Plane Universe

Chapter 1032: Cunning babe

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At this time, Langen and Longs were dumbfounded on the spot.

What did they hear?

It is not difficult to hear from Cheng Buyun's words, as long as Delia practices the secret code given to her by lei, the sanctuary will surely be able to be achieved, which is not simple.

Who dares to boast of such a tone in Magnolia mainland?

Even the God of War and the High Priest can't do it.

Looking at the numerous mortal disciples under the two, you can know that these two **** levels have no good way for the disciples to break into the sanctuary, and can only use the way of spreading the net!

But here in Chengbuyun? ? ?

Listening to his breath, look at the thrilling look of lei. If it could not be a sanctuary, with an eternal life, would lei look like this?


I was shocked!

Even Deya had a trace of envy in her eyes, envy of her daughter!

As you can think of, as the current head of the Ryan family, of course his mentality is not bad, and he is hungry to think of this result.

So I have an envy for my daughter.

Everyone thinks about the road to eternal life, but it is useless to think that it takes chance.

Cheng Buyun had exactly this ability, but he dared not ask for it. Once he asked for it, it would be offensive.

Not urgent! Not urgent!

There is time, as long as there is a life, do not believe it!

The ninth-level strongman has a life span of hundreds of years and has the bridge of Delia. Could n’t he get such a chance for hundreds of years?

Daya thought so, so did Stan.

Eternal life!

It was only Feinas who was ignorant at the scene.

She doesn't know much about the things in cultivation, and cultivation is only a matter of leisure time.

"Yes, Brother Buyun, I will." Lin Lei was grateful. Delia's talent was regarded as a genius in the eyes of ordinary people, but it was not peerless. Whether he could become a sanctuary level, no one would dare to guarantee. Even if you are lucky, you can become a sanctuary power, how long?

With that damn, inefficient meditation idea?

Delia is also seventy or eighty, and looks too different from herself. What do you ask Delia to think about in the future?

I won't despise myself, but for a long time, Delia also has low self-esteem!

Now these worries are gone!


LIN Lei secretly relieved, and the body and mind are comfortable!

But his father has nothing to worry about, as long as he has enough abilities to go to the Sunset Canyon to catch a few holy domain dragons, his father can awaken the identity of the dragon blood warrior, and the hard punch can also become the level of the holy domain!

So he never worried about his father's life!

"Aunt Delia, I'm a leaf." Standing on the side for a long time, the small leaf began to greet automatically, with a smile on his face, and said softly and respectfully: "I used to listen to Uncle lei and Huo before. Grandpa Ge mentioned your identity a few times, and I am also curious about you. Seeing today, it is no wonder that Uncle Lin Lei does not spoof other women. It is really beautiful! "

Hearing Ye Zi ’s self-introduction and complimenting herself, Delia recovered a little bit, and rejoiced in her heart, and smiled decently: "Ye Ye, you are not bad, your deeds have also been in recent years Spread on the magnolia continent! The identity of the bright virgin, who mentioned that you ca n’t praise it, you are much more famous than me. "

Lin Lei was annoyed and patted his head. He was so happy that he forgot to introduce the leaf to everyone. He quickly laughed and said, "This is the leaf. Everyone should know the identity, so I won't say much."

The face of the girl, Langen, has naturally not been seen by several people, but who can still be here and accompany Cheng Buyun, who needs to say more?

"Miss Leaf, hello, nice to meet you." Langen and others smiled out loud.

"I am also very pleased to meet you, Master Langen, Master Longs, and Mr. Stan, Mr. Deya, and Mrs. Feinas, hello." Ye smiled and said hello in a plain manner.

In her current status, she is absolutely qualified to sit on par with the two masters. First of all, regardless of her strength, the name of the god-level strong niece can crush most people.

In particular, Langen and Longs have deep feelings about the strength of the leaves. The strength is not as strong as the ordinary ninth-level strongman's mental power. It is too strong. It is estimated that only one step away can become the sanctuary.

In terms of magic power, Longs has more power to speak. He is also a person who has passed through this stage. The magic power on the leaves is not like it. He is at the peak of the ninth level and ca n’t be compared at all. It is stronger than he was. Ten times the energy.

It's amazing!

In terms of arrogance, Langen is also very touched. The other party's bright and arrogant goblin is very condensed and pure, and it is not ridiculous. At first sight, he thought it was a holy domain powerhouse.

But after careful induction, I only got the strength of the other party, which is only nine levels. Such a demon can only be taught by the devil!

So for Cheng Buyun, the two are more respected.

In his heart, he placed the status of Cheng Buyun above the **** of war and the high priest.

Although the first two are strong men who have become famous for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, when teaching the disciples, when will the two teach such a powerful peerless evil?

There was lei before, and bright saint after!

