Plane Universe

Chapter 1073: Behind the door

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Although refining the divine personality has its drawbacks, it is just as Wu Shen said.

A subordinate godhead is placed in front of you, as long as it is refined.

Hundreds of years later, he is a strong man in the sanctuary, how to choose?

Not everyone is a talented and savvy generation. When the strength can not go further for hundreds of thousands of years, a dignity is placed in front of them, and the result is obvious.

Just like Pharn and Deris, they were unable to become gods a few years ago. At this time, a godhead is placed in front of them. I am afraid they will only consider for a few seconds, or even do not need to consider, and they will refine immediately.

The Sanctuary and the Divine Realm are very different.

Like Fa'en, they are just like children in the presence of God of War. No matter how many they are, they won't play a role in God of War.

One realm of God can overwhelm everyone and cannot resist!

Thinking of this, Lin Lei secretly sighed, and because of his own talents, he could ignore the temptation of the divine personality. However, when a divine personality is placed in front of him, I am afraid I can't know how to do it.

In fact, Bu Yunge said that no one got the personality from the cemetery of the gods. This was wrong. He had talked with the God of War. In the past thousands of years, there was still a sage who had good luck in the cemetery of the gods. A divine personality was refined on the spot, and he immediately went to the highest plane.

When Wu Shen said this to himself, the tone was full of sarcasm, as if laughing at the strong man's stupidity.

"By the way, just listening to Brother Bu Yun, you said that there is a king in the Magnolia Continent. Who is it? Where do you live?" Lin Lei asked curiously.

What he heard was something everyone wanted to know.

Everyone never knows that the water depth of the Magnolia continent is so deep that on the surface there are two gods, the **** of war and the high priest, and in secret there is a king who can be king in the gods. , Must be terrifying!

"Dark Forest, Beirut!" Cheng Buyun did not conceal. Beirut was pretending to be mysterious many times, but there was nothing to reveal a name. It would not be a taboo to say his name.

"Dark Forest?"

"That king is Warcraft?"

Everyone was shocked. This was not far from the dark forest. Wharton's eyes jumped. Bu Yun brother put such a big city across the chaos of the chaotic collar, preventing the beast tide in the dark forest. King is really allowed?

What Wharton thinks is also a question in everyone's mind. His eyes are surprised and suspiciously looking at him. Is this good luck, or is he bold?

"Bei ... Bei ... Bei ..."

At this moment, Lin Lei's head roared, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence in an instant.

His face was full of shock and amazement, and his eyes were full of strange colors.

"Babe is a member of the Beirut family, a talented junior in the king's family." Cheng Buyun smiled and passed on to lei. "You were really lucky when you were a kid. You received Babe the first time you recovered Warcraft. This talent is amazing and has a Warcraft of God-level blood. "

It turned out that Lin Lei secretly said that everything made sense. No wonder Wushen told himself at first that he should be better to Babe. It is estimated that he already knew Babe ’s identity at that time, and he would appear so enthusiastic. It's also strange that the character of the God of War doesn't match the legend. The fact is that this is unexpected.

It is estimated that when I first asked Babe's name, I was afraid that Babe just remembered the family name, not trying to tell his name, and then mistakenly put Babe's name on his head.

But this is already the case, and the name Babe has been shouting for so many years, and I am used to it!


At the end of the dinner, everyone also arranged for the clothes and chose the room and stayed there.

With the arrival of lei and his entourage, the atmosphere in the manor was also lively, especially with the addition of three little guys.

While Delia was taking care of the two little guys, Lin Lei was busy, found Cheng Buyun, and chatted with Liu alone.

The two came to a gazebo outside the garden and sat down. Cheng Buyun looked at Lin Lei, who seemed to have something to worry about. He knew in his heart that he was still amazed by the news he was getting for dinner, and immediately asked with a smile: "Why, I know that Lei Lei will not Then, if you have anything, just ask. "

Lei raised his head, thought for a while and said, "Brother Bu Yun, Beibei and I have entered into a contract. Do you think the king will blame me?"

"You think too much about this, the other party has known for a long time, but there has been no strange action, which means that the other party has acquiesced." Cheng Buyun smiled strangely, patting his shoulder and said: "Bebe follows you, in human Social dissipation is much better than being in a dark forest. Jiaohua in the greenhouse can't survive the wind and rain. Besides, what is the relationship between you and Beibei's undecided contract?

Lin Lei just suddenly knew the huge news, and it was just a mess of Fang Cun. After Cheng Buyun said, he immediately felt his stupidity and did not consider the nature of the matter transparently.

So his face turned red immediately.

Taking a deep breath, he was embarrassed to touch his head and shifted the topic: "Brother Bu Yun, did you not say that you have a good place to practice here last time, take me to see it."

"I know you can't help it." Cheng Buyun has a strange color in his eyes. When Lin Lei feels bad, he only listens to the former and smiles weirdly: "Tomorrow."

In an instant, Lin Lei was speechless. The previous Bu Yun brother wouldn't be so cute. I haven't seen him for years. How did his personality become like this?

But he had no choice but to talk about other things helplessly.

Early the next morning.

I remember Lin Lei, who hung about it, had breakfast, and while Delia accompanied the children to play in the garden, he kept staring at Cheng Buyun, but the latter deliberately confused him and kept him from getting down. , Can only be said by voice: "Bu Yun brother, you said last night to take me to see the practitioners of the Holy Land, will you forget?"

"I just told you last night, I will talk about it today, and I haven't promised to take you to see it." Cheng Buyun laughed and said with a helpless look, he laughed: "Come with me."

In the last sentence, lei with a black line immediately changed color, and his eyes showed excitement.

Turning his head to the leaves and others, Cheng Buyun motioned for lei to follow, and turned to walk to his bedroom.

Opened the organs in the bedroom, then descended into the lower chamber, and came to the magic crystal mine channel.

There is a thing about a huge magic crystal ore vein. It was known when lei first came over. After all, there is no cover of the magic circle. It is basically impossible to hide the investigation of the magician of the sanctuary.

In fact, there are oversized magic crystal ore veins here, countless people in the Magnolia Continent know, but how? Ten years ago, no one dared to **** into Cheng Buyun when he was a strong player in the Sanctuary. Today's Cheng Buyun, no one even dares to watch this magic crystal mine.

Walking through the mine, Lin Lei felt a strange color, imagining where he would go in the end, but he couldn't think of it without seeing it.

Soon, he was taken by Cheng Buyun to the energy light gate. Looking at the light gate exuding powerful power, he exaggeratedly grew his mouth, shocked and said, "Is this?"

Lei doesn't have any concept of the miniature space, so when he sees this light door, he doesn't know what it is, and where is behind the light door!

He didn't even think about it, there was such a place in this magic crystal mine, and this place could not be sensed by mental scanning.

Even standing in front of this energy light gate, he once again sensed with mental force, but only a piece of nothingness could be sensed, as if this light gate did not exist, which challenged his knowledge.

"Come in with me." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, not surprised, a lot of people under him had come here, came in clothes, Michelle had come, Clayton, Yezi and other people close to him Have been here, just like lei's expression at the moment, very surprised!

After entering the miniature space, lei was stunned. He looked at the scene outside the film and almost scared his urine.

What a drop, the space turned out to be turbulent?

In the turbulent flow of colorful space, terrible space cracks also flashed from time to time. There were even a few flashes above the light film. The space cracks in close proximity immediately changed his face. The terrible power of space fissures, once he got into it with his strength, I am afraid that even the scum can not find a little bit, it is terrible!

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