Plane Universe

Chapter 1117: Secret trick

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In fact, this sword, Cheng Buyun is disgusted, which is too ridiculous.

When he saw this sword for the first time, he refused it, but with the begging of the leaves, he had no choice but to accept it as his main weapon for cultivation.

After all, it was Ye Ye's niece's heart-turning, and it was the first time to give him a gift, and he had to accept it even if he couldn't look down!

Everyone is right, this sword of saobao is forged by the leaves and given to Cheng Buyun as a gift.

Forging weapons is not as difficult as imagined. The difficulty is to collect materials. The Magnolia Continent said that it is not a big deal. After tens of thousands of years of searching, many precious metals have been basically exhausted. Every strong man has a headache for his own weapon. I do n’t know. Where to collect materials.

Generally, they exchange with other people, change some suitable metal materials, etc., to see forged weapons.

For a weapon, it takes tens or hundreds of years for many powerful saints to find the right material and then forge the right weapon.

In general, this is caused by the shortage of resources in the Magnolia mainland.

Unlike the God Plane, the roadside can pick up a few stones to forge secondary artifacts!

The plane guardian 'Hodan' of the Magnolia Continent is right. The **** plane is indeed an artifact everywhere. This is not a lie. At least you want a sub-artifact, and it doesn't take too long. Ten days.

The difficulty is to cultivate the sub-artifact to the power of the artifact.

In fact, there are many opportunities for the plane of God, which is comparable to that of the ordinary material plane. Luck is good enough to get a lot of treasures that you do n’t dare to think about or dare to expect.

As long as you are lucky and do not fall, there is always a chance to become stronger!

No guilty person, even robbers are not tempted to rob saints.

The powerful in the sanctuary has no oil or water at all, it is simply a beggar. Does anyone think about the beggar?


With a weapon in his hand, the breath on Cheng Buyun's body became a little different. He closed his eyes slightly, and he didn't see any movements. The elemental power of the surrounding space began to slowly condense ... It is the power of the law of light!

The more and more bright elemental power gathered, it was visible to the naked eye, and it actually showed its appearance, like a cloud. This piece of energy cloud condensed by the law of light, the white light flickers from the inside out, those bright rays swim in the cloud, and the sky is full of light and shadow, even the sun's light is suppressed, let Cheng Buyun looks like a God of War!

I saw Cheng Buyun gently raised the silver-blue sword in his right hand, the silver-blue sword lifted up high and radiant, the powerful law power began to climb, which was far more than the momentum of any strong man in the sanctuary, far The induction is terrifying.


With a light drink, the silver and blue sword lifted high and waved forward, slowly chopping forward. In an instant, the dark clouds rioted, and a huge black hole was hidden in the space, and the light law cloud condensed around Cheng Buyun ... Suddenly it turned into a giant lightsaber flying in the sky, flying straight towards the distance.

This giant lightsaber tears the surrounding space and tears the cold wind. The giant lightsaber flies away from the space and bursts out a small space crack. The flying giant lightsaber drove the wind, and the horror of the horror roared away.

This unnamed trick is much stronger than the recognition of the space, and the power is at least hundreds and thousands of times away.

This is still about 10% of Cheng Buyun's strength. If he tries his best, the power will be stronger!

Looking at where the giant lightsaber was hidden, Cheng Buyun frowned and whispered softly, "No!"

"The power of this mystery is too small!"

This power is still small, this is your strength for about 10%!

However, it is true that although Cheng Buyun is not a **** in the middle, the understanding of the rules of the light system is profound and profound. According to the truth, he has the strength to show the secret tricks that he exhibited, so he cannot be underestimated.

This trick is a trick to improve the self-proclaimed king-level immortal gods. Even if there is no space rule to supplement it, the effect is discounted several times, but the power should not be so small.

"Or maybe I didn't think about it carefully, and the display was wrong?" Cheng Buyun thought, and even sat down on the spot, closing his eyes.

After a long time, Cheng Buyun once again stood up a little dignified, his breath began to climb as before, but without the previous momentum, there was no such gorgeous light and shadow effect.

But the cold surroundings solidified.

Raising his hand and raising his sword, Cheng Buyun closed his eyes.

The silver and blue swords also have no gleaming glory, as if they were simple and plain, and there is no power of law other than the silver and blue light of the sword itself.

No, it should be said that there is a very hidden power hidden in the sword body. If you carefully sense it, you can sense the powerful light law power inside the sword body.

The momentum has been condensed for a long time, but there is no Cheng Buyun waving the silver-blue sword on his right hand. It is really anxious for him!

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. The power of the light law on his body also began to riot, condensing toward the silver-blue sword of his right hand ...


Shouted loudly, Cheng Buyun seemed to cheer himself up, and then cut out the silver and blue sword in his right hand towards the money, in an instant ... as if the scene was reproduced, it was the same as before, and a giant lightsaber flew out.

But the only difference this time is that the giant lightsaber is small and large, and it flew out of his hand holding the silver and blue sword.

The power of this giant lightsaber is ten times more horrible than before. The space that has flowed through, the space cracks that burst out are larger than before, if the space cracks that were reported before are hair hair ... then now The space cracks that burst out are thick lines, and the moves are not the same in power!


The lightsaber disappeared and Cheng Buyun also opened his mouth. He was very happy. He could see that he was very satisfied with this move!

"Finally succeeded, this is the most suitable mysterious trick at this stage." Cheng Buyun estimated the secret trick he just exhibited, secretly judging the power in his heart, and at least had the "top" level in the mouth of the teacher of the chaotic city. The secret of the level.

Hmm ... barely a top secret trick.

After all, it was improved by other people's moves, and the research time was shorter, but this has been extremely rare.

How many kings of immortal gods have studied for countless thousands of years, and the time is in millions of years ... Only then can we develop a set of secret tricks suitable for ourselves, and Cheng Buyun has only been researched for a few years. And it is still appropriate to use mysterious moves.

Quite rare!

Cheng Buyun's savvy is still very strong. After all, he has become a god, and his soul has been further strengthened. In addition, he has a powerful and outrageous cheating method, and he has five thousand times the savvy blessing. Make a move that suits you.

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