"Come and come, don't stand, just sit, naturally, don't be restrained, I usually don't have too many rules, just be normal." Cheng Buyun greeted with a smile.

At his greeting, everyone sat down with a smile, and the leaves quickly picked up the teapot. They continued the tea for Cheng Buyun, and then took out several tea cups from the tea set for the five guests, and then poured the incense Tea, finally Hogg and lei, to yourself!

Originally entertaining guests, it should be the first to pour tea to the guests, but Cheng Buyun ’s identity is different. Once he pours tea to Langen first, let outsiders know that good is to have a face, and if it is not good, it will be criticized and deliberately raised. Identity makes people jealous.

Among the sacred domain powerhouses, they are generally ranked by strength. Even the sacred domain powerhouses of Faen are the same. Their strength has not reached that point. Even if you are a disciple of the god-level powerhouse, in the circle, others will value it. You, but want others to respect you, you must have your own strength.

"Boss, Delia's sister-in-law."

Everyone just politely picked up the tea cup, a shadow came from a distance, jumped on the table covered with white cloth, a pair of dark eyes looked closely at Delia, and said happily: "Delia ’s sister-in-law, you finally Coming, I miss you so much. "

"Babe, you can't be so unruly, how can you jump up? There are guests!" Hogg frowned and smiled dumbly, looking a little helpless and funny at this little mouse.

Babe's naughty, he was deeply touched!

"Yes, there are no rules." Xiong Er also slowly walked over and happily fell into the well.

"Uncle Hogg, am I not happy to see Delia's sister-in-law, I have just waited a long time, you have been talking, I am not good to come." Babe raised his paws, scratched his cheeks, and looked a bit Sorry.

"You ..." Hogg was helpless, and it was worth apologizing to Langen: "Let everyone laugh and be rude!"

"It's nothing, trivial." Longs chuckled. He had taken Hatton and taught him for a long time before he was obedient on formal occasions. Well, Warcraft, it ’s more stubborn, and it ’s so natural, it can only be taught slowly.

"Babe, dear, come to me." Delia held out her hand, and Babe swung gently into her arms, then blinked, and said: "Delia's sister-in-law, the boss and you were separately After that, I did n’t know how much I missed you. I did n’t think about tea and rice for the past few months.

"Is it?" Delia blushed slightly, leaving lei behind.

"What nonsense!" Lin Lei was anxious and snorted. "Don't talk nonsense in a large audience."

"Poof!" Ye Zi laughed suddenly, causing everyone to laugh.

Cheng Buyun also shook his head. At that time, Lin Lei was only 20 years old, and he and his beloved woman would naturally come to an end, miss, and be human!

"I didn't talk nonsense, and I didn't know who. Every time I sat on the side with a letter, it was half a day at a glance, a silly smile, like a nympho!" Beibei's eyes were sly and deliberately shouted.

"Also said." Lei's face was tender. Bebe pulled out and said that she couldn't sit up immediately. She stretched out her hand, rubbed Bebe's small body, and finally lifted him by the tail. "Let you Talking nonsense."

"Sister Delia, help!" Babe shouted.

"Okay, okay, Babe is still young, how could it be like this." Delia quickly rescued Babe from lei's hand and pressed his hand under the table, at the same time scorning his palm, a pair of eyes Looked at him with love.

Receiving Delia's loving eyes, lei did not care about babe.

Everyone laughed out loud on the spot, and the atmosphere was joyful.

Cheng Buyun secretly praised Babe's cunning, don't look at him as if to make lei look ugly, in fact, this little guy is clever, turning lei's thoughts of delia in the past into a joke Ⅳ, only dili Ya loves Lin Lei more.

Not only Cheng Buyun saw it, but several old guys also saw it, so he laughed out loud on the spot.

"Let me introduce, this is Babe, this is Xiong Er." Lei quickly changed the subject, pointing Xiong Er to start introducing for everyone.

"Haha, hello everyone, I am very happy to meet you. If there is any difficulty in finding me in the future, I will not postpone it." Xiong Er patted his chest and laughed loudly.

Seeing Xiong Er as another guy, Cecilia rolled her eyelids and skimmed.

"Hello two, nice to meet you." Langen and Longs also said hello politely.

This Xiong Er is not simple, and he can join forces with lei to fight against the four strong men such as Hyjens in the Bright Holy See.

"Hello, Xiong Er, this is Hatton." The big bear standing behind Longs also politely said hello, although it is also a bear of the earth, there are also strengths and weaknesses. Xiong Er, the bear of the earth, he Slightly heard, the strength is very arrogant, not at all comparable to him.

"Hello, Hatton, we are tribes, we don't need to be so polite, haha." Xiong Er looked at Hatton, his thick voice buzzing, "I'll have more time to come and play with me."

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