Plane Universe

Chapter 1111: Olivia

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Life is quiet and laid-back, very calm, so three months have passed, and there is not much time until the cemetery of the gods opens.

After all, it is now mid-August, and it is only about half a year from March next year.

On August 15th, Delia's world potential finally entered, suppressing its strength for a long time. After the world's potential entered, it came to fruition and broke through on the spot.

Become a new sacred domain powerhouse in the Magnolia continent, life is eternal, no longer need to worry about face aging, nor need to worry about life.

As long as it is not caused by external forces, the life of the powerful in the Sanctuary is eternal.

Once breakthrough, Delia couldn't suppress her feelings of missing, and immediately rushed out of the micro-space plane to visit her pair of children.

In order to become a sanctuary, Delia endured for several years. As long as there was no major event, she would not go out, lest she make up her mind and melt away in the coquettishness of her children.

Now she doesn't need to suppress anymore.

The world is wide!

Everything is so beautiful.

Lin Lei saw his wife's impatient look, grinned, and followed her, he knew his wife's suffering in recent years.

Shaking his head slightly, he no longer thinks about those annoying things. It is now a happy time. He also chased behind Delia and went out.

Coming to the hall of the manor, Delia's figure lei naturally didn't see it, only Cheng Buyun was in the hall, and there were several maids who looked hungry and a little bit alive.

In amazement, Lin Lei's mental strength spread away, and soon felt Delia's figure flying towards the Holy Land College. With a helpless smile, in the smile of Cheng Buyun's teasing, he sat beside him, and then Poured a cup of tea for himself.

Before Cheng Buyun Pan sat on the top of Xueyun Mountain to practice and sensed Delia's appearance, he was still very happy. He flew back immediately, but did not expect Delia to go out to visit her children. Cheng Buyun had to return to the lobby and wait for lei.

When Delia goes out, of course, lei will follow, and he has to tell lei some things.

"Why, Delia has broken through to become a powerhouse in the Sanctuary, you should be very happy, how is it like a bitter gourd face?" Cheng Buyun asked with a chuckle.

"No, I'm very happy." Lei showed a smile, but his smile was a bit reluctant, it seemed a bit tasteful!


Seeing him look like this, Cheng Buyun directly whispered, ridiculed: "Delia has come out of the last time about Babe in the past few years. The thoughts of a pair of children are inevitable. What do you eat? Ah! She does n’t care about you. "

"Look at what you said, I was as unbearable as you said, I just sighed, it was not easy to sigh Delia!" Lei put down the tea cup, squinted Cheng Buyun, said without curiosity, then sighed again. "One day before, Delia looked in the mirror and found that she had a slight wrinkle in the corner of her eyes, sighed that her red eyes grew old, and then teased my face tenderly, saying that her own old cow eats tender grass, saying With that, she said that her face would grow old and ask me if I would despise her. "

"I said that I didn't care. It wasn't that kind of person. But Delia was a little worried. She said that she looked old and old, but I was still a young one. What would other people say?" Lin Lei shrugged his shoulders and laughed. Dao: "At that time, Brother Yun just let her go in with me to practice, so she made up her mind."

Delia has always been family-oriented after marriage, especially after having a pair of children, the whole heart is placed on the little guy. As for cultivation, basically fishing for three days and drying nets for four days.

In fact, this has already been said too much. It is good to have two days of idle and quiet cultivation in ten days, but it is not.

That is, the secret of cultivation practice given by Cheng Buyun is so powerful that it has been intermittent for many years. It just made Delia reach the peak of the ninth level, where is it stuck.

"Cultivation for a few years is not very good now." Cheng Buyun laughed: "Although Taylor was still young in the early years, he always quarreled to ask his mother, but if he got used to it, it would be nothing. Order something else. "

Lei nodded and asked with a smile: "have nothing happened over the past six months?"

"It's not a big deal, but shortly after you closed the door again, Olivia returned from the Arctic ice sheet and once again challenged the rock sword Saint‘ Hedson ’.” Cheng Buyun said.


Lin Lei's eyes lit up, and there was a sense of war in his heart. He said with a serious expression: "This guy is very talented and powerful. I once played with him once. At that time, apart from the last trick, we almost didn't leave both sides. It ’s a good match for his hands. This time, after nearly two decades of training, he may be very strong in terms of strength. "

He is also a man of his own, and his strength has become such after years of cultivation. Olivia, who has similar talents, is not weak.

The whole O'Brien empire, who can make him look up a few points, except Olivia, no one else.


Cheng Buyun nodded his head and agreed that Olivia was a soul mutant, and in terms of ability, it was basically not much different from the future lei. What lei can do is like olivia.

The only thing to worry about is how talented Olivia is.

Not everyone is a pervert such as Cheng Buyun, and the laws of each department are free to pick and practice without any problems.

However, Olivia does have the background to become a superpower. To be honest, Cheng Buyun is really moving. He secretly thinks whether he will take Olivia under his command. In the future, there will be a super thug commander to help. Take care of some things yourself.

If you can't meet anything, you have to come forward yourself, or you are challenged by some deflated sons, should you let him do it?

From the time he devoured the starry universe, he has become accustomed to the life of someone under his command. Some people help take care of some things. He doesn't need to think too much, he just needs to become stronger.

"Olivia came back to challenge Hedson this time, should he win very easily?" Lei asked with some expectation.

He hopes to get a definite answer from Bu Yunge's mouth, and Olivia, it can be said that they don't know each other, the friendship between the two is OK, and they don't want some nods.

There are really few formal friends of lei. Many powerful saints please him. Naturally, they look at Cheng Buyun's face, even the group of strong saints in the Temple of Life.

"What do you say?" Cheng Buyun asked amusingly.

"Let me guess ..." lei raised his hand and pretended to be a fake pretentiously touching his chin, and then laughed: "If I try my best, I guess at most three moves, and I will definitely be defeated by Olivia!"

With such a guess, it is natural that lei is a more certain idea. Hedson, a veteran strongman, has been a sanctuary for more than a thousand years. It's only a thousand years that this strength is comparable to that of Olivia. It is estimated that all three moves have been said too much.

For Hedson, he was disdainful.

It was not that he hadn't played against each other at that time. Hedson only used his deep fighting spirit and powerful and super high combat experience to win himself.

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