Plane Universe

Chapter 1160: Central Labyrinth

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In fact, the Baghdad Plane Prison is not exactly the construction of the Lord God, but the formation of the heavens and the earth. There is a prison for every material plane.

A place that is one-sided with each material plane and has existed since the beginning of heaven and earth.

The most correct statement is that the place where the plane prison is located is actually the "dark universe".

Therefore, there is only one side and one side.

However, the Panlong universe cannot break through the speed of light and reach the speed of light, so the dark universe cannot even enter the main god-level powerhouse. If you want to enter the plane prison in the dark universe, you can only point to point on the material plane.

Basically, there is a place where there is no entry and exit. If the existence is as strong as the green fire, it does not dare to tear the space and leave the Bagoda Planar Prison. You will understand that these plane prisons are there.

As for Beirut's statement, it is actually not very accurate. The Panlong universe is only a subsidiary universe. How could it be earlier than the Supreme God came out. The Supreme God is the transmutation of the rules of heaven and earth, the administrator of the entire Hongmeng space, and the entire universe is not formed by heaven and earth, it is built-it is the ‘inner universe’ that Hongmeng controls.

Cheng Buyun may not know the cultivation system of the Hongmeng master, but he knows that the rules of heaven and earth are the earliest. For example, a strong man with the power of the realm, who has formed the world in his body, has begun to transform the rules.

The rules can be said to be the remnants of the combination of mind and mind of the master of the world. They do not belong to the rules of the universe and are the managers of the individual.

After the exchange was over, Cheng Buyun was ready to continue to go. The graveyard of the gods is a good place here, where he gathered his wealth. Of course, he did not want to waste time.

"So let's separate first, and see you later!" Cheng Buyun smiled and blessed: "I also wish you all a full return here."

"Thank you." The four people thanked again and again, Xiao Mengluo sighed in his heart, goodbye? It's a pity that they are all people who were detained in the Baghdad Plane Prison. They didn't want to leave on that day. How could it be possible to see her, but she nodded and responded with a smile: "Goodbye!"

Cheng Buyun finally glanced at the four Xiao family members, lowered his head slightly, turned and left, and walked directly towards the central place.

It's boring to play outside. Since he knows where the twelfth central labyrinth has the most treasures, he certainly has to go and see how dangerous it is.

"That guy was going to the central labyrinth?" Xiao Meier, the pretty girl, looked at Cheng Buyun's direction and said a little unexpectedly, "Dare he go alone? Are you afraid of death?"

"Hehe!" Xiao Mengluo smiled and looked at Cheng Buyun's hidden figure before saying: "For his strength, it is worth him to go into the central labyrinth. Don't think that he only has the skills he shows. Killing the top gods like Bai Chunxi, he did n’t make a trick, only with his sword and his understanding of the application of the law, it was so easy ... it should be known that his strength is very, very strong. Estimated. "

"The strength of Cheng Buyun is really abnormal. He even combined the speed of light with the phantom phantom to create such a powerful mobile body. The perception is scary." The young Xiao Tang also sighed with his face and said: " Yan brother's perception is not comparable! "

"How is it possible that Brother Yan will not be able to compare with him?" Xiao Meier's eyes widened and said a little unbelievably.

Xiao Yan is the most genius figure in their generation of Xiao family. He was just over 300 years old. He is already the realm of the median god. He is also a very famous genius figure in the Baghdad Plane Prison. The rule of the mysterious mystery is terrifyingly powerful, will it be inferior to the natives of this magnolia continent?

"Xiao Yan's cousin is not as powerful as him in the next god." Xiao Mengluo shook his head. Xiao Yan's cousin's talent was superb, but superb talent did not necessarily mean strong. In understanding the rules, he was a little bit sensible, compared with Cheng Buyun , The gap is far away.

She didn't even know how Cheng Buyun cultivated, but she was able to transform the Phantom Doppelganger into an entity in this state, with a powerful attack power, which exceeded her imagination.

Generally, there is no avatar mystery of Dacheng Realm, and it does not have the ability to attack, and even if it is a avatar mystery of Dacheng Realm, it has at most 20 to 30% of the power of the body. But ... the phantom avatar exhibited by Cheng Buyun just now can kill people so easily, saying that with only 20% or 30% of the power of the body, she would not believe it first.

Cheng Buyun-a powerful peerless genius.

Xiao Yan cousin-can only be regarded as a peerless genius.

The difference is very big!

After being separated from the Xiao family, Cheng Buyun soon came to the final place. The huge building that appeared in front of him was the central labyrinth.

The huge maze of dark colors, like a giant beast lying under the dark scenery, even in the overlapping shadows, even Cheng Buyun standing in front of it is a bit unclear, only a rough outline can be seen .

The entire labyrinth is like a huge ancient castle, covering a few thousand meters of the area. The phantom of the highest peak of the labyrinth is directly inserted into the sky. It is looming in the lightning of the dark clouds. It is as illusory as a mirage.


A black thunder snake flashed high above the sky, and in the sound of bursting, the whole castle was shrouded, so that the whole castle was probably revealed. I saw that the hundreds of meters of high-rise buildings in the castle have countless pointed spires, one by one It looked so gloomy.

After the lightning, everything went dark again, and the entire labyrinth was invisible, leaving only heavy black silhouettes.

"Nima, why did you do this so badly?" Cheng Buyun pouted and was speechless to Beirut. How much ingenuity would this play out of?

Facing Cheng Buyun's entrance to the labyrinth gate, there was a large black road. He looked up and looked inside the deep gate of the labyrinth. Heiwuwu could see nothing.

He had to shake his head, lift his feet, and walked up the black avenue to the maze.

There are hundreds of meters in the labyrinth, and no one is basically there, so it seems very quiet.

Speaking of it, the entire twelfth floor is a bit strange, there are no plants, only buildings, maybe this is Beirut deliberately!

Standing outside the gate of the labyrinth, Cheng Buyun looked up, and above the gate of the labyrinth was written-Central Labyrinth!

After a glance, he didn't care much, and then he looked directly into the maze, but he couldn't see any scene in it as far away, and all he saw was darkness.

If that is the case, then go ahead!

Cheng Buyun moved carefully, his mind paid attention to all around, and formally entered the gate of the maze.

After his feet formally stepped into the central labyrinth, his eyes were bright and the whole environment began to change. In front of him was a hall-like location. However, the whole hall is white and blue, but there is nothing empty, and some are just a passage connecting the hall and not knowing where to go.

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