Plane Universe

Chapter 1170: Heavy price

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The median artifact, even if it is a high-end product, can only increase the power divine power of the median **** ten times at most.

Since Cheng Buyun was only a lower-level **** at this time, the median artifact was higher than the lower-level artifact in the definition of increase, a hundred-fold increase.

Because the purity of the divine power of the lower god, the middle god, and the upper **** is a completely different structure, just like the difference between the realm and the immortal god, the upper god, and the main god.

Of course, the difference between the power of the lower god, the middle god, and the upper **** is not as great as that of the main god. This is just an analogy!

The power of the body exploded too high, and Cheng Buyun quickly wiped out the bad illusions in his mind, expelled him out of his mind, and stabilized his mind.

It's just that because the eruption of the divine power is too strong, he has a feeling that he can't control it. The divine power in the body is everywhere, and he can't control it at all.

Like a kid playing a big sword

This is also the reason why the human figure puppet said that Bu Yun has a median artifact, which is probably not good.


The willpower in Chengbuyun God's lattice roared loudly, and the powerful state of mind power was transferred from the god's lattice to all parts of the body, "Quiet me!"

With this mental power connected in series, the divine power running around in his body was finally stabilized. Although it ca n’t be mobilized to attack the enemy or defend itself, it will not mess up and drag back, which can make him better. To exert most of its power.

"It's awesome." The humanoid puppet saw Cheng Buyun suppressing the excessive violent divine power in his body, and was a little surprised. He said at the moment: "It is so easy to suppress, I don't know how you do it. awesome!"

"The more powerful you haven't seen it yet." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, and once again cast the phantom avatar.

"Then let me take a look." The humanoid puppet smiles, thinking he can win himself by picking up a high-level artifact.

Think too much!

But the human figure puppet, his complexion began to become serious, without the previous relaxed posture of playing.

Cheng Buyun, who picked up the middle advanced artifact, could already threaten his safety in terms of attack power.

"go to hell!"

Cheng Buyun counted his body and rushed up, once again surrounding the human figure puppet in the middle, continuing to use his housekeeping skills, moving at high speed, ready to find opportunities to attack the other party.

"Come on, don't turn around." The human figure puppet looked proudly: "Can you beat me by turning this way? Think too much."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

While the human figure puppet was talking, Cheng Buyun's three phantom avatars stopped and chose a sudden attack. The sword shadow flipped, driving an endless flow of white elements and cutting directly to the other side.

Because the space in the cemetery of the gods is very stable, it looks very powerful in the outside world. It is so strong that it can show the cracks in the space. It is impossible here.

After all, this is the graveyard of the gods. Once the space bursts, it is equivalent to destroying the stable structure of the installation itself, which will cause big problems, so it is very solid here!

"This is it?" The humanoid puppet raised his long sword and swept it, and then fisted with a fist in his left hand, which resolved the attack of the three avatars.

Cheng Buyun didn't take it seriously, his face didn't change at all, and his three avatars did so deliberately. When the opponent blocked and resolved, taking advantage of this opportunity, he rushed up again with two other avatars. The tip of the Blu-ray sword resembled a star-like star, and straightened the opponent's head brow and neck position.

These two places are the weakness of the human figure puppet. The inner position of the eyebrow is where the God Crystal is located. Once it is punctured by a weapon and the God Crystal is destroyed, it is tragic by itself.

The position of the back neck is also a weakness. It is as important as the God Crystal. That is the part where the body and the God Crystal are connected. If it is cut off, it is more tragic than the God Domain strongman, and it cannot be moved directly.

The strongest of God Realm was cut off its nerves, but it can still be restored with divine power. The head was cut off and it could fly back to pretend, but the puppet was not good.

"Don't you bully me because of how many people do?" The humanoid puppet moved sideways and stepped back, shouting his right-handed long sword to continue to block, and left and right also blasted out, "Fuck me!"

It is a pity that the swords in the hands of these two avatars shook and shoved, and their footsteps moved one after another. The swordsman chased the original attacking position.

At this time, Cheng Buyun's deity and the last phantom avatar also attacked. Among them, the attack of his deity was the most terrifying. The Blu-ray sword was very tricky and pierced into the eye of the human figure puppet.

A terrible sword, almost unbelievable shot speed, visible to the naked eye ... The human figure puppet has been unavoidable.

Cheng Buyun has too many avatars, and his skills are strong.

Human puppets don't break out and play with him, that's to death!

"Think about the beauty, stop me." The human figure puppet roared and a flame space of hundreds of meters appeared.

The flame space magic power is rising, the energy is shaking, and now the body of Cheng Buyun is bound, and the blue sword stabting at the other party becomes extremely slow.

"Damn, this is the realm of God." Cheng Buyun was helpless in his heart and had to release his realm to fight against the other side.

"Get out of here!" Before the gravity space of Cheng Buyun appeared, the human figure puppet screamed, and the flame around his body suddenly became unstable and condensed towards the middle.


"Damn it!" In Cheng Buyun's scolding voice, his body was shaken up, and after falling down dozens of meters to stabilize the main body, his clothes had become gray and black, and six phantom avatars The energy layer on the surface is also a bit sad.

"It turns out that the deity is a man." The human figure puppet flashes a dangerous light, and at this time Cheng Buyun is being fluttered, and his figure has not yet stabilized. He raised his weapon above his head and began to condense the power of the law of flame, forming A big fireball, the body also rumbling.

When Cheng Buyun landed on both feet, the human figure puppet was 20 meters away from him. The violent energy attack had been shot, and a beam of light like an energy cannon attack was exploded.

Cheng Buyun looked dignified at the moment, and his thoughts turned. In his state at this time, he couldn't dodge at all. The other party had already calculated his own speed, and his mind was turning fast. Finally, he couldn't get down. .

The light elements behind him quickly condensed, and in the brilliant light, when the energy column came to him, the light and shadow cut out.


The light and shadow of the hurried shot was only 30% powerful. When the two collided, the giant light and shadow broke after breaking half the power of the energy column.

The beam of energy hit the body of Cheng Buyun unstoppably. In the explosion, he directly sprayed a big mouthful of blood, and then his body was blasted, flying like a parabola across a space of two hundred meters, hitting the hall On the wall, "Boom", spit blood again, rebounded and fell to the ground.

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