Plane Universe

Chapter 1137: Gifted benefits

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Except for O'Brien, the same is true of Hesse, and so is Di Lin, his face is slightly pale. They were like Cheng Buyun. After the beautiful woman took out the bluestone, she quickly used her soul to sense it. She was stunned and suffered a small loss.

"This is the currency of God's plane?" Di Lin was surprised.

The plane of God is really an advanced place, even the currency is so peculiar.

"Yes, what do guests need to order? I have all the gods here. The lower **** only needs 100 bluestones, the median **** only needs 10,000. If you can take out 10,000 bluestones, then you can become the median **** immediately. "Oh!" Three beautiful women do not leave the bank, always asking everyone to buy something or not.

Where do they have bluestones, not to mention a hundred pieces, not even one piece.

Di Lin's face was flushed, and he was as proud as him. When asked by the other party, he could not speak on the spot.

"Next time, next time." O'Brien quickly responded, pulling a few people away from the small shop in a hurry, and stood outside.

"Hehe." The beautiful woman looked at the few people who had fled, and chuckled softly, then sat back elegantly in the seat behind the counter.

Cheng Buyun was a bit funny in his heart, but he was also sighing, that is to say, a strong man such as Beirut can make an upper **** serve as a waiter in these shops. In any case, wherever a higher **** is, he is a master, and his status is not low in the planes of the major gods.

"O'Brien, do you know how to get these currencies?" Di Lin looked at O'Brien, there was a little wave on his face, and it seemed that he would be desperate next.

"Currency is only available outside the town." O'Brien chose to be honest when he pondered for a while. "In this town, almost all the treasures sold in stores are good, but they need the currency of bluestone. And If we want currency, we need to go out and try desperately. The world outside the town is cruel. As for the cruel method, I do n’t know how much. "

Do n’t think that O’Brien has been through the gods ’cemetery a few times. In fact, he ’s just mingling in the town every time. The only time he ’s been out in the outside world is being robbed!

"No matter how difficult it is, I have to make a break. The town is safe, but according to what you said, the level of treasures is very low. Obviously, the Lord got them out, just to ask us to go out and fight." Di Lin Shen Sheng said.

The four people then turned over the dozens of shops in the square, and all the items sold in the shops made the four people's water flow, and even Cheng Buyun was secretly moved.

No, it should be said that the eyes are green.

He does n’t care what high-level artifacts, what healing items, etc. in the treasure hierarchy. However, he couldn't care less about the treasures that supplemented the land for cultivation.

There are too many good things. The four of them spent half a day watching it. They also became muddled and dull.

It's just that there is no penny among the four people. No matter how good the treasure is, you can only have an eye addiction and want to go out and go desperately!

"Let's take a break outside, and wait for recovery, and then discuss the borrowed things outside." O'Brien saw the situation of Hessie and the Temple of Earth and suggested.

The two nodded indifferently, chose a place in the square, and sat down to rest.

Cheng Buyun and O'Brien also sat on the ground.

"How." O'Brien lamented Cheng Buyun's heart. After a long time, although the look on his face fluctuated, the overall situation was much better than Dilin and Hiss.

"It's an eye-opener. Although this town is small in scope, it has all the internal organs." Cheng Buyun nodded and sighed. The 68 shops here sell a lot of treasures, except for the main artifact, you can think of the treasures here Almost all, whether it is a battle puppet, or life metal, or medicine, materials, artifacts, gods, one-time attack artifacts, etc., only you ca n’t think of it, but it will not be lacking.


Even the higher ‘Angel Heart’ has it, but the price is not cheap.

The four men rested for a long time before adjusting their status. Under the leadership of O'Brien, they walked through several passages around the square and came to a large area of ​​stone chambers.

Each of the stone rooms here is about one kilometer in size, and the walls outside the stone room are also described in text on the inside.

Just like this stone room in front of everyone, the content is: the ball of life can instantly add twice the divine power of the lower god. The guardian is the primary battle puppet for the lower god, and each person can only enter once at a time.

This ball of life is actually a low-level healing medicine, and the guardian inside is the primary strength of the lower god, which is simply a gift.

"The guardian is the elementary **** under the strength?" Hesser glared and didn't know much about this level.

"Probably the level of just becoming a god." O'Brien explained slightly.

"Isn't this a bonus?" Hess looked amazed, and the strength of the guardian in the stone room was a little beyond his expectations!

The lower gods are elementary, and their divine power is less than three times, and more than double, which is the same as the strength of the **** domain master who refines the divine form into a god.

With the four people present, anyone can easily win the battle puppet inside.

"Who comes first?" O'Brien smiled noncommittally, and said, "This stone room is not limited to the number of trips, which is different from other stone rooms."

Everyone can see the content on the walls of the stone room, and understand the above meaning: each person can only enter once at a time. This means that every time it is turned on, anyone can enter it once, and as long as the guardian wins, he can get a bead of life.

"I'll try it." Di Lin nodded and looked at the light film in front of the stone room door, and asked, "How do I get this?"

"Just go in." O'Brien explained.

Di Lin nodded, and the man slowly approached the light film at the entrance of the stone room. With a snort, the light film was chopped on him like a knife, but this level of attack did not let everyone pay attention.

Soon, Di Lin's body submerged in the stone room, the light film returned to its original state, and the color became dark and ink, obviously to prevent people behind from going in.

A good defense.

Within a few moments, Di Lin's figure came out, without any injuries on his body, as easily as he had not fought.

"Very weak," Di Lin said, and then stood quietly.

Seeing that Di Lin was so relaxed, Hisa moved his face and said, "Come to me."

"This guy ..." O'Brien smiled blankly.

Less than a minute later, Hess also came out, and he said with a lip: "That guy's strength is really good, but the defense is very hard."

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