Plane Universe

Chapter 1103: Looking for Sanctuary Dragon

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Without a stable resource point, adventurer mercenaries who still want to live in the Luoao Empire!

Therefore, the more powerful mercenary regiment, the Luoao Empire is very few, almost all in the other three empire.

Who makes the other three empires border the Warcraft Mountains, or the Sunset Mountains?

This is also the reason why the Luoao Empire has been waging war.

Thousands of miles in the sky, clouds fluttering, one end is close to fifty-five, and the Leiming eagle with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters is soaring in the sky, flying toward the sunset mountains.

The three children of Hogg and Wharton sat on the back of Lei Mingdiao and watched the beautiful mountains and rivers along the way. The three children screamed from time to time and pointed at what the smallest town on the ground was saying.

If you look closely, you can see that the three children have a white shield like armor, which is the light armor released by the leaves, and there is a huge Holy Light Spirit Array guarding the outer periphery. . At speeds of several kilometers per second in the sky, there is no protection at all, even nine-level fighters like Hogg may be difficult to resist.

It will fall from Lei Mingdiao in a moment.

This is not a joke. The speed of Lei Mingdiao is so fast. The impact on high altitude is very scary. An ordinary person can be torn into a pile of rotten flesh in an instant.

The wind screamed, and suddenly Taylor pointed to the distance and shouted with joy: "Wow, that must be the sunset mountains, so long."

Sini raised a finger, and a pair of ghosts said to the earth: "Taylor, according to the books, the Six-Day Mountain Range and the Warcraft Mountain Range are very long, but their width is generally more than a thousand miles, and the dark forest, the length There are as many as 6200 miles, and there are two to three thousand miles in width. "

Taylor nodded clearly. He knew that Brother Sini's knowledge was amazing, and the information given would not be fake. Looking at the farther place, his face said with joy: "The sea! It is so beautiful, the waves are blue and blue, like a blue ribbon."

Taylor had never seen the sea. When he saw such a scene, he was very surprised.

In fact, this little guy, screaming at everything along the way, like a local leopard entering the city, makes people laugh.

The sunset mountains ... arrived.

At this time, among the peaks of the sunset mountains, there are many flying warcraft ups and downs, among which there is no dragon warcraft.

"Ha, finally here, let's go down." Babe laughed, and his body sank with Lei Mingdiao, shouting, "I will find a powerful dragon for my nephews to help them awaken the blood of the Dragon Blood Warrior!"

"Powerful dragon?" Xiong Er patted his chest directly: "Small meaning, depending on our brother, the dragon can only catch his hand when he encounters it. There is no room for it to resist."

Indeed, whether it is Babe, Xiong Er, or Celsia, after a long period of cultivation, the law has realized a deep point.

Among them, Celsia is the highest and the strongest, and Babe is undoubtedly the last. He is more playful, even if he disdains cultivation, even if it is, it is stronger than many ordinary peak sanctuaries, especially the defense and speed of Babe, which is the most amazing.

His Highness Leaf, who was flying elegantly next to him, naturally understood the character of these three guys, and laughed dumbly on the spot.

A group of people landed on a mountain of peaks, where the horizon was wide, and there were dozens of miles around the place, and all the existing Warcraft were clearly seen. Even the weak Warcraft hiding in the woods and the hunter figures walking in the mountains can be seen.

When they landed, the Warcraft who smelled their breath around the mountain peaks fled in fright, and some flying Warcraft were scared to the utmost. Their bodies flying in midair were crooked, and even a few flying Warcraft still He fell from midair, and his back shook and hid in the mountains, daring not to speak.

"Ha, let's scatter to find the Sanctuary Dragon." Xiong Er shouted before the leaves said the mountains.

The sunset mountains are very large, and it is not so easy to find the powerful Sanctuary Dragon.

Xiong Erdu said so, and the leaves nodded and agreed to come down.

Hogg and Wharton naturally have no opinion. This time when they came to the Sunset Mountains, everything was mainly leaves. After all, she was the main force.

call out!

The three guys seemed to compete, and their bodies rushed out quickly, causing a riot.

"There is no powerful Warcraft in the mountains nearby." Leaf sensed his spirit, turned his head and smiled, "Grandpa Hog, Uncle Wharton, let's follow along!"

Hogg nodded.

The three adults and three children have just walked for a while, marching deeper, and a roar has been heard in the distance, "Bear of the earth, are you coming to grab my site?"

"What play?"

"Your Uncle Bear will rob you of this **** site? Get out and play."

"Damn things, you are too rude, go to die!"

"Don't dare to do anything to your uncle Xiong Er, and leave me aside."


Where the rumbling sound came, the energy oscillated, the wind roared, and the trees burst. Xiong Er and the unknown World of Warcraft started.

The two sides started, this is not the fault of this unknown World of Warcraft, and Xiong Erzui is too poisonous, and they have arrived at other people's sites, and others will ask, you will curse, and your temper is too bad.

When the leaves took everyone to pass, the battle was over, Xiong Erzheng was stepping on a huge purple moon wolf with a big body, and he was talking in the mouth. The guy from Ziyue, a few more are not my uncle's opponents, get out. "


I saw Xiong Er lifted his foot and kicked it. The purple giant wolf with a body of more than 20 meters in length was kicked into the air by him, and then a spit of blood spit out and fell into the woods.

This time it came out not to hunt Warcraft, but to find the Sanctuary Dragon, and this kind of Warcraft, Xiong Er did not look down on it, even if he was a younger brother, he would occupy the place.

Ziyue wolf has very poor strength. It should not be long before it became a sanctuary. It was not Xiong Er's opponent at all.

"What kind of Warcraft was that just now?" Taylor asked with eyes shining brightly. "He looks very strong."

"That should be the Purple Moon Wolf, a more powerful wolf-like Warcraft, a holy domain-level Warcraft evolved from the Tusk Wind Wolf." Sini explained.

"It seems that there is another ethnic group of fangs and wolves." Sasha nodded.

Since there is a purple moon wolf, there are naturally ethnic groups.


Hundreds of miles to the south, powerful sonic shocks, bursting sounds, this is undoubtedly a powerful Sanctuary-level Warcraft in action.

And listening to the sound, this is a dragon of the holy domain level.

"It seems that the Sanctuary Dragon has been found." Ye Ye turned his head to look away, and turned to smile: "We are in the past, the big eagle, you took Grandpa Hog and they flew at low altitude, and followed."

Lei Mingdiao responded, and leapt into the air again, and the leaves also sent everyone to her back.

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