Plane Universe

Chapter 1139: Fat puppet

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"how is it!"

When Cheng Buyun collected the beads of life and walked out of the stone room, O'Brien asked with a smile on his face, a strange look on his face.

"No, the guy inside is so cheap." Cheng Buyun smiled strangely.

"It's really cheap!"

O'Brien and Hissey laughed at the same time, presumably they were also provoked by the cheap guy inside.

Finally, O'Brien went in and fought over, and got his own ball of life.

This is indeed a welfare, and even O'Brien, who is without artifacts, easily ended the battle in two minutes, about the same time as Hesse.

It was not long before Hesse became a god, and naturally there were no artifacts.

This is also the reason why Hess didn't want to come at the beginning. Even without the artifact, he had to come desperately, who would!

"So, let's break apart now?" O'Brien asked everyone with an eyebrow raised.

"Alright." Hisa nodded. "It's just because of our own strength that we are here. We are useless together and waste time."

Indeed, every stone room here is a single person to go through the barriers, no one can help anyone.

"Well, everyone will do what they can. If the injury is too heavy, it will be worth the loss." O'Brien said solemnly, "Do your best!"

The four immediately separated.

Cheng Buyun walked through the streets, looking at the stone chambers on the two sides of the street with a height of 300 meters and a radius of 1,000 kilometers on both sides of the street with interest, looking for treasures that were still useful to him.

He is really disdainful to shoot ordinary treasures, and does not want to pull all good things into his arms.

After all, there are so many stone chambers, everyone has a little friendship, and some things that are within the strength of the other party are still left to O'Brien and Hissey!


Cheng Buyun, who was walking on the stripy white stone street, stepped on his feet. He saw his gaze fixed on the wall of a stone room, looking at the content on it:

Amethyst, refining can increase the strength of the soul. The guardians are the high puppets of the two lower gods, one of which is the wind attribute and the other is the earth attribute.

The introduction is very short, but the warnings revealed in it are full of meaning.

The two high-level puppets of the lower gods with such strength do not have the fighting power of the highest level of the lower gods, don't even think about it.

Even the peak strength of the next **** may not necessarily win the two guardians, sometimes 1 + 1 is greater than 2.

It depends on the situation, but also depends on what kind of rule mystery the other party has.

Beirut is really willing to pay for the ‘Amethyst’ treasure worth 10,000 bluestones, which is already the value of a median deity.

Cheng Buyun broke in without thinking.

In the small stone room, the strange eyes of the two tall puppet warriors fell on Cheng Buyun. I saw the slender man with golden hair and a slim figure on the right said with a chuckle: "It is really rare. It has a history of tens of thousands of years, and it has been opened several times during this period. This is the third time. I did n’t expect anyone to break in. Should this be our honour or the beginning of your suffering? "

No, Cheng Buyun was shocked!

Are these puppets so cheap?

"It's useless to say more, come on!" Cheng Buyun was too lazy to talk to the other party, turning his hand, a silver-blue long sword appeared in the right hand, which was the very saucy secondary artifact 'Silver Blue Sword' .

"Yeah, without any artifacts, we rushed in and challenged our two brothers. Does this mean that your confidence is inflated, or can we not hold the knife?" Seeing Cheng Buyun flipped out his hand and brought out such a garbage weapon, The man with a slender face and a somewhat strange face laughed on the spot, and the unpleasant metallic sound echoed in the stone room.

"Poor!" The fat puppet on the left also made a sound, but the sound made everyone irritable.

Cheng Buyun looked at the two guys, and his mouth almost cramped. That is, he had a superb state of mind and could not bear the anger. He changed one of the three of O'Brien.

"It's really poor enough, just with this broken weapon, what's the power? It's estimated that I can't even leave the stamp on my body, so dare to come in and challenge? Go home and eat milk!" 'S sarcasm, the fat puppet also said blankly, "Trash!"

"Is that enough? Let's start if you have enough." Cheng Buyun slowly came to the field, stopped 100 meters away from the two puppets, and calmly said: "Are you prepared to say so to win me?"

"Good boy, he is so kind, even ..." The slim puppet said halfway, and then the fat puppet interface finished, "Can't bear it!"

Fat and thin two-headed Tuo!

Cheng Buyun didn't answer and argued with the other party, then he must be a fool, the other party is a puppet, and there is no human emotion at all.

‘Om! ’

The silver and blue sword trembled, Cheng Buyun's momentum soared, and the power of the law of light loomed around him, making the atmosphere suddenly solidify.

"Very good, come!" The slim puppet frowned, provocatively: "Win us, the treasure is yours. It depends on whether you have this ..."

"Ability!" The fat puppet also answered, and took out an epee artifact. The epee was as long and wide as the slim puppet next to it, and looked like a door panel. The law of the stock earth system is enveloping the sword.

This is a lower-level primary artifact that can enhance the divine power of the god-level strong, but it cannot enhance the power of the law. Because this artifact can be seen at a glance, it is just an artifact that has just been nurtured by the god-level strongman with divine power, but there is no power to conserve it.

Generally, these artifacts are sold in stores, which are very cheap and barely regarded as artifacts.


Cheng Buyun's footsteps moved, the silver-blue sword in his right hand fluttered like a snake shadow, and a flash of light and shadow formed around him. A sound of dragon chanting passed through the room, seemingly without influence. Wearing a fat and thin head.

"Oh, it turned out to be the" speed of light "mystery in the law of light." The slim puppet smiled, he looked for a lower-level elementary wind artifact in his hand, immediately cut it out quickly, and it was in a step. Cloud thorn over the silver-blue sword.


The slender puppet moved unbelievably fast, and then came first, and cut it on the body of the silver-blue sword pierced by Cheng Buyun at a speed of three points.

Even Cheng Buyun's attempt to change his way was a bit too late, and he didn't want to change his way, otherwise he would be chased by the opponent, and he could only slam the silver-blue sword secondary artifact on his hand and the opponent's artifact.

Quickly backing away, Cheng Buyun took a look at the silver-blue sword in his right hand, and saw that the sword body hit by the opponent was safe and sound, so he was relieved.

The silver-blue sword itself is a secondary artifact. In terms of hardness, it is only a class lower than the artifact. It can still withstand a collision, and it will not work if the number of times is greater.

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