Plane Universe

Chapter 1048: Unexpected result

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"Master lei."

"Brother." Wharton greeted him with a sword.

"Huh." Lei nodded gently, watching his brother satisfied: "Yes, let me do the next thing!"

Soon, lei led people to Heyens and others, and looked at it.

There are a lot of people in the Hyjens side. He himself is the pinnacle of the sanctuary, mastering the technique of great prophecy, and his ability to assist is very strong.

Alfonso, Thunder, Unosen, and Schlett are all the top powers in the Sanctuary.

Of course, the level of the strongest in the Holy Land also has strengths and weaknesses. Among these five, Alfonso is undoubtedly ranked first. Thunder and Hayes are relatively similar in strength, while Hayes has weaker attack power, but the auxiliary means are powerful.

Unosen and Schlett have the same strength. Under them are the powerful sacred domains such as Fallen Leaves. Together, there are about two dozen junior high sacred domains.

Of course, there are more than one strong person in the Holy Land of the Holy See. At the end of tens of thousands of years, Yun is not a joke. Some of the people behind them can be transformed into angels, but their strength is relatively weak, and they are not very concerned by lei!

"Hyjens, what's the matter?" Lei looked at the other side lightly, looking cold.

"Are you really going to kill it?" Hyjens asked lei closely, staring calmly.

Lin Lei glanced around, shrugging his shoulders and sneering, "Is there still room for return?"

Here, he did not dare to fight with Hyjens and others. The Sanctuary strongmen would be a disaster for ordinary people. Most people here would have to sacrifice. He is not so stupid!

"Do you really want to tear your face?" Hyjens demanded.

"So what do you think?" Lei asked calmly.

There is great hatred on both sides, which means that he has insufficient strength, otherwise he needs to use this method to retaliate against the Guangming Holy See?

Wharton stared into a pair of copper bells with big eyes, and the hate radiated in his eyes. The same was true of the five brothers of Buck. The eyes of Scaro, who killed their family, were divided by their five brothers and chopped into minced meat to feed the dog, but the enemy was more than that. Carlo, there are a number of high-ranking members of the Holy See, but they are not strong enough to revenge.

"I can give you the bright church in the site, but we are asking you to spread the gospel of the Lord in your side." Hyjens put forward his own conditions and immediately made lei wide his eyes and looked up and down to see Hyjens's brain. Was it caught by the door panel?

"Joke, do you still ask for the condition?" Babe couldn't help it at first, his body stood upright, and squeaked, "Just because you guys still have face conditions, what are you left now? It's going to be broken. "

"Play a game, come!" Xiong Ermo wiped his hands, eager to try.


Celsia only roared.

Hyjens's complexion also changed slightly. Xiong Er didn't need to say more. He played once a few years ago, knowing his strength. Although the bright tiger Celsia does not know how strong, but since it is a step Cloud's contract Warcraft is not as weak as it comes.

But today he has a lot of people, and he can also pile up lei, so he didn't look at the three Warcraft, but just calmed down, waiting for lei's answer!

"Impossible." Lei immediately responded fiercely: "I can't agree to this condition!"

"Do you really want to trigger a battle in the Sanctuary?" Hyjens asked frowning.

"If you want, I will accompany you at any time." Lei answered with a hard face.

Wharton and others also began to signal the army to retreat and leave this dangerous place, but there were too many troops, and it was difficult to evacuate everyone for a while.

"Really?" Hyjens's face also became cold, and they were forced to go nowhere.

Again, once the control of the western part of the Magnolia Continent is lost, the belief system of the Bright Holy See has existed in name only, and the number of believers will definitely be greatly reduced.

Without this site, where can the Holy See spread the voice of the Lord?

All places of the Magnolia Continent are already the land of ownership. Needless to say, the four empires, the Magnolia Empire and the O'Brien Empire are stronger than them, and there are god-level strong guards, challenging these two empires is undoubtedly seeking death road.

The Luo'ao Empire has not been annexed by the O'Brien Empire for so many years, and its strength is better than that of the Bright Holy See. The weakest Rhine Empire has the same strength as the Bright Holy See.

None of the four empires can be underestimated, nor is it an organization that the bright Holy See can provoke.

The area where the population is concentrated cannot be occupied, and the remaining Great Eastern Prairie is even more impossible for the Bright Holy See. Where there is a sacred extreme strongman exists, its strength is stronger than the two great empires of Luo and Rhine.

As for the eighteen principalities of the Northern Territory, there is also a powerful ice and snow temple, and the ice sage Rosalie is also a strong level of the Holy Territory.

So there is only one last option left for the Light Holy See, that is the chaotic leader, but there are Cheng Buyun in the chaotic leader, but it is sooner or later to rule the chaotic leader.

Anyone with knowledge knows that Cheng Buyun did not order a leader to rule chaos, but was just waiting for the war in the western region to win or lose, and everyone knew the reason.

In the past six months, the forces of Chaos in the Luo'ao Empire, O'Brien Empire, and the Great Eastern Prairie have begun to withdraw their forces step by step.

