Plane Universe

Chapter 1010: entrust

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Hisa gritted his teeth, an old face full of anger, and the power of the world around the gazebo became violent.

The five brothers lei and buck felt the violent breath around them. Several people's faces changed, they became dignified, their bodies were tight, as if they were preparing to escape from here at any time!

"Come on, this is not your place." Cheng Buyun waved his hand, and the bright breath covered dozens of meters, making the surroundings peaceful.

It took a long time for Hesse to suppress the anger in his heart, and he gently looked at Buck and said, "I'm irritable, you go ahead and talk in detail!"

Buck and others calmed down and slowly talked about the past of their five brothers. When they heard that they were orphans since childhood, and even their identity was unclear, they exclaimed, "I did not expect that after so many years, the Amanda family The family has declined to such an extent that even the secret code of vindictiveness passed down by the family has been lost. "

When Buck said that he, Anko, and the wife and children of the Black Shark were killed by the people in the light of the Holy See, Hesse's expression became very helpless.

He hasn't paid attention to the Amanda family for a long time. This time has even been a hundred years. I didn't expect an oversight to make such a thing.

He felt very guilty in his heart and felt ashamed of the trust of Amanda Brothers.

"After we were captured by the people of the Holy See, we passed the O'Brien Empire from the 18th Principality of the Northern Territory and transferred to the Holy Alliance. As for why they arrested us, we didn't know before, and finally we were rescued by Lord Lei in the O'Brien Empire. Then I learned that it was originally intended to make us a carrier of the angels of the Holy Land. "Buck said very angrily:" The light of the Holy See is so bad that they can do what they can. "

Hess would feel that everything was superfluous, but it was wrong to say nothing, so he said dryly, "It's all gone, and no more things will happen in the future, I promise."

"I was able to meet Buck at the time, and they were also lucky. It happened to be when I was investigating the Bright Holy See, otherwise I would not be able to save them." Lei added: "When saving them, there was also a holy land The pinnacle powerhouse Steller is responsible for escorting. This guy warned me to come, let me not interfere with their bright papal affairs, and do not cause trouble to myself. At that time, I already vaguely suspected that my mother ’s death was not simple. Regarding the light of the Holy See, how can they be allowed to grow stronger, naturally unwilling. "

"No discussion, in the end I had to let the strength speak. I was still a lot worse than Steller, but he wanted to win me at no cost, impossible, plus Babe is also a sanctuary level, eyeing on the side At last, I saw a chance. An impact knocked him over. I hit him and hurt him. I saw Babe staring at me on the side, and I was dragging him beside me. Finally I could n’t help it. , Steller chose to retreat. "Lei will briefly explain.

"Is that Steller? I know!" Hisa nodded, indicating that he remembered the name.

Cheng Buyun sighed in his heart, the needle was not inserted into the meat, I don't know the pain!

Do the powerful saints of the Magnolia mainland know what the Holy See did?

That's a joke.

It's just that they don't think it's their business, they don't want to control, and they don't want to mess with it. They believe in their hearts that as long as the bright Holy See doesn't catch people who are related to them, they can do whatever they like.

But now the needle pierced himself, just like Hesser, angry!

He shook his head secretly, feeling that a famous quote was suitable for this occasion ...

"When they came to catch the Communist-Communist-Party-People, I did not speak because I was not Communist-Party-Personal;

When they came to arrest the Jews, I did not speak, because I was not Jewish;

When they came to catch Catholics, I did not speak, because I am not a Catholic;

Later, when they came to catch me, no one spoke for me. "

Only when it is related to oneself, will the interests be lost, but then ... it is too late!

Like the five brothers of Buck, the wives and children of the three brothers have been killed, and then revenge. The dead people can no longer be resurrected, their lives are ruined, and their grief can no longer be compensated!

Even if time passes to heal this wound, will they remember when they dream back at midnight?

Won't they cry when the bed is turned sideways?

the answer is negative!

The five brothers of Buck who looked or looked at him, scared their lips and moved, and finally said nothing, all turned into a sigh!

"Lin Lei, I owe you a favor, thank you very much." Hisa finally turned to lei, and expressed his heartfelt thanks!

Lin Lei quickly waved his hands and smiled, "I am very thankful that I saved Buck at the time, whether it was for myself, in the public or for myself. After all, Buck was good at the beginning. Of course, they can't rely on me to fight against the bright church One person can do things, and want to gather many powerful people around. "

"Anyway, I will remember this love." Hisa smiled, and the man became lazy again, turned to look at Buck, and said, "As for you ..."

"Sir Hesse!"

The five brothers looked forward expectantly, staring at them.

