Plane Universe

Chapter 1054: Priest calling

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There is one extra life for the external god, and every time the deity becomes a system of profound mystery, then one extra life can be added. What are the benefits of the internal god?

Legend has it that there is no benefit to becoming a **** in the body, and it will also slow down the comprehension of the laws of other departments, and even have no sensitivity to the laws of other departments.

But these are legends, who knows whether it is true or not!

Or is it that everyone judges according to cultivation divine personality?

This divine refining divine personality is the same as the **** doppelganger, and it can't really sense the mystery of other system rules. This Beirut is clear, even for him who is the master of the **** level.

His avatar of the main **** of the wind system, except for the mysterious mystery of the wind system, the mysterious mystery of the other departments has no sense, nothing at all, very vague, as if he does not have the talent for cultivation.

Considered a lot, but Beirut could n’t judge, and he could n’t judge from so little information. It ’s so unbearable to become a **** in the body. The independent **** is only a **** in vitro, or the news that has been circulating in the plane of God is less of.

It's fooling.

But only for the purpose of doing it, he didn't quite understand it!

The more thinking, the more confused, and finally sighed, put aside and no longer think.

For Cheng Buyun, he also had more expectations in his heart, and wanted to see if Cheng Buyun could walk his own way in the direction of becoming a **** in the body.

Xinyue elegant building.

"Come and come, Harry, sit and speak on the plane." Cheng Buyun took the golden mouse's paw and walked to the seat next to it, and Harry didn't refuse to be close to each other.

Cheng Buyun's talent is very strong, he is willing to make this friend.

Although Harry didn't know his father's plan, he clearly felt that his father valued Cheng Buyun!

That's right, the talent is so strong, and it is also the local strongman of the Magnolia mainland. It has the ability to ask for the Great Consummation.

By that time, he would become the main **** messenger under his father. Their three brothers were in trouble on the plane of God, and they could have a strong man to ask for help. Instead of always asking his father for help, he would lose face.

Harry didn't know that the hatred of his father and the bright master, only knew that there was no master messenger under his father.

He thought his father had taken a look at Cheng Buyun's talent and had the idea of ​​letting him be the messenger of the Lord God.

So he showed a friendly smile and seemed to get a little closer.

"Brother Buyun, I have been a **** for many years, but on the Magnolia Continent, I have never seen a talent as powerful as you. I really admire you, I am not as good as you!" Harry exclaimed. Not to mention that he is also a god-level, or even the median **** strength, but that was after the father taught for a long time, it took hundreds of thousands of years to have the strength today.

But what is Cheng Buyun?

At most, it is a cultivating experience of an alien strong man, and it may not even be suitable for other cultivating experience of his cultivation department. In this way, in just ten years, he has become a god-level strongman. Can it be compared?

Do not make jokes.

This is a peerless evil.

Ten of them tied together is not necessarily comparable!

It is also a first-class cultivation talent among those pinnacle families on the plane of God.

Even more powerful than those geniuses.

Again, Cheng Buyun has nothing. Those geniuses in the pinnacle family have huge resources, and countless excellent mentors teach from an early age.

Even under his father's instruction, he was a **** realm that had been achieved for hundreds of years, and the median **** achieved in 100,000 years. Until now, it is still the median god.

Harry's bloodline is god-level, and adulthood is god-level.

Of course, God-level bloodlines are also divided, such as Beirut, Beibei, they are all high-level bloodlines.

Adulthood is shorter.

"Overwhelming." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "It's a good chance, plus a little perception and luck."

"Humility is not." Harry said seriously: "Sometimes humility makes people progress, but excessive humility is a pretense. We are considered friends from now on. In front of friends, this should not be the case."

"Haha, of course, I agree." Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled, looking a little sincere.

"That's right!" Harry laughed.

"Oh, Harry, are you here today?" Cheng Buyun turned the subject and talked about the business of Harry coming here.

"Oh, I'm so happy to know you friend, and I almost forgot about the business." Harry said stunnedly, and then said: "Brother Buyun, there are indeed other things coming here today. My father wanted to see you."

He didn't talk about summoning, lest Cheng Buyun's face was too ugly, and he also kept a little face before him.

Everyone in the hall was shocked, and I was shocked. There was a father behind this golden rat king?

He is already a god-class Warcraft, so where can his father be weak?

"Well, Master Beirut wants to see me?" Cheng Buyun used the honorific title. In such public scenes, he absolutely must maintain enough respect to not fall behind, especially during this period of time, he has been alerted , Let alone make mistakes.


grown ups?

Even Uncle (Master, Master) would like to call it that way, this Beirut must be very powerful, thinking of this, everyone has a slight worry on his face.

"Have you heard my father's name?" Harry glanced at Cheng Buyun and said with a smile.

"Slightly mentioned in the cultivation notes I got, there is a king named Beirut in the dark forest that can't be provoked." Cheng Buyun raised his mouth.

"It turned out to be the case." Harry had no doubts about what happened 10,000 years ago and five years ago. During this period, his father had issued several prestige, and the strong eccentrics did not know it. It was really in vain. Talk, continue to smile and say: "You tell me, let me go, but it won't take long to come back, at most it will be half a day."

"There is nothing to explain, I will tell you that I can pass you." Cheng Buyun turned his head and said to everyone, "I will go back, you are at home, what should you do, don't worry Me. And ... Do n’t divulge today ’s things, no one can say, understand? "

"Yes, sir, we know." Yan Yi waited for several maids to bow down quickly.

Although they were worried, they could not say much in their capacity.

"Uncle." The leaves looked hesitant, showing her worries.

"Oh, don't worry, it's okay, my father just wanted to see him on the side, but it's not a big deal, but this time there are great benefits." Harry responded with a smile.

Patting Celsia's tiger head, Cheng Buyun made a reassuring look to everyone, turned his head to look at Harry, and said, "Go, I also want to see Master Beirut. For his strong man, I Very curious. "

"You will not be disappointed, come with me." Harry and Cheng Buyun walked out of the door and flew directly into the sky, flying side by side in the direction of the dark forest.

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