Plane Universe

Chapter 1057: Beirut

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The power of the Dark Forest is far more than the human population of the Magnolia Continent. Humans ca n’t even compare it. It is the rule that the Dark Forest has always set, otherwise it can survive in the Magnolia Continent, otherwise ...

As far as he can see, the god-level strongman has three brothers Harry, the strength of the median god, as strong as the high priest, can only hold back one, the **** of war is simply a death.

Therefore, if the Dark Forest wants to unify the plane of the Magnolia Continent, it does not need to consume too much time.

But fortunately, under Beirut's repression, nothing like this happened.

Cheng Buyun didn't quite understand Beirut's thoughts.

Perhaps it is his kindness!

Beirut is really kind. After all, Warcraft is different from human beings. Beirut has been a **** for millions of years, and he only lives in the dark forest. ?

How can we be kind?

Cheng Buyun also lamented that Magnolia Continent met Beirut and changed his head to Warcraft, it is estimated that there is no history of Magnolia Continent.

This is not a joke, really!


As Harry walked deeper, Cheng Buyun was still passing by in a hall, seeing dozens of golden mice exchanging their respective cultivation experiences, and even two golden mice fighting against each other.

With his eyesight, it is not difficult to see that the strength of this group of mice is really very good, and they all understand the existence of the rule of mystery.

Put in the human group, it has been regarded as an ordinary peak level sanctuary strong!

The background of the dark forest is really powerful.

After all, Beirut exists, and it ’s hard to be weak.

The two passing by, the dozen golden mice in the hall also stood up, greeted Harry, and screamed to Harry, one by one, and then turned his head and looked at Cheng Buyun, a human being.

However, they are not curious. Every time a god-level strong man appears in humans, he must come over and report once. They are already surprised.

As for why this is not the case, it ’s not the trouble of the gods ’cemetery. I do n’t know how the ancestors thought about the land. Why should we share the gods’ cemetery with humans and other Warcraft groups?

Of course, no matter how they guessed, they did not dare to tell Beirut about this matter. Naturally, what the ancestors did did not make sense for them.

"Come here." Coming to a staircase leading to the second floor, Harry pointed to the staircase and said: "The castle is divided into three floors. The first and second floors are inhabited by ordinary members of our ethnic group. The third floor is us. Where the god-level members live. "


Cheng Buyun nodded, a little curious about the third floor, how many god-level mice there are in this dark forest.

Up to the second floor, the layout here is not much different from the first floor, except that the room is larger, the facilities are more precious, the golden mouse is stronger, even in the passage, and in some small halls, he also sees To the dozen golden mice that are strong in the pinnacle of the sanctuary, there are several golden mice whose strength is not much worse than that of Schmidt.

Schmidt, a strong man in the sanctuary, is already very close to the limit of the sanctuary in the human community.

It is conceivable that the strength of the Dark Forest is really scary.

The number of golden mice living in this black castle is probably not less than thousands, which is several times the number of human sanctuary powerhouses. Once this news leaks out, I am afraid that it will immediately cause great turbulence in human society and make many people worry about their own life safety.

The third floor of the castle is very different from the first and second floors. It is very open and has better facilities. In addition to the dozens of rooms necessary, there are bookshelves around.

When he came to the depths of the third floor, Cheng Buyun saw an old man sitting in the hall at a glance. He was wearing a plain light black robe, long black hair scattered randomly behind his head, and his cheeks were long and thin, with a pair of tiny eyes. But very divine, as bright as the stars.

Under the thin lips is a white beard that grows to the chest. It is lean, about 1.8 meters tall, and he holds a book in his right hand. He did not look up when he came with Cheng Buyun in Harry. His eyes were still there. Stay in the book held in your hand and look at the contents.

"My father, I brought Cheng Buyun." Harry bowed respectfully. He dared not say anything other than the task.

Cheng Buyun did not dare to be too slow at the moment, and immediately, like Harry, bowed and bowed respectfully, politely saying: "Master Beirut."


Beirut responded quietly, and then set aside the Titan Continent Chronicle in his hand, turned his head slightly, looked at Cheng Buyun, then looked at Harry and said, "Harry, go ahead."

"Yes, my father," Harry said immediately, respectfully, and then turned around, his eyes signaled as Bu Yun, so that he didn't make his father angry, and then he slowly left the third floor.

Cheng Buyun bowed his head slightly and bowed respectfully. Without Beirut's order, he did not dare to raise his head, just as when he met his teacher 'Chaotic City Lord'.

Standing in front of Beirut, knowing that the other party is the Lord and still acting frivolous, it is to find death.

He already has a basic certainty about the breath leaking from the other party's body. This body of Beirut must be the master of the wind system.

He is so sure because he has touched too many strong men, and he has touched dozens of such strong men.

The breath of Beirut's body exudes far more than the Supreme Universe, at least thousands of times more powerful than the Supreme Universe, but many times weaker than Chaos Teacher.

In an instant, Cheng Buyun had a relatively objective understanding of the power level of the main god.

Far beyond the power of the venerable universe, then the power of the main **** should be the main level of the universe, which should be weaker than the chaos teacher. The main chaos master is the top level of the universe, the power of the five-valent universe, Beirut is only the lower main Only, the strength of the four price.

Of course, Cheng Buyun can't tell whether the lower master **** or the first-order universe master is strong or weak.

Cheng Buyun, the Lord of the Universe, had also seen his teacher, Chaos City Lord, and could not judge at all.

But if Beirut fights with the Chaos City Lord, at most one to three moves will die, the power gap is too big, after all, the Chaos City Master can only break through one step to become the strongest in the universe, and the laws of space and time plus treasures Wait, Beirut cannot compare.

That is to say, Lord Shenkong has strength and no realm.

"Stand up and talk." Beirut's cold voice gently rose, and Cheng Buyun stood upright, looking slightly at the other person waiting to speak.

"Cheng Buyun." Beirut said.

Cheng Buyun responded quickly and respectfully: "Master Beirut, I am here!"

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