Cheng Buyun chuckled, and the five men like bears made such a gesture of children, which is really funny!

"Actually, being a man doesn't have to force too much, just like me, you should eat and drink, you should play with women, play with women, be more at ease and cooler ..." Hickey blinked and looked at Buck and their innocent deadline Pan ’s little eyes could n’t speak anymore, so he had to change his mouth and said, “Well, there was a transcribed copy of the Undead Secret Code from Amanda Brothers where I put it. My **** avatar was already carrying it here. Yes. With this secret code of vindictiveness, according to your physical qualities, the blood concentration should be enough to mobilize the qi to circulate in the body and absorb it! It ’s up to you to want to get revenge in the future. "

"Thank you, Lord Hessie." The five brothers were immediately excited, showing deep joy, feeling revenge on the light of the Holy See, only to practice the family's undead secret code, but those who killed their brothers, wives and children Men, the time is alive.

Cheng Buyun and lei looked at each other and smiled.

Of course the movement of the two of them was also seen by Hesse, and immediately turned to look at Cheng Buyun and scolded: "It's really not a thing. You want to practice for them without secret secrets. You don't need to let me lie down." ? Based on your status and strength, open a sentence, but some people take it to the door? "

"Yeah, is that reasonable?" Cheng Buyun looked at the old man and shook his head, sarcastically: "Let you come over to see if they shouldn't? Without fulfilling the duty of care, do you have a face to see Amanda?"

"What does it matter to me? A hundred years ago, they actually passed the land in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory. They can be regarded as a medium family with a lot of strength, but they also have a lot of guards, but I did not expect it. In a hundred years, they have been decaying so fast. "Hissey was speechless, and then said:" Forget it, don't talk about these things, it is already past, let alone look back to the past, and look forward to the future. "

At least the Amanda brothers still retain some blood, unlike the Tiger Warrior ‘Porei’ family, which does n’t even have a blood, it is called miserable! He smiled and picked up the glass. "We drink."

Where did the three of them sit and drink slowly, chatting anecdotally from time to time, and Hesse also talked about his glorious deeds in the past, and the magnificent adventure career, heard lei very yearning.

When Hesse talked about the glory of his ancestors, the five Buck brothers were extremely delighted, grinning, as if they were themselves.

They secretly determined that they must be as glorious as their ancestors, and let the magnolia continent spread their greatness!

A few hours later, in the afternoon, a stream of light crossed the sky and slid straight towards here. Cheng Buyun also sensed the extremely fast figure of the road, and said at the same time, "Here!"

The figure that came down was the dark **** avatar of Hess, except for the difference in his robe, and he was no different from himself. It was seen that several people of lei straightened their eyes, especially the **** avatar directly merged with His lord, they even stared Big eyes, wondering.

There is an eye-opening feeling!

"This is the inheritance secret where Amanda Brothers stayed with me. Take it to practice. Don't live up to my expectations. I ran a hard circle and drove tens of thousands of miles." Hesse As soon as the hand turned, a new and thin book appeared.

It can be seen that this book should have just been newly copied.

No wonder it took so long.

After all, at the speed of a god-class strongman, how long would it take? It is estimated that this old guy was still lazy and drinking a little wine while copying!

The five Buck men's eyes immediately shone, all staring tightly at the book in Hisa's hand.

"Take it." Hisa chuckled and threw the book over.

Gates, the oldest five closest to Hisa, immediately raised his big thick hand, took the book secret in his hand, and excitedly walked outside the gazebo.

The five brothers came to the grass outside, huddled together, head to head, body to body, as if they were stacked Luo Han, staring at the book that had been spread out in the hands of the old five gates.

The five big men huddled together, and this scene made people laugh.

"Haha!" Hesse laughed, and even Cheng Buyun showed a few smiles.

Lin Lei smiled, his eyes fascinated with a smile.


Hisa looked at lei with a solemn voice: "I can see that their five brothers are as thick as their ancestors Amanda brothers. If they are alone outside, I am afraid they will be easily deceived and deceived. I hope you take them They, let them follow you, don't let them go out and run around. "

"Sir Hesse, please rest assured that I will take care of them, and I will not let them leave alone, or go to revenge alone." Lei nodded fiercely.

After more than a year of contact with the five Buck brothers, he also discovered that these five brothers belonged to people with distinct grievances and were very rugged in character. They had no intentions. They were all straight-forward temperaments, and their straightforward personality made them It's hard to hide things in your stomach, there is a sentence saying that!

"I'm relieved when you say this." Hess nodded and said, "You also know that I am lazy and blamed. If you want me to take them with me, it is suffering, and not only do they suffer, I am also sad."

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