Plane Universe

Chapter 1164: Jadeite jade?

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Looking at Cheng Buyun's legs turned back and down, the glint of light flashed through the eyes of the wisdom puppet, his fingers spread out with big hands, ready to grab Cheng Buyun's legs, and then make him look good.

Once caught by it, the consequences may be terrible.

But it has to be able to seize it!

When his eyes were burning, and when he wanted to come first, when the whip legs that could be lifted by Cheng Buyun fell, there were heavy leg shadows, which made him dazzled and could not distinguish the authenticity, and finally he could only raise his arms, Choose hard block!

The arm and the whip leg touched, making a loud noise, the body of the wisdom puppet was beaten down, his right foot moved backward, and he pedaled on the floor, and he suddenly withstood all the impact of Cheng Buyun's leg.

Cheng Buyun was also shocked to retreat, only to feel that the place where the calf touched was a bit numb, and he secretly cursed: "This guy is really hard!"

Originally, his physical defense was strong, and there was a material defense artifact in his body. It was still the result. I have to say that the puppet forged by metal is really very strong in defense.

Competing with this guy who doesn't have a painful feeling, it is simply to take advantage of his own shortcomings and the strengths of the other side, and it is not worth the loss!

"Look at my shadowless legs." Cheng Buyun's right leg turned a few times on the ground to eliminate the paralysis of the calf, and then jumped into the air, a pair of feet gave out heavy leg shadows, and a lot of airflow magical power appeared in the air. , The puppet of wisdom quickly came out with both hands, left and right, the fierce fist rumbling in the channel.

For a time, I saw fist shadows flying, legs shadows heavy, but they did not touch each other.

Wisdom puppet is a random boxing attack, no matter what is in front of it, fight with closed eyes, and the magical power is like no money, so that Cheng Buyun can't get close.

"This guy!" Cheng Buyun was speechless, but he also had to avoid his sharp edge and drifted in a divine power, sometimes left and sometimes right. Wisdom puppets also turned frantically, a pair of big hands clenching fists attacking like crazy around his body, no matter where Cheng Buyun was, his eyes could no longer be seen.

Because all around him are the afterimages of Cheng Buyun.

"Endless, isn't it?" Cheng Buyun snorted, taking advantage of a gap in the other party's attack, kicking directly on the back of the wisdom puppet, letting it move, flying directly with his limbs flying forward Go, then bang on the ground with a bang, and fell a dog chew!

Cheng Buyun also took the opportunity to rush up, after the wisdom puppet turned over and stood up, a "dragon and tiger flurry" attack, the opponent's entire body stood unsteady, successive moves, the body swings left and right. Cheng Buyun's body was flashing with white light, and the wisdom puppet couldn't lift any counterattack at all. He raised his arm and tried to stop the opponent, but Cheng Buyun seized the opportunity and punched several times in his den. At the joint of the joint, a pair of arms twirled in a circle, and finally was beaten by Cheng Buyun.

"Lie down!"

Cheng Buyun's last roar, a rising dragon punch on the puppet's chin, knocked the opponent off the ground with both feet, and fell back on the ground.

Taking a few steps back, he looked at each other's miserable appearance. The puppets of wisdom were all covered with fist prints, and his arms fell a few steps away. He immediately snorted and said: "Shall we stop me?"

Wisdom puppets lying on the ground, looking at the top of the passage awkwardly at this time, Wen Yan just skimmed into Cheng Buyun and said blankly, "You won, the treasure is yours."

Cheng Buyun grinned lightly and came to the half-height stone pillar. He looked at the small pile of long stones with both eyes and stretched out his right hand, but the protective shield blocked his right hand. Outside, no entry.


He touched his chin and punched it directly, hitting the entire shield with a shock. The magic lines circulated on the shield, but they did not spread out.

"Look how many punches you can withstand." Cheng Buyun stared, directly punching dozens of punches on it, hitting the shield a burst, but the light of the shield was still the same as before, and the color did not fade. , Which made him strange.

Isn't the attack power enough?

Thinking, a burst of white light erupted in his right hand, his fist was wrapped under the divine power, and the next time he blasted on the stone pillar shield, the protection immediately erupted a burst of brilliance, the color hardly changed.

No, there is a change. Under the detection of Cheng Buyun's powerful soul, the color of the protective cover is a little bit lighter than before.

"I'm speechless, and I still need to spend divine power to get the treasure."

Under desperation, Cheng Buyun consumed a very small part of his divine power. Several tricks broke the shield and took the small long cyan stone in his hand.

It ’s natural that the treasure is protected in this way. In case you come to the lower **** who is famous for speed, is n’t the treasure in the shield easily available?


When Cheng Buyun broke the shield, a sound of wind chanting sounded throughout the passage. This clear and pleasant sound of wind chanting appeared a bit awkward, making people feel weird. Cheng Buyun turned his head to look around him, and he didn't notice anything. He couldn't help turning his eyes to the deep blue stone above the stone pillar. He said in secret: "Will the sound come from these long stones?"

Far away, he didn't think about it anymore. He took dozens of bluestones piled up in his hand and looked down. These long stones were the same size as bluestone, but the energy in them was completely different from bluestone. . Under the perception of Cheng Buyun's subtle soul, these dark blue long stones have about ten times more energy than bluestone, and their value should be ten times higher than that of bluestone, just like the difference between zhanshi and black stone, the size is equal, but The energy stored internally is very different.

And the long dark blue stone looks far away, the color is dark blue, in fact, it is held in the hand to watch at close range, but the overall color is jasper, exuding a charming halo, just like a small jade. The hands are tender and tender like jade, with a hint of warmth.

"What's the name of this long stone block?" Cheng Buyun was a bit suspicious. Should he be called Bi Shi or Jade?

Generally speaking, the name of the currency is different from the color on the currency, just like the black stone, the whole black grunt, it should be called black stone, but because the dark **** plane has black stone as the name of currency, so **** The currency is called Mo Shi, and Zhan Shi is blue, and it also conflicts with the currency of the water **** plane, so in the end it can only be called Zhan Shi, not Blue Stone.

In fact, no matter what currency, the value of that currency is equal to the energy in the currency. Even if a piece of Zhan stone equal in size to bluestone, if the energy inside is the same, it can only be equal in value and will be treated as bluestone.

Because no matter what kind of currency, it is made by the main gods of various departments, there is the power of the main **** inside the currency, and some strong people can guide these divine powers from inside to create the water drops of the main god, so ... to distinguish the value of currency, use the internal energy of currency How much is the difference.

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