Plane Universe

Chapter 1038: Build a large protective magic array

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Not everyone can come out with the inscription of the magic scroll. The scroll inscription master is different from the magic equipment engraver, and the former is more difficult. Because you want to put a magic inscription on the page of the book, you need extremely high mental power, control and aggregation, and the inscription cannot be stopped. Once it is stopped or drawn in a subtle place, part of the magic of the inscription will dissipate, unlike Equipped with a carver, you can stop and rest at any time!

Many Sanctuary magicians cannot even inscribe a ninth level magic scroll.

Lei had also learned this knowledge before, but it was too difficult, wasting time not to mention, the power of the magic scroll from the inscription was also unsatisfactory.

The fifth-level magic out of the inscription is not even comparable to the second-level magic, and the power is so bad that it makes people vomit blood.

This is also the reason for the decline of the magnolia mainland magic inscription master. Think about it. A magic scroll from the inscription of a ninth-level inscription master has the same power as the magic power of the fifth- or sixth-level magic. The material fee cannot be collected. Who wants to be a profession !

Therefore, the high magic scroll is almost a legendary thing, and a high magic scroll can be used as a heirloom.

In this way, it also created the great interest of the magic equipment engraver. Although the equipment engraving magic function is single and not as easy to use as the magic scroll, it is easier to use, and the magic effect of engraving is long-lasting and effective. It can be used one after another only by charging , Much better than the magic scroll.


After a few days, lei came to find Cheng Buyun and said that he would go back to the northwest to preside over the overall situation.

Earlier he promised that Delia would lay a big territory in two years and set up a great kingdom to let her be her queen.

Lin Lei was so urgent, Cheng Buyun smiled, thinking in his heart, Lin Lei should have promised to Delia. For more than a year, lei rarely meddled in the affairs of the site. This time it seemed to be anxious to first propose to go back and preside over the overall situation.

After thinking about it, I said, "So I will build a large protective magic circle for the main city where you live!"

"It's so good, thank you Brother Buyun." Lei surprised, he can still see the large protective magic circle of Holy Light Spirit Array, he is very powerful, and the inscription can defend the Holy Land on one page. Intermediate ten full-strength attacks, once such a protective array is placed in a royal city, then he has no worries.

"It's all trivial, thank you." Cheng Buyun smiled.

The family once again discussed it, and finally Wharton proposed to go back and expand the territory for the Baruch family. Lei and hogg nodded and agreed. Although wharton's strength did not reach the peak, it was also compared in the ninth level. It ’s a great level. It ’s not bad to go back and practice, and it can greatly enhance his combat experience, which has great benefits.

When Wharton went back to fight, Hogg and lei did n’t worry a little, joking, anyway, they were a dragon blood warrior. When a life crisis appeared, the dragon blood warrior would definitely be transformed.

After the Dragon Blood Warrior is transformed, he will not intervene in ordinary combat at most, no big deal.

In fact, seriously, Wharton, as a dragon-blood warrior, does not have too many opponents in the ninth level, do n’t look at him as only the mid-level strength of the ninth level, but in the Red Fire City, he recognizes the second, absolutely no ninth level strong Recognize the first.

As the most orthodox dragon-blood warrior, Wharton is absolutely unable to catch up with the strength of the body or the strength of the grudge, and the surface defense, movement speed and so on are more than half stronger than lei at the ninth level.

Lei's strength lies in his perception, and Wharton can't compare in this respect.

As of today, the situation of Wharton has not been introduced!

The four ultimate orthodox warriors of orthodoxy have too poor perception, as if they haven't learned it yet, which is worse than ordinary people.

Taking the technique of lifting weight as lightly as weight, Wharton has practiced for seven or eight years, and now it has become a realm. I don't know how long it will take to reach the peak and limit levels.


The family cleaned up and the important personnel basically followed. Later this Earl ’s Court would only serve as a stronghold, a liaison office, or a place to live when Nina Wharton and the two returned to the O'Brien Empire to visit relatives.

On this day, the weather is clear and there are no clouds, which is a very suitable day to travel.

Outside Chiyan City!

Lan Fei took Nina's hand with a reluctant face, and silently urged with her red eyes: "There will be time to go back to see me with Wharton."

"Mother, I will." Nina also had red eyes. From small to big, she lived in Chiyan City and never took a step away. Today she is about to leave. She is as reluctant as the mother concubine and can't bear her mother. Reluctant to treat people who are good to themselves in this city.

"Sister-in-law, please rest assured that I will take good care of Nina and will not let her be wronged." Wharton smiled smirkfully.

"Well." Lan Fei responded softly, a smile appeared on her face, and Joan interjected on the side: "Okay, well, it's not a parting of life and death. Nina and Wharton will come back in time, thousands of miles away." , Not very far away. "

In the end, Nina still left. Lan Fei looked at her daughter slowly and far away, tears fell silently, leaving Joan standing on the side helpless, how could he be willing.

For Nina, he has loved since childhood. Even if the government affairs are busy every day, he will also visit Nina. As a father, he is qualified.

Thousands of people's actions, even as a step cloud, have no ability to fly back to the northwest region, and can only slowly walk along the land, along the northern coastline, and back through the Warcraft Mountains.

However, none of the team is weak, and then cast a bright power magic, it is not a big thing to catch hundreds of miles a day.

After more than ten days, Cheng Buyun and lei finally returned to the northwestern part of the Yulan mainland.

As soon as he returned to the lei site, lei sighed, "finally come back, this time struggling Yun brother, let you finally **** all the way."

"I'm just afraid that the dog of the light church is hurried to jump the wall." Cheng Buyun gave up. He never gave up on himself. Now the Baruch family has formed a huge advantage over the light church. The other party has always done nothing. The attack is absolutely crazy.

He also escorted it just in case, which is different from the original history. The Light Holy See could not win lei in the chaotic leader, as well as the territory within the Holy Alliance. Lost, so the Holy Alliance becomes very crucial here.

Once the sites of the Holy Alliance are lost, the Bright Holy See has no place in the Yulan mainland, can they not be crazy?

"Brother Buyun, do you need any materials? I also have a lot of rare minerals here." Lei nodded, and was not too polite. Cheng Buyun treated himself well, remembering it in his heart, and waiting to be able to try it later. That's it.

"No, you have to do your own business. For nearly ten years, Delia is probably anxious." Cheng Buyun laughed.

"Well," lei nodded seriously, "I met Delia this time and promised to build a great kingdom in two years, shouting that she would be my queen."

"Haha." Cheng Buyun patted his shoulder and smiled: "You have to seize the time and work hard. If you have any difficulties, tell me, try your best to do your best. Go ahead!"

Lei nodded, turned his face seriously and left.

Shaking his head slightly, Cheng Buyun took a cup of tea from the table, took a sip, put it down, and left the hall in a blink of an eye. At a glance, others were already in the sky.

This city is not very big, it is about 60 miles away, and its population is more than 30 million, which is not a big city.

After looking around for a while, he flew down again to a basement room.

In the empty room, Cheng Buyun was busy, and the white lines exuding the power of the law appeared on the decreasing floor, forming a circle of light spots.

Countless precious materials are flying, and it has been busy for a whole month, and the large Holy Light Spirit Array is complete.

In the empty room, there has been a big change. On the floor and on the wall, the white light flickers one after another, and the circle of time is now and now, around the ten rectangular energy pool in the middle. Spin.

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