Yun disappeared on the speedboat.

"Tony! I'm sending you materials!"

Come to the villa again, this time Tony is not doing experiments, but sitting in the living room, drinking coffee leisurely to optimize the mechanical Godzilla design.

Only after making it yourself can you know the advantages and disadvantages more accurately.

Seeing that Qin Yun, who had just left for a short time, came back and brought the data, Tony was very surprised: "So fast? What kind of data is it?"

"Battle data (get Zhao Hao) data, just fought with two monsters, you can copy the data away first."

"Also, do you have any Flight vehicles? I need them."

"My battle suit is the flight vehicle, I can lend you the spare battle suit.

Subsequently, the two entered the underground base.


When the data was extracted, Tony, who was drinking coffee, spit it out.

"Ultraman!? Ultraman really exists!"

Naturally, there are related movies and TV shows in this world, but Tony didn't expect that one day he would be able to see the real Ultraman instead of the special double!

He doesn't know much about it, but he occasionally sees it when surfing the Internet.

After all, this special film of the Ultraman series is still quite popular.

"What a crazy universe! God, looks like I'm going to have to relive my childhood."

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