Because there is not much time left for them.

Under such circumstances, how can the Light Holy See lose its last place?

"In this case ... you just forced us to have no way to go, then ..." Hyjens became terrible and shouted: "Kill!"

Alfonso, Leiming and others behind him immediately took out their weapons, and a strong fighting force erupted on their bodies, and the people who followed behind several people, many of them broke out and turned into succession. Exhaustive.


Lin Lei also immediately transformed, and a thorny thorn in his body poured out from the inside of his body. A pair of dark golden eyes appeared fierce. The atmosphere of the scene was tense, and the pressure was solidified.

Seeing this legendary ultimate warrior, the Dragon Blood Warrior, the people around him were excited, and there was a worry in their hearts, fearing that their lives would soon disappear.

Those who did not reach the Sanctuary face became frightened and frightened, and even the five Buck brothers changed their faces dramatically.

The attack of the Sanctuary strongmen is not something that they can resist. If they are directly on the front, they will definitely die. Other ordinary ninth-level strongmen will be seriously injured even if they are rubbed. The ordinary soldiers need not say much.


Babe screamed, the speed was too fast for people to respond, and the dark flashes had rushed in front of a strong man in the Holy Land of the Holy See, with his mouth wide open, showing the cold, sharp teeth, and a medicine to the other's neck Go, once bitten to death, this strong man in the sanctuary estimates that half of his neck will disappear and die on the spot.


"Stop it all!"

"Babe stop."

With a loud shout, the figure flickered, and Drizzi's figure moved, appearing on the scene. At the same time, he pointed at Babe's eyebrows and blocked Babe's offensive.

"Babe, are you okay!" Lei asked the babe who bounced back and asked nervously.

Bebe shook his head away, then screamed angrily at Deris to protest!

The middle-aged Sanctuary strongman who escaped from death, his face changed drastically, frightened back and forth, touched his neck, and watched Babe's eyes with fear, his eyes shrank and his body shivered.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen figures between the two sides, and in the next time, the scene has more and more figures, reaching dozens, these strong men are almost at the peak Sanctuary strong, in the sanctuary In the circle, the fame is very great, such strong players as the Starry Sky Sword Master and the Rock Sword Master are only juniors in front of them, and they are not ranked high.

"Hyjans, the war in the sanctuary is impossible." Farne looked at the bright Holy See and shook his head calmly. "Once you have a war, I will definitely stop it."

"Yes, here is so densely populated, how can such a light battle take place, no need to say, resolutely not!" Schmidt also nodded, with a smile, which made Hyjens very annoying.

"Hyjens, let the ordinary people fight, let the ordinary people do."

"Sanctuary is involved in the battle of ordinary people, too much!"

The coming strongmen of the Sanctuary of the Peak said one by one the jacks, said that the strong act increased their exposure by themselves. In front of lei, they also wanted to show their face in Cheng Buyun.

Looking at this group of shameless people, while Hayens was speechless, the anger in his heart could be imagined.

This group of people is obviously helping lei, the life of ordinary people. When did this group of people call?

The body was shaking with anger.

"Hyjens, let's go. Before the last step of the matter, take your people away. I can ask you to give lei to those who are still alive and allow you to take them away." De Li Si didn't want to see the last batch of people in the Guangming Holy See here, all of which were too harmful to the Guangming Holy See. He then turned to look at lei, smiled and asked: "Is it lei?"

He still has a care for Guangming Holy See.

At this time, Bing Catherine was away, otherwise he would have to be squinted.

"Of course, you have said this to Deris, I will not give you a face, how can I do it!" Lei said with a smile, nodded and agreed.

The background of the Light Holy See is really a bit scary. Today, the other party exposed most of his power. He only knew that the Light Holy See had dozens of sacred domain powerhouses. Such a huge number of such battles would definitely be a disaster.

No matter how strong he is, he can't intercept so many Sanctuary powerhouses.

Of course, with the help of Babe, Xiong Er, and Celsia, it is unclear who wins and loses regardless of the loss.


"Lin Lei, you are really generous."

Everyone raised their thumbs and sighed again and again.

Who doesn't know that Lin Lei and the Guangming Vatican have a great hatred on the court, it is extremely rare to be able to shine the light of the Vatican.

Hayes and others looked ugly, and these people were too powerful to help, and it was even excessive.

But he didn't get angry, and he couldn't even say what he refused.

"Don't go yet, what are you waiting for." Dres saw that Hyjens was still standing still, and immediately furiously heard the lesson: "Do you really think you can save the defeat by your hard work? Really?" Stupid, once you get in the way of this holy war, you ca n’t run any of them. "

When Hyjens was scolded by Deris, he immediately shivered, and reacted. He almost forgot that lei was behind the god-level strong field waist, and he secretly thanked Deris.

In the end, Hyjens's face was pale, and he withdrew from the Holy Capital with the rest of his army, and whispered to lei to lei to the North Sea, preparing to take a boat back to the Holy Island.

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