Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 567 Human, I Am Not Happy Now

In the evening, in the study room of the mansion, Qin Yun sat on the massage chair and browsed the content on the virtual screen in front of him.

On the nearby desk, under the warm-colored desk lamp, Nightmare stopped writing and looked at the condition form he had written with satisfaction.

"Captain Headquarters, regarding the members of the exploration team, I have considered the situation of the abyss and made a list of general conditions for the call."

She put down her pen and got up with the fruits of her efforts.

Because in a place like the abyss, you can't just find a few creatures to form a team.

Not only requires strength, relevant knowledge, even the physical condition must be considered.

For example, if humans go to the abyss to explore, it must be very inappropriate.

Because the living conditions are too demanding, in a place like the abyss where resources are extremely scarce, survival is too troublesome.

Although Nightmare is not a professional exploration team member, he probably has 16 clear basic knowledge.

Practice makes perfect, even if you don't know a little bit, if you help a lot, you will become an amateur from a layman.

Hearing this, Qin Yun moved away from the virtual screen in front of him, and took a stack of papers from it.

There are more than a dozen pages, definitely this is just a rough idea, the reality is even more complicated, and I will definitely not be able to figure out all of them in a short while.

But just a rough idea is enough, he just wants to know the conditions, so that if he encounters them in the future, he won't miss them.

After all, suitable members are hard to find, and those who are willing to go to the abyss are probably even fewer.

Who would go to such a dangerous place to explore in their free time? If they didn't voluntarily, they might go in and go in without working hard, paddling for fish.

After handing over the form, Nightmare canceled the human form and flew out of the room.

Harvest one last wave and leave.

Although Qin Yun didn't say anything about being lazy in his mission, Nightmare was originally alert.

Now the head quarters didn't say anything, but if he didn't continue to do the task, maybe the division head would be really useless.

Because the time spent together was too short, it didn't fully understand the temperament of this headquarters.

Besides, as a member of the alliance, basically all you can count on is retirement.

Now that I have the opportunity to be the head of a branch, I don't need to expect to retire. In the future, I can also manage the leaders under my hands, and I don't have to run around frequently.

The most important thing is, if you transfer Meng Ling to your subordinates, it will be really exciting!

What could be happier than being able to command your nemesis!

Moreover, as the head of the branch, you can retire at any time if you want to, and you can just promote a successor.

However, generally no branch minister is willing to retire prematurely, and the alliance does not allow any member to control and interfere with a certain universe without authorization.

The resources that can be collected here and there are still astronomical figures.

In addition to the resources to be transported to the headquarters, the branch chief can freely mobilize and use the remaining resources. This is the right that makes the alliance members the most eye-catching.

Qin Yun looked at the form quietly, picked up the cup from the small table next to him, and took a sip of tea.

The tranquil atmosphere kept his brain in top condition, and he memorized the above content.

There is a big gap between having experience and having no experience. Many of the lists listed by Nightmare are contents that he did not consider at all.

In the old windows, dim lights were reflected, the air outside the windows was filled with the sound of insects, and the bright moon gradually rose directly above.

In the city, a black hazy shadow shuttled between tall buildings.

"It's really troublesome, and I need to make a special trip." Nightmare's tone revealed displeasure, although Headquarters said that the matter during the day had been resolved.

But in order not to have any accidents, it decided to add another insurance.

When something really happens, I will definitely regret it, so it's better to spend a little time to get it done in advance.

Regardless of the character of the alliance members before joining, after joining, they will all become very cautious.

Any mistake may result in disqualification as a guide, erasure of memory, and return to the original universe.

After seeing this magnificent world, who would be willing to give up and go back to be a frog in the well.

Even if they are careless, they will become more and more cautious to prevent their mistakes from being sent back to the original universe.

In a certain room, although it was already late at night, the faint light from the window proved that the owner of the room hadn't rested yet.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sat on the bedside, put the notebook on his lap, and thought seriously with a pen in his hand.

Because of the things during the day, I couldn't sleep at night at all. When I closed my eyes, I saw the scene of the starry sky.

Then she lost all sleepiness, and she simply got up and continued planning the plot of the novel.

But the problem is that it is difficult to apply the material of this time to the subject matter of the novel she wrote.

In addition, the results of the first volume of my novel are not ideal to be honest.


She sighed sadly, maybe she should listen to the editor and write a new one?

Just after sighing, a black mist suddenly emerged from the wall and landed in the room.

After noticing this, Kasumigaoka Shiwa immediately sat up straight and stood up nervously.

The experience during the day let her know that the world is far from being as simple as she saw. At the moment, a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared, and what are those two red lights? Eyes?


In the black mist, a figure condensed, and two feet wearing black LO shoes fell to the ground lightly, making a crisp sound.

Then the black mist that covered his body dissipated, revealing the indifferent and beautiful face of Nightmare.

"Human, I'm very unhappy right now."

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