Plane Universe

Chapter 1004: Pure soul

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Bu Yun ’s argument, lei also nodded his approval, with the idea that there is no bottom line to do things like the bright vatican. Once he learned that he had such two talents that were so powerful as to burst into the table, of course he would sleep and sleep, and then of course he tried his best. To get rid of both of you.

He nodded and said, "So I didn't blame you. After all, your original intention was to worry about my safety. In addition, when I was young, this kind of murderous hatred. Once I learned that, I certainly couldn't hide the killing intention in my heart.

"I have long expected that in the area of ​​the Holy Alliance, every day I see people from the Holy See, and I can't hide it if I want to hide it." Hogg inserted a sentence.

Cheng Buyun silently patted lei's shoulder.

The people in the whole hall had a deeper dislike for the bright Holy See.

They could not imagine that under the light, the Light Holy See in the name of light and justice, it was so shocking that what it did was so bad.

In the past, the Dawson family only knew something vaguely.

At this level, their strength is untouchable.

"It's far away." Lin Lei patted his head and smiled: "This is the legendary person that everyone has always wanted to see. My elder brother Cheng Buyun."

"Finally, I'm back to the topic." Sessler chuckled, bowed slightly into Cheng Buyun, and said, "Master Buyun, hello, I'm Sessler, the ninth-level Necromancer! I'm honored to know You, I hope adults will support more in the future. "

"Hello, Sessler, the biggest enemy on the bright side of the light. I have heard of you. Summoning is simply fascinating. It has caused a lot of damage to the light in hundreds of years." Cheng Buyun looked at him with a smile. Essler.

This old guy who looks like a skeleton and has long white eyebrows is still very strong. One person is an army. When the two armies confront each other, as long as enough time is given to him, it is a nightmare.

Cessler heard Cheng Buyun's praise, his heart was dark, and there was a little smile on his face. The surface was still very modest and said: "Where and where the adults are praised, they will be able to prestige in front of ordinary people. Once the other party The sanctuary of the world appears, and I ’m useless. "

"That's why the Holy Land can come out." Cheng Buyun laughed.

Everyone laughed at the same time.

In ordinary levels of war among human beings, the strongest in the sanctuary cannot intervene. This is something expressly stipulated. Who dare not take it into consideration?

After all ...

If there are unlimited shots at the sanctuary level, I am afraid that the Magnolia Continent has already been smashed.

In history, there were five continents on the plane of the Magnolia Continent, that is, there were no restrictions on the war, the powerful shots were excessive, and the other four continents have disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years.

The southern part of the Magnolia Continent is full of endless oceans. There are small islands floating in the ocean. These small islands are formed by broken continents.

And the magnolia continent on the edge can be preserved, and the strong man Beirut lives here, otherwise, I am afraid that this last continent will be smashed.

"Master Buyun, hello, I'm Berika, I'm Lina!" The two sisters flashed their eyelashes very politely and respectfully, and gave Cheng Buyun a courteous smile with an excited smile on his face.

Good young god-level powerhouse.

They had heard that Cheng Buyun was very young before, but they didn't want to be so young, that's just a few years older than Master lei.

However, they knew that Cheng Buyun was at least more than 30 today, nearly 40 years old.

"A very pure soul, the best person to cultivate the two greatest laws of destiny and soul." Seeing these two sisters, Cheng Buyun had to admire, such a pure soul, and a human of ordinary realm, too Less is less.

It should be very rare!

Even with his knowledge, such a person has never seen.

He has never seen a big universe like the starry sky!

"Would you like to follow me to practice?" Cheng Buyun asked in a hurry with a feeling of gratification.

His behavior suddenly surprised everyone in the hall.

"What are you waiting for?" Sessler immediately rejoiced at the two sisters and quickly scolded: "What are you waiting for, my skill, that is comparable to Master Buyun, you can follow him to practice, it's you Blessing! "

"Thank you adults for your attention." The two sisters bowed down heavily. They hesitated before, because they also knew that they had a great talent advantage in the soul. Cheng Buyun did not have any outstanding surface on this path, but instead There is great prestige in the Guangming series, so ...

"Respect ..."

Seeing the two sisters worshipping under Cheng Buyun, everyone congratulated, and even many people were very envious, and the five Buck brothers looked at him with envy.

This is a god-level strongman, who can practice under the gate of a god-level strongman, who doesn't want it!

"Belika, Lina, although I don't know why Brother wants you to follow him to practice, but I believe he will have a way to make you strong." Lei said with a straight face to the two sisters: " Trust me!"

"We believe in adults." The two sisters blinked and smiled.

"Well, Lin Lei is right." Cheng Buyun took Lin Lei's words and said with a smile: "You will know later that practicing with me is your most correct choice!"

"Really?" The two sisters were pleasantly surprised when they heard Cheng Buyun, the god-level strong man, serious.

Cheng Buyun nodded again.

These two sisters, if they go to cultivate soul together, the achievements are there, but it is very difficult to make achievements, but if they practice with him, the achievements will be very high.

Such a pure soul is most suitable for walking together with the "illusion warrior" or the illusionist, but Cheng Buyun will not teach them to walk the illusionist. The illusionist ’s body is too bad. Once he cannot suppress others, the situation will be very dangerous. Especially cultivators with strong will.

It is a perfect match to practice the state of mind and cooperate with such a pure soul!

In fact, the little girl took the path of the fantasy warrior, but she practiced the fantasy warrior as a deputy, mainly based on light.

Think of the 'Hong' that is too strong in the state of mind. Cheng Buyun couldn't help but smiled happily.

Yes, accepting the two sisters Berika and Lina, he is really very happy. Decades later, there will be two more strong men under his command, can you be unhappy!

"Master lei, we haven't introduced our brother yet." Brothers Buck, seeing that everyone turned the topic to their sisters Belika, anxious, constantly rubbing their palms, looking like they couldn't wait.

Lei heard Buck's voice, turned around, looked at their movements, and smiled, "you are indispensable!"

Cheng Buyun turned his eyes and looked at the five brothers. In lei's introduction, he nodded. The five brothers were very strong and majestic. The ordinary people stood in front of them. It was estimated that they were very stressed and too tall. .

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