Plane Universe

Chapter 1162: A fruitless battle

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The characteristics of the heavy weapon itself are less flexible. The battle puppet roaring and resisting in the eyes of Cheng Buyun, just like a joke, the hacked moves easily let him dodge, but his sword moves are repeated Onto the other person's head.

Dozens of swords hacked up one after another, and the head of this battle puppet was covered with sword marks all over his neck, but all were minor injuries, not fatal.

This guy is very hard all over the body. It is impossible to beat him at no cost.

That's why most people don't want to fight a fighting puppet!

After all, under such an attack, even if it is a subordinate peak powerhouse wearing artifact armor, it is estimated that he should have died at this time.

But such injuries are undoubtedly itching for the fighting puppet.

Cheng Buyun's eyes flashed with white light, and the crystal sword in his hand gave a burst of white light. Was he prepared to spend some price to end this human-like battle puppet action?

Sure enough, the next moment, the Yingjing sword in his hand easily cut off the head of the battle puppet.

Once the head was cut off, the combat puppet action stopped immediately. The cut head hit the wall of the passage, and then the bone bounced back to the ground and rolled to the foot.

"Did you even cut my head off?" The battle puppet rolled his head on the floor of the tunnel with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Is it difficult?" Cheng Buyun smiled and raised his right foot, kicking the head out of the ground with a single call, and the target was the dark puppets that rushed up. The black puppet rushing to the front left his left hand and had to leave the epee, holding a flying head, and then throwing his expressionless backhand, the head was thrown under his feet.

"Damn, you idiots." The head that was thrown on the ground shouted immediately.

Unfortunately, this group of dark puppets didn't even look at the head on the ground, and rushed madly. The head rolled on the ground like a football.

After such actions, Cheng Buyun immediately judged that this group of dark puppets is not very intelligent, and it is likely that they will only act according to the set program.

Of course, it is also possible that this group of puppets deliberately did so, and the intruder's misjudgment was unknown.

This is all possible.

However, Cheng Buyun greeted him with his steps, and rushed into the puppet team. His body was like a swimming fish.

Those dark puppets saw Cheng Buyun rushing up, and immediately made one move after another, no matter who was standing beside him ... Cheng Chengyun, or a dark puppet like his own.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, it just moves against Cheng Buyun.

A gleam of light flashed and the sound of thumping sounds kept coming. For a time, the few black puppets closest to Cheng Buyun actually killed each other and attacked each other.

Several puppets suddenly suffered different degrees of injuries on their bodies, some with head strokes, some with chest strokes, the appearance of black armor was split, or the head also had a deep sword mark.

"A bunch of brainless idiots." The head rolling underground cursed loudly.

In an instant, a hundred and twenty black puppets, and the dark and deep eyes suddenly flashed a red light, and they invariably put away the weapons in their hands. go with.


Seeing these black iron pimples, Cheng Buyun put away his arms, and the corners of his mouth could not help but chuckled, a khaki light radiated from his body, forming a rectangular space in the passage.

This earth-yellow space is only ten meters long, three meters wide and ten meters high, which completely covers the passage.

It's not that Cheng Buyun doesn't want to expand the gravity space any more, but he can't.

The labyrinth has a suppressive effect on all Xuan Ao auxiliary abilities, especially the coverage of the limited Xuan Ao characteristics, it is suppressed to a great extent.

This is still the strength of Cheng Buyun's soul and state of mind. For individuals, the range covered by gravity space can be one meter.

As soon as the gravity space came out, the heavy pressure on the spot made the black puppet's footsteps near him heavy, as if he had entered a quagmire, and his feet could hardly be lifted. When they reacted and the body pulled upwards, the gravity space changed gravity in the next moment. It was found that the gravity covered by the earth-yellow space became normal. On the spot, there was a whirl of the east and west, and there were even three black puppets due to too much effort. Gulu 'flew up at once, and hit the white-blue wall above the passage.

"It's my turn." Cheng Buyun holding the Yingjing sword, with a smile in his eyes, he likes this place, it is built according to his strength, and he is happy to laugh in his heart.

The white glory of the long sword combined with the light green halo of the Yingjing sword itself, brilliant and gorgeous! Under such radiance, people's eyes almost couldn't fight anymore, only to see his long sword waving and quickly slashing around the black puppet's neck beside him, he cut off the other's head on the spot.

As soon as his head flew, the black puppet acted immediately, and then his body sank, banging Jinshan's legs like jade pillars and kneeling softly on the ground, then his upper body leaned forward and fell to the ground.

For a time, the brilliant halo turned and fluttered gently, and the Yingjing sword brought a white rainbow shadow tail flame in the hands of Cheng Buyun, flashing a terrifying death glory.

This group of black puppets was killed with no power to fight back. They lay down on the ground of the aisle, and only the rollover revealed that they were still alive.

Although they were cut off their heads, the **** crystals in their heads were not destroyed. It was Cheng Buyun who cut off the connecting lines of their bodies with skill, and did not violently destroy the magic array inside them. Touching their heads and necks will soon recover.

Hearing the movement, Chang Buyun, who had a long sword in his hand, saw his achievements, with a slight smile on his face, but he sighed softly as he glanced over the hands and sides of these black puppets.

There was no gain in this battle. The weapons the puppets just took have been taken into their bodies, so Cheng Buyun won, but there was no hair.

In addition to the heavy axe of the intelligent battle puppet that started, he walked to the other side and threw the heavy axe from the other side.

"Damn the robber, did you even take my weapon?" The head with a human face stopped on the ground, with a very surprised expression, asked with a surprise in his tone, don't believe it